Show aa ithell silva suit in M MY STILL for adultery a mormon gets thirty months while SL THE OF COSTS ls fur a galik i J aceb EIS A THE SKIPS ablit broom t lew store senke cita bill cai contract itt i fiaui FIRST DISTRICT COURT is ahli op alie bilu libal aasc 4 alie first district court in athis city january sil at 10 a m abe case of alie corinne mill canal stock s mary J williams WM ou motion 0 U W at alie ce 0 jolin messervy Mesi ervy 8 U A all U ky continued ih alie casu 0 james M B i ailva libel the portion ot the day alie evi alence was dunar lie fore noon alter which mr J N kimball opened the argument for plaintiff pre bention a very alear casa sir J W bendett followed for defend jint iio reviewed tle testimony laving birtic uliar ansa uon the libelous libe luus letter baj admitted alie jury binet take how much alie liaci been by the expressions express iona ia the letter had been written while defendant waa under the sling ad by the interfering v etli relations that ac orjin to iati ther letter brought him inore business alian ever before ho bought after that hero lie biad never been able to buy before acter famed alie answer to the question how much has ho been injured would show abit lie had not been if any damage were aund abey coula only be nominal mr kemball concluded hie argument or closing alsko pid I 1 the cohrt charged the jury eliat il one man charged another to bo abbie and he ia tug defence cannot 01 does not attempt to the charge jie ia galiy of libel and liff is entitled to some damaia tha jury examine the letter and lonstrup Lon it as they would under ehod its contents TO the letter written to them the court also what is called privileged communications by illustration no that the jury could determine the claim ot defend ant to aba effect that the letter nas a communication the occupied twenty anin utes A woi II 11 faug hao of M convicted by his i guilty to 1 throe indictments lor no lanful cohabitation and one or adultery was call calli i ed or sentence mr represented that tha first indictment covered a portion tt the second though defendant had pleaded cuilty mi cetera did not duj sentence on the fi rat indict and the cleric was ordered to enter a withdrawal of tho plea and a of that case that left as yet three indictments indict menta air kimball stated that the lat in for unlawful cohabitation and the one or adultery were found by the grand jury upon defendants defend anta own voluntary statement alco that but two appeared on tho other indictments aal consid i oration benivento alia tact that lie had baked a great deal upon questions rom alie court de 1 fondant stated na ac yera of age ae a naturalized citizens the data of bin plural marria pcs vero and his geft aas bon bo n iu april hia last wife ft aa 37 years of aad i ibe court elated that alie 1 government overn ment had proceeded proe eded nainah librn aa early as ISS i yet he bad con tinged bin illegal relations lie had ito undo the past iiii bo ben band alick yeara ant court would BO arriage arri uge it eliat it would be served out in two and a years court aben sentenced him on atha i charge of adultery to imprison or two yeara and six months filid payment of conta on alie two hargea ul tal cohabitation lie waa to ix im alie of costs in cacci ems alie bent now and be buffer nd bercinc tor adal tery this hie aggregate or two years and eix raon tha and the payment ot niia of and eonta wio kheen alio had pleaded guilty to adultery was called for BCD that lie bail looked into the matter and considered that in this casa it would cje but just lo 10 bigpond Bent euco aurini good lia on payment af costs the sentence of mark hall con ictor of voluntary was cotil jan tha court tout a until alie jury tn ha cie should report y at 20 uila hie jury was till hanging on the fw and no verdict will be reported until 10 am moraine if at all catholic hwa Banin ff night uie st branchi of the catholic af fd option hold annual banquet at thiera ere annaa cigut n or fuenty and tAini liea upon his occasion occa siou ciu linnian took the opportunity ct pr earning air jacal conlisk with uie earn provided by arb for the louing at the late election fur a old at the catholic fair did a a neat eluo afi li which was greatly cheered by choso pies jack responded in his peculiarly happy f tyla to the breit jelile Je lilt of alio assembled guests at this moment sir an noun ceil hit alio banquet was ready jack took atio leal le al as they alwayn do and n repast was partaker partaken par taken of by the arty from the dinini room aliey all filed into the parlor where lie jainle hail prepared a surprise sur the walls and carter brothers and mr will were beaded in the rooan with their guitar