Show t A T j z CELERY COMPOUND arx A durable CURES PROOFS P IK neuralgia i cur 1 uv nor economical i it tk air k V r K B J H L 1 ar diamond edyes urty alt nervous W rt ill ylli durity 1 aptness ast ness prostration Pio etc ann ann aing we carr bet I 1 none ar just M exia of 1 I 1 01 n are nule sf i 1 iiii rheumatism amuat ifft inu nil kiil A v IV beal hu cioc colura eael j 11 IA jwuc me more y mal kr py bil B il simple t fucci rc liuo clr the fineff diseases beuic isif ammitt ink or cluing r ct a diun tic itald by drue lua tatu or ly S CO AND n pune st kr lon fancy article USE all liver liver DIAMOND disorders tal civi t bronie only 10 conr 7 HA CLEARING UP Our Snoe stock our pairs of shoes placed on our Bargrain counters you who are acquainted with our mode of doing business know what this means call early to secure and sizes CLARK SHAW y bedew bo Q 3 H J K in ir r ir ar A axy tt H aru aado aili at 1 l lo 10 i iff tj 1 u laft r t t I 1 rufu it irwy ili i A s in buying your goods of F IF T Y B i 03 i lol A ta ola aia a 41 4 L E A BONG n u 10 alie by D like garter for ladies lv leave given iati eliou t for aule h aall farst ciaio dealers in I 1 liefl lii fl hample sent by of jl ahk berf COD it ft JL W B I 1 y Ws easy io superior tm strength A alif tr jr iii t 0 1 fastness ma C FO r beauty AND it stomach and boli i simplicity tolt acy alc 91 no liy I 1 CO r to 0 o alor anoro rm fany hoi to elna eln 1 I 1 1111 ailon uk forslu for flu r baba portrait s waif color loe etch i taril V if tw ly ailt CO berh vt ii tin 11 if lil etab ainu fr DIAMOND PAINTS lavt gl G l broff capr only la ct V police 0 o 0 oro cents for wheat 41 n lot wits and W conta for hatley SHAM children cry for pitchers castoria man with poor horsa to ban with fat horse what do you 3 our lioret alli 7 corn no in he mouth after it ais hean climp awl at joni KARR A cos mill vl ogilee uridge tick vead saiad inan gafill our arlo harily fruit aud kenck ll alno e bew celtic e not to re mogel lc mii salary or coin m will bent or rullel rUl rel L L aara co nars timea od 3 iiii alun hest school shoo in america lilile SHAW artoria cures colic constipation eructation gives healthy sleep and promotes without injurious medication notice is hereby aheu that lie pen oral annual the north 0 ilen irrigation company will he held in tle at ailen in weber county and utah territory on monday hie ath day of february 1889 at I 1 i in to hear ahe annual of alie direct ora ta approve ot the by to transact such kotlier business as may cortee before the mc etine ALF liED barrett A Direct ora alfried alli ON N wlliam gelsler GEl fLER 1 gaco S VEw Secy dated at north odan butali january ad 83 uw aw n A comans womans discovery another wonderful discovery lias been and eliat too by a lady in this county disease fastened its iain her and for beveral slie withstood iti it i severest teang lait her vital organs were undermined aind death deemed three months sho cou glied incessantly and not sleep she ofus a lottie 0 dr kioes new dis for consumption aej wa wai i so relieved on first dose ahat slie slept all and willi one toltie lias been caned aj name IB mrs lutz W C II amrick co of N aget a ree trial bottle iti driver A soa u brug store x herf riad na wt av hiir collona Co slona ho n oa chaj alia trl I tvr castoria ekla abo became mliss sho clung to ho ima children atu aavo buim if you ernnt ivall alpe or i coop co op A lo 10 it THAT G COUGH can be 10 tiered by care ive it for salo by V 11 hu alb ait main st 8 locia lo cia backless Bac klens arnica salve aniie SALVE in the world for uta bruises salt rheum eier sores c liacos all elin eruptions anil positively ures piles or DO pay required ll 11 JH to ave perfect r refunded 25 cents cr box for aile ly m driver A ion ly buy worth of cigars at the limits grocery co and fret a chance 0 win acif elegant avater pitcher free dsola dr B aia ke n hla new discovery for consumption in producing a medicine acknowledged by all to bo dimply it is exceedingly peasant