Show OF clr and from territorial and the nevada next monday C P railroad business is reported as slack by the nevada papers alie old and new towns of bozeman montana are to be connected by an iron tauai bridge spanning the gallatin river mrs Stanfort li and her daughter clara ero chinking cabin at almy wyo a few days when the ladden slipped and with the mother fellon the erit croshin her to death i i 3 clung who of na partner i and countrymen on creek idalio adit november was shot and killed last icek ou the clearwater resisting arrests john J ofarrell of marens baly and superintendent of the syndicate mines at anaconda montana died on the anaconda and isette were bolli in mourning until after alie obsequies it is said john Magu irol lias made arrangements for the charley mitchell the kew idaho bays the whiskey has all froze up and we are compelled to thaw it out and eat it with a spoon the liquor has not lost any of its vitriol like strength by on alie night of the octh alt john lenhart kilion kd section bink house at livans too wye alio in but was followed by the overtaken captured and brought bickfo bick to jail A washington territory j audgo lias decided that a railroad company cannot to benco It strack to keep stock olf that all stock found on the track are trespassing tres passing etc common lay A officer tl provo aco dwa big cow and calf to tho ct tray pound a few daa ago having found them running at large in the streets lie did not know they were hia lill after they were up and then ho had to pay the costs thoi provo bays they fell pleasant valley coal in ogden cheaper than people can bev it in provo this la one of the hidden mysteries construction work on he salt lake A castern in parleys canyon haa bian abandoned for tho winter alio llio rails being laid op to near I 1 laraya lard ya f |