harmonica and triangles 1 here were six of them and aliey do lighted the audience with alio sweet strains they hae eo axell learned 0 o produce until the clock tolled the andin ib hour some very excellent selections were also auns by mr don mrs V V helfrich and one of the carter br othera after which the happy parly broke op and repaired to their homes STORE SYSTEM scon 0 o tx in isih terri lor while mr john was spending a few la california lie took occasion to ilia limson consolidated batore fen ice in operation in djin francisco this ei etem does aay entirely niah cash boisard a th outing of cash it of a number of roual liolion boxes which will roll on an constructed of from any in the detoro to tho cashiers eliy k brero alie Is laken out iho correct cliance and by touching a spring it returns mr Scott croft ery Interest eU in the matter sought out iho san francisco abent anil inquired oi him why tho 8 stein had not been introduced an fn utah ho vas eliat throng enorata to introduce it had been madu in ho territory some three eari ago but isloa of vere the only firm hat biad ex pred a to it As it would dot pay to seiad a min m in out for one firm nothing vas done in hie matter in the conversation which ensued sir scow croft stoned up the of business in the territory luring tin past three eare and expressed himself uon that hie bet ni could be introduced now on request of the abent air scow croft furnished him the names of a number of prominent business men in aden ball lake loan and broo he also ordered aee nicefor hia store on slain street alie aceal he bould have alio material shipped here come out himself and engage local mechanics in it and then alar the lases oillie system were thui openly displayed many merchants would introduce it in their establishments yesterday mr received a to be in his stole biad leen hipped aliat day thus alotti er modern improvement will bu introduced trod in the territory alen taking the first edep in that direction khouli alia enterprising spirit of ono of her most business men lie lias cume to slay alie fol loning complimentary notice of mr raymond hie gentleman who intends erecting a creamery in ogden this coming spring appears in Uia AorA minnesota the people of lubeno B ill reithel very anuil to learn that V M dav mond lisa moved away from and idock county air baymond lias lor years been closely connected willi the business lutei cats of luvero and lias occupied many places of honor aad trust and always with credit to himself and entire ista clion to ilia public As an active member of tha village council aad as president of the board of the public never lad a or component com potent servant As a of the public lie haa ever been brank en conservative serva tive enterprising and honest 04 the board of education of lie pendent district of inverno lie ha been a most dt aad active tam ber ith mr departure luverne lias lost a prosperous man and a highly respected citizen and uth territory ibe placa to which mr 11 goes ft ill gain an honest upright public worthy of the respect of alt its stiens iti ens the people of Lii verno parted with mr and mrs very while everybody joined in wishing all the and prosperity they BOI richly deserio in their new and more western home thia ho fourth danl dramatic association bill present ala plea Bins drama our aay in alio llio ward school elioue alie of itaco been laboring dili genelly 1 become thoroughly acquainted quain ted with the play aliey asli to present that the public might ha plead with their efforts and lend ilg valuable aid to the objects the asso 1 aaion lias in view As before stated they are two fold first to obtain some means whereby to assist ho building committe comm itle under whose management hie new mccaine has been ere bid in for the labor aid material on ami in building alie second to provide entertainment it home after the drama which la replete with amusing incidents liin closed alie lan biblo birce tim alert thelt ml be put on the it is to bo limped with the bamo buccola alio company at last entertainment somo of the old attorn arill take part both in the faroe hie support of alio nard and all inter edited in the good work and desirous of an evening most pleasantly w asked by the management of the association sweet music afler alio b at hie broom last evening J II 11 S I 1 anda T carter A and A J watts and will hydo ine a A and rendered beautiful their guitars and alius helping lo 10 ajsa nay I 1 ho long and ji airy libura of unlimited tuil bos your kindness is ap ted your fa es will always bo Ioui fi on new years number of the the thurid ard hired a genuine surprise on arn W W dunec forta or ariy if them repaired to the and broke in upon