to the taste perfectly harm aaa and does not sicken in all ases of consumption coughs col Is whooping cough croup md pains in the client it has given dr Bosan kos bough and lung syrup is sold at 60 enta by win driver son when you a pleasant physic ry st patricks lA tricks aills bior rale by lui driver son and all leading FOH and liver coni plaint you have a pointel pr intel an every bottle of t never fails to enrol bior sale by F main at IG om M J r notice 4 f T y 11 i OUDEN am dec to oie ari hank of ogdan the annual meeting of ala stock lil Jera bt hie kirbt nathonal huuk of ogilee for alia docton to i ill be held att ita banking tuesday januita alli at 10 a in B II 11 S yola 1 td cashier you desire a pleasant physic arst illas for balo by win driver A son WHY WILL husli ou sli when cure will lie re relief its and 1 for sale by F I 1 alain bt 8 ib lini notice hereby given that in iny the cl animal w lucli if not and by lie obiter or oneia len ilas roni tle ilat of notice fl ill be gull at public lie ita host na aylah an 0 bay mule or lueara alj brand resembling L on roll araud saddle anaik ednajane ed njane six incites long one rod ciper about 2 ear old branded left aba trop off ejr and and left cur whits on ally balo will tako place on be U dec 1833 din city allt at 0 o lo 10 k p in asih cily apher county UY 1838 monds i I 1 muoi city koceper officio at city hall nhat you need lor constipation of appetite dizziness Dizzine gs and fall of ario 10 and 75 cents fsr hottle for eale by V U llort bat st a 10 GUI liny mckito itol kleile clity anro alo lit coop co op A co ut NEW jan 2 abero la a remarkable fl ory ot alleged bribery in labor nilion in lel nuo hie bobb br enerA in order to raise a pool a beer bo colt lias been is saito imell aceil alio ranni lilar ill publish ft our ar anlo on alie A r kolio kt lio von and secretary Itei feit of hie bosa brewers arb with bribery the nu irber ol 01 central libor unions dele silea d ia eaid to bo citero ibar on lit ivar rah jan 2 all lie tr aJera ino to an attack tta lie ly the co irilda Ir ilKa diann lie liblit of the acre killed and intili property pru perty cirnat 0 m reported along the coastline the fildi alion at ia is bo coining arec tin Anan liM it CHICAGO jan 2 the conducted of conspiring to willi dynamite inspector llon field aud juds gary and grinnel was refused a new trial anden in lie penitent biary sixty daya vaa allone foe cling a bill of biti at hint jan 2 Tod iyall hie dies nuin bering between and WO used dorinn lie ear lh 8 in tho united states mint were destroyed under of bupt fox in the presence of the chief coin erand tho tt ohio jan 2 miss mary H of wakeman ohio meinberg of ilia atlass at oberlin foliot and hilled iier beell at her lio inami claie this afternoon is assigned as the rause A pleasing sense 0 and aal of ettee and comfort follows alio use of syrup of rig as in harmony nature to ileanne hie system alien cost i 10 or bilious lor ulon all ealing dekl nuila OF UTAH COUNTY OF box alder s s in alio llio court lu anil for box kider lunty n the mutter ofilio of juhu stauf r deac cd notice 1 hereby elten peter A linker iho or latoof hu a under decou alim rendered md aud lloil ill alii u tali exl account dorhla fall lule da B forth mie la la condi Uon in ruil that n or alir ld to be 1 to B belr it lil dt ceil ud praying or k jal alx of eald cutaio ua that i mastbe jay of january lafy at rea u ilu k ria ol 01 raid day at lie court mm of ald court at the hueu eliy in raid box uday by the judge court lor the or ld nc aid for a itald ette it lime id ilace tu baal ei teuny appear and abow causa why the id khorll not be approved wed and K aud a decree of MI be residue of kill esiau li 0 clr ol 01 mid d 11 rayed or la id to law butth dated december fait ICE 10 ESTATE OF X jarld chugg joller 1 given liy 1 ho of ibe elt of tavla UX ilc cael to the tors ud fall havlick abul lh ahill ill to exhibit tho nc cery rB oatha after alio llio first publication 0 ahl no ddom t his