Show sunday atlan nn A dance was riven the sunday school children of anne in the ward school house in the afternoon of now yeara day in the evening another dance was given lor the adults aur aue the past year a series 0 questions has been riven with the understanding that those of hie students who answered the greatest crea test number of these questions should receive a prize in pursuance of five of the most diligent received a handsome and valuable book each george washington history of ingland alie three organists of the ere alethe recipients 0 presetta pre as token ot ap for their services then a general distribution of emiller prizes look adaoag iho children added to which came a sack of nuts and candy for the music given by jease S brown otto lund and the mouths ell Br othera aa tendered roe of charpe were some three bundred cli ildren after he dance nas avor aira 1 beaw Br arvel vel an etrel lent supper at hia res decca for the musicians and teachers rho affair was oco of infinite pleasure to eiery |