cirmo who as soon a a he first surprise bia subsided wel coined to the best that llin aioo could afford alio house atas filled as ono expressed hini alt from cellar to garrelt tho ladief in an presentation snoe cli tendered sirs bunga an elegant reail int chair and bablo as a tolien of their respect and esteem for her tho evening was alien spent in a musical entertainment dancing and alio llio games until I 1 in alio morning aimont choso lio greatly added to tho success of alio llio surprise v era sirs frill jt lisa li estoll arm jessra Mes sra silra and and prof newall lie three latler performing the functions of heavy babos the ariso waa complete the evening waa pleasantly spent and each ono de blat the plan had been most successfully carried out and that each biad been benefited by it during alie year twelve regular monthly 0 50 cents a behare or lave been declared on on k this makes alie total f r the er and the grand otal to dite an agro eato of con Fe cutie dividends OJO tl e regular monthly 13 payable on it ia of 25 centi a share apt re gating and makes the total of daly dividends for tho year or it for abe entire nearly snoie ira on raober lolli lie alli dividend on crescent stock waa declared it aggregated or 3 centa a making the total of dividends to ato of alie amount of dide paid ear and alj lotsis to adte are as fol BAIT cae aest for ilia coll DOC to a aji liua ukley a intel year ia froia ditirro of 2 ats aaa a bruj atal to au af au id all from park citha mines wo like to know where lloid aldow ing can ba excelled park cites their infancy leat any others in the world our promie mining te clion will boon take off its lw and get into panta as it were burk riia nue A dance giden the sunday school li ildren 0 L in the v ard aliouse in tho afternoon of new yeara ilay in the evening another dance was rien or the adults our iiii the past ear a series of questions liaa been given with the that those of the students tg who answered alio test ol 01 these questions receive a prize in alve of alio most diligent received a handsome and valuable axil eacle gaorge washington history 0 iceland to the three organists of the were also the recipients 0 presents as token 0 appreciation for their services than a of binalver Bin aller prizes took place among added to came a bark 0 nuts and cw dy for alie music given by jeene S brown otto lund and the southwell was tendered free of barge ibero were owna e hundred children present after the danco waa avor mr V D shaw o arved au excellent slipper at his res ilc rca for the the nog oneff infinite pleasure to every participant adding bilk tuesday afternoon now years jay sir thomas feeny one of the benial of the hrubin hotel aid miss kimball daughter of kimball of salt lalo city ecru united iu alie bionda of holy at all hallows Collee oi salt balco city byll tev father kloby A reception was givel the happy pair at the residence of parents pAren ls A number of friends and immediate relatives were fathered at tho reception and after spending va of mutual they departed with and veil wishes for that day been made one tho nappy couple cacace lo 10 ogden the follon iiii ly and took up their residence temporarily at the droom hotel henceforth they will bo robi dents of and amid tha of their anany friends BrA MURD welcome to their new leoine lonn lita and unbroken happl nees bandt ball tomorrow to morrow evening day jan jtb the aret af a benea u dancea to bo during the pt january and february will begien in the docial hall the of danced is to creato a fund for the chai of coal for hie poor of the city tho epen acs wll be about 1 l all alie proceed abbie this will bo put to buu side aud u cd in rom time to almo as nce deil this movement in very creditable and should receive the libarty support of all who haio a feel ins of and sympathy fur those who are in less favored circumstances it s to be hoped flint danio caien saturday Batur day during two months named will e lartey attended aliat fund may bac ll 11 to proportions that can provide hiel during athla winter tor all who aro unable to obtain it by their own et fort slop eliat souie party or parties ou the northeast end otrio bentli are in 10 lo hallit of in thai vicinity almost nightly some denizens who aro belated bacomo alarmed at tha loud ond if ali in not immediately boia will be taken to biant tho pary to law it will not tako inora aliani a sabbath days journey lie boulli baat toner of liberty huaro tu reach the abode of the care iau alio bad belter be ayro accorded the merit duo to of the citha A aeby finn alie osden paint oil annl laas the front aliey will anil carry op at lie blare now occupied by J a houtz cliatt gentleman hii into the now firm |