lu the the me beaux itie parco lor abo of e bai areia 0 bald claro lu bc fadd chuu of weber of the of l laufe dec alli its OF THE LN mm and clail ol 01 ibe territory 1 utah M her county laura A cooper plaintiff it A ira C cooper 1 tie peaple of alie 1 of itah lend rn alue tu alta C cooper you lo 10 appear la aa you by the boio in ibe tho artt ol 01 the of aej to the complaint aleu aly exclusive of the lay of tC acice ice cje ou K or 11 feied ihla county bat lu lin lct y luny by lault till betten bet ten alliba alli bt TOU rarer 0 ilia bald 1 broutt tt to butla the ii court you tall tha boada ol 01 marl noby bt streu reu and lor 0 RUU elliut abe li to decree or 0 our h on or ferit of donsted lud ba adad and ever to alvo leparte nl apart without her and lir vr ud uller ij streby made tl ibe compla lut in ale herein aud you aro hereby boll lct hut 11 you allol appear and ai rbuce required alio aid will apply 10 ibe court ur tho calet vineis the lion henry p ilia comtoi bo birtt judicial la abid lor ihfe of this day t la abo arar ol 01 our aird ODO lioa iud bundred abil ael II 11 H cerk N tauner jr attorney for N OF THE county a abo matter of the and mry crown lbrown mlton order to bhoj cauko it to till chirt icom hie pa atlon of cinc a i howo li of lie erous ero kud uy aad laotto Laj tto brodu minor anil lu thlin court nil icib aty 0 A D ISM tor an order cryil belou glue to her lala akril bit it I 1 b to hilj butil clial u ild ral b tolli it 18 cereby iho dal or to hilj aud ull la lu calil before court on monday the ath dy of Jlii uary aw t ten 0 clock a in tt aitio court ot thag court city coasty ul br aej allory or latti ehni aej cheru to why Q nijer abt bo ial and it la t that a copy of atil order he nt arut uisu a or our ellirt ald ly 0 a ud in the 01 klaeui Kl eui county 0 aber nd territory u eliiah ISK L W hal J uddo 0 county ot ekr I 1 J clerk ot ali probate court in anil jar the id county of ather do hereby cyrilly ills ail into nl corri corr i coily ot hie ui blouw baue la iho mutter ihn and ol 01 miry brown kud Lafy elto fulcd aud lu my olund oa abo ih ly D L my nl the kel mv iliin iino emiil Eji Il arten cat alti ulti ebli alli aty of lff mur A als DANIEL ariceto na ol 01 utah comity 0 box eldr eld r ald 0 1 lyeki by th auiler lan and of be caiato or janetti ileon wil to hie BUI nil pr aid to exhibit tatia with ilia tea alter alio llio fint conof ahli notice to or at the i of alty flox Ct idOly utah 1 I Hini itt 01 bo ditto of joseph liolu atel t acty im it 11 borsi lor lh kilala doll cw alio dry calil of alie early winter months is ot 1 deal of croup aanon children mothers f bo on alio for it prepared to arre ft efort ear arno croci irver faitha in licul n ft alny or ano before alio attack alie nill become coarie anil that n matoin ii soun followed by n rough cough if couch ia rhan as edonas ali or cobeli all dimmer majy be avoided it lias ingver failed eian in the inott beierke cap there ia no dapper in gibing the Ilein edy for it coritina coi itina no 1 leby wm driver son and all leading and bronchitis immediately relieved by for sale by I 1 it hurl ant main st s IG cin A aad for rich and poor who fisli to en joy good lielah liel th ami who do nut ciali to resort to bitter nauseous liver medicines and cathartics is the doucen liquid aruil remedy syrup of digs for lame back side pr chest we Shi loha plaster price as cents for bale by F ft slam street s lo san care far piles JL itching piles are euli oy moist ore lile producing a ve disagreeable itching after petting warm this tonn a s well as blind bleeding and protruding piles at to the of dr iso bankos pile hemeda acta directly ajon lie parta aal acted absorbing tho tumors allaying the intense itching and a permanent cure 60 cents address the ur bo sakiko Medi cue co liqua piqua 0 sold by ani driver A son butali 1 I leavo been all over alie city looking for choice giwer iea and 1 jnue found that tho higgins grocery co on street leep tha and block and the lowett dont