Show absolutely pure till powder ni vcr A 0 clori than diio kandi nuj annit 11 la ellb abe ol 01 low alum if atio ahab horii ri ciu koltl aw kt V u BRANCH y A A n k IMPO and ftc i WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS in T dase A t t A A complete stock of dry goods notions boots and shoes clothing carpets wallpaper wall paper queens ware glassware heavy and shelf hardware 1 I ahi A full line of home manufactured goods always in stock mail orders promptly attended to ir in t 9 taaraal TA ArAA AAA A AAA ar 1 fr jt A hf john watson manager THE OGDEN OG DEN vv r W x x w r i A 5 5 incorporated orrick WIT Hrin couitt ooin this company owns the only com alete and conna ared set of abstract records in weber county and is to furnish on short notice abstracts oi title to land in any oart of weber county address all communications to DANIEL HAMER treasurer ogden utah A if L A A r t 1 l A I 1 t 5 we invite the public to call and examine our splendid stock of parlor furniture of which we have a carload just opened out on account of the immense quantity bought we defy competition and can positively save you money call now while the stock is unbroken JL v ta 1 x A f 2 arr t 10 LOADS OF COAL TO BE GIVEN AWAY I 1 at L farr A co s coal yard every ona tir who anya a ton of coal fava L fan A co will la entitled to a ticket with a number a duplicate of w aich will be ant into a box kept at the yard and on march ad at 2 pm a person will be selected by the ticket holders ticket at a time from the boi the first will get 1 ton of kock springs coal ad 1 ton ot lied canyon coal ad ton of rock springs coal aud the next seven will be entitled to hi ton of red canyon each our kock springs coal la certainly the best coal ia the market it burns free lias very few rock in it and but lettla aphea and is not bothered boot and in tact arlien used to it no other will satisfy our bcd canyon from this time on will be hand picked aud will be the best cheap coal that has ever been on tho market ame it is not quito as quick to born as but it hill hold fire longer and has scarcely any soot wo find that of it and fy f y kock springs choa good satisfaction our own experience lias taught us not to be without both kinds keep them separate when MB want a quick Ira wa use kock springs when we to keep a slow fire we use eed canyon by mixing the a good fire we claim that these two kinds properly used make the most economical coal both fur rich and poor the price is y and is only t we also valley and kotlier coal HOCK at yd aji 00 RED CANYON at yd 4 60 PLEASANT VY at yd fa 60 economical 5 25 IT IS TO THE INTEREST OF EVERYBODY I 1 to know which is the most economical food to give their an imala tho bast hoial teed tor winter bao is a inix tura of ground corn cob and oate they will keep in letter order on loss than to feed billier kind nn chopped to ret tho best from a row is to feed her at least a day on corn and cob and once on bran it has been proven without a doubt that the corn and cob mixture will increase alio low of milk 4 cun vinco yourself by bauni the experiment hogs fatten boston chopped rye wheat anil corn mixed or either of the latter is artter by half than for chickens whole corn w heat and rye feed once a day with chopped barley and corn mixed water ai riia oreen co ohio april food co yon request me to give my opinion iu regard to tho practical value of cormeal for feed will say that frodi my own experience the past winter in feeding twenty bead of cattle I 1 it the surest and best way to feed cattle A man need have no fear of over feeding or I 1 have fed it in large quantities to a lot 0 two year old steers fed tor beef a gain in dais tle cob assists in raising the food to be BO that it can be inore readily digested I 1 usually keep 10 or 12 hogs over winter atter cattle but last winter was compelled to feed them twi a a day my cheep did a great deal better on it than on rebelled corn cob meal in favor rapidly sly neighbors all fed more of it last winter llian ever before and all report rood re aulta A neighbor of mine short horn breeder has fed over bushela alie past winter and is very well pleased it and would not feed pure neal and bran again A V you can get all kinds of grain Aop pod either mixed or at jolin parr A co a chop mill just north 0 ogden bridge anyone purchasing aco north of fel will be entitled to a chance in the coal draft ing ballu 0 dealers in kinds of coal i 1 n n i iii F ii 11 m CAPITAL A A A ati TT r t t t t A UNDER THE LAWS OF UTAH THE UTAH LOAN and TRUST COMPANY franklin 8 ni charils charice i C richarda nils C f neplir W blayton Ol ayton tl jolin watson frank J cannon r T joseph barton r r thomas J stevena Pt evena daniel hamer MI janus it aiole lv secretary kenw g rs aticy H r 1 joeeph ajeet iI atthewS i treasurer jameal T henry U kalapp C conniel Conn sel 1 J r qu i 5 THIS COMPANY loans mone makes i vestments receives morey on certificates of deposit pays fair rate of interest on sayings and buys arid sells real estate address all communications to J JOS A WEST treasurer rah 1 OGDEN UTAH office in the broom hotel block fifth street ogden weber co A AA f ic A A if JL JL JL L A A AA r A A A A A A UTAH UNION OPERA HOUSE JAN 7 positive production of the and orfa THE BLOCK n an musical comedy bloedt maker scott t the pretty latue quoit ol 01 bonelle Toie lher with fie select coterie of comedians aud urania lc that idaile ibe allx bit in kew york lacot abill filid abay E 1 MANAGER A great play Newa canery jilee Pinc comical ul etl A gret a rauni ery runny with 0 vocal terna novel fat arii and tork arcs ian borm ahe herad A satt s at xauer beir adolt alom 1 I stain and aur h S i OGDEN GROCERIES PRODUCE and FRUITS we sell out our goods every few weeks and constantly receive FRESH STOCK I 1 goods promptly Prompt lj delivered when ordered and particular atten tion given we fidall be pleased to serve you at LOW PRICES diamonds and fine jewelry ELGIN and HOWARD OGDEN OG DEN S F B Amir oGisT ockler lu drugs and and all kanda of toilet Artic loB OT sa e r ful arl IN such aa alie hobt popular sold aio ft sons col cat tt co kald burnetta Bur ff Gise ma a call and yourselves ega k lo 10 bour own I clr t th r tului tr lui Iri flUe n J ur amount la or lot t atti i bulur r non th do nt j tr or tal t ur 1 I 1 FB allum iiii maln altti outlook for 1889 huftle while you lava alie leya are no birds in eggs let the past be buried the baturo alono concerns us BO with many thanks to our favors we turn oar attention to the present to low our customers that wo jo nob intend ilo lf encourage any vegetable I 1 ander our feet we 0 come to alie front alio tho fk year with an announcement of lower kattar KAtt wr t prices we cloae on jan jakini ta kini and aa we are heavily over s re r bioc ked ire nil 6 5 make a special sale at prices th atwill you until that dale fot the y 2 3 daya ilont alny a single article at any other place until you have called lo 10 see our price and you w ill aae money levery time athla is no business hut a genuino elfort to lesBen Block hy y j dont jail to call jj ury goods to ahe beular ciurea on february lat bous SONS lt i X I 1 1 l W N S 14 f f y ya 5 at it t m 1 a t tt P S t I 1 xhi f 51 v r n as ai i a 1 M 7 poa ms best for AT THOMAS cloaks all kinds of WRAPS AT CT PRICES to suit purchasers amse HOWELL TC New markets ogden attah FOR UTAH furT 1111 DAVIS VERTICAL MACHINES THE BEST ON EARTH I 1 all on them anil tea haply 0 ork done oa or ir t |