Show A vaililo inet tariff washington jim 2 in accord ance with a resolution previously lie senate nial lani and ceded at to the discussion of the tariff the cotton being alio one under consideration in alio course tot the debate stew art bald he found the question BO intimately connected with ahe question of money that he WAS unable to separate the t no he proceeded to road aspeci li on alio subject of alver coinage at alio loo of jonca read from tha testimony of a cotton manufacturer in georgia mr will 11 your elbow lag that liis inilla laid been barnin tar nin am rano dividends ler cent yinru 1870 thai alie tariff aas of no advantage to libin and it lie were to malto ilissoo boarke cotton goods aliat are sold in Ei iland he could bell them in make a good profit on atheni that alio reason hy cotton inilla pid cucci lara dividends divi denda did not pay more than iwo of alie wages paul to in new Lo gland jones stated in reply aliat the testimony phoned the southern aero content with their and did not KO on anhilo etero coni inon iu new england En the debate then continued at bome length dinK sections of the country liebing participated in hv morall teller vest vanco coke alcieon All hoar and chandler finally the bill was laid aside without action pending amendment ahe presiding officer baij before the senate a message from the president in regard to correspondence on the subject of the treaty knitli china that was pending last september the reading of the message was interrupted by Pher ruan who suggested aliat it an diat ter presiding officer ingalls said it been sent to the senate in legislative session but that it would be laid on the tabla tor further examination the senate alien adjourned the message mentioned above contained nothing new except lie translation of a cipher messana dated sep lember 21 paying ahat china would not consent to ratify the treaty unless further time was given fur discussion of the proposition to leancu tha term of