fail to call on jou new new boodt and sa djou nh milling and elevator coro pay no cl IM tier bushel in cali for wheat delivered atie advance roller mills in A NASAL INJECTOR free matli each bottle of SLi loha beroa ily price 50 tents fur salo bv V 11 main st sig giu A kuhn bro pay cash price lor hides elta and furs of all lindi call on liem and get instructions how to landle furs most advantageously f sioney saved is money made you pa a do so in buying our goods 0 A kuhn arob abe oldest bouso in alie territory bro ani w ill box alder and laft it lurly I 1 frail gevond eli tion 01 he next four or diio lo 10 ajr aliis al work will alt aso resene their orders orlinm before buyink elsewhere call on A anlin cro an 1 ret their prices they will aae you W per mint on your purchases at cukro and babet breath secured by Il emedy arice 60 cents sabal injector free for sale by F U harl it stain st s 16 am ono of alio largest carried in hie territory by A anlin kroa atho can suit ou in all lines eilas 8 ampe aery and wina depot aure grato wines and hest lionly grae vines in butali jj N willard utah and be convinced A anlin alro will eave you money on all your wearing apparels al bouce I 1 leave in ray alio llio follo ini animal to uit one red heifer two ears past branded on left leip T and on left eide of body 2 aquaro arop air left ear K said animal Is not claimed and talen away in fifteen dayn from date f this ditico it nil bo sold at public auction to the highest aaili bidder at pound jan 1511 wi antt n weber co dec solli 1888 we just a large block of rubber of all A kiihn alro to lu you out tor at buy your ladies and childrens wraps aoi and all itoda of ci aith yn iw get a diat to your tato at n boason ible price A knon A I 1 ro heap Stets and knox hats iu otillia oti lloa at ro ari oni hiis for sale fio acil ot cow 8 steers and or will exchange for shpen i tor hirt lier anly to J dav or V foulger A if WILL YOU yul n lt matli dye depsia binl lir Hii loha balizer ta lizer is to cure yon for said by t U main st blocki to you want to aaa 50 fer cont on conr or an thing in our line fc kalm liras tit THE II 11 of InJia ys and SHIL aun corsale by V V hurlbut main st cm au watt i t lt brtek about alio llio jw auf behlund him vio ud luehr lUK hr it will lio lo 10 her til cor with ditc itc I 1 hait alv ine proof 0 afe deich will bd JOSEPH OlBO Oft ocilio fatte 0 abo late walt county jaches n for burns fresh Stron ff facts awl Roial tn cut R I 1 fu 11 II wal la U lamplot tin bante tun co ppul yoni bt amb oil U 11 uj ud lah ba abo W itell tui jiu 1 I ru roa adir trilus ua ar ot ul IT jr v aws by IL luck till tall ui af t at i oil ul BB AT ra N CHARIES A W ilio treatment of catarrh ia iry aa lion sands ot patients can testify on thia ioina a trustworthy ind licit wrier sta Pro iier ii positively but ii bany i not most 0 alio re ineil us in mi 1 y all lul A cure cannot be expected from i anil klyn cream euln is a remedy i atie 0 iiri tive illi pel ta t a aal to aliu patient lla y anny i sei are colias ali eyrly winter abid permit alein to liani nn persistently ull tt inter tl 0 junirs anil wiy for catarrh ra or consumption no yno can airone to neglect a calil A single 1 ottlo concu ily aill anro hie root s vere auld anil usta lint soilo 1 or fatale by win rASon aej all learlin le ailin torii the verdict unanimous r W D suit lean kechic hitters as ilia cipry bett bet t rei neily vv ery bottle his given i i akl in every case onn man bix bodies abil wan cured of nt 10 ear fit anding Ahra liam ciaro belleville olibo alie baisl I 1 have ee in iny 20 eari experience ia ISit tora of others have testimony PO aliat alie is aliat Elif tri bitters 10 lo curo al oj tle only a bottle at wm aej sons drug store holiday rates the union pacific the overland route ull sell tickets to points on it lines in utah within a railing of JOO miles dec and january boj oad koani onla on date and poid boid to january ard 3rd inclusive at one fare or lie hound trip an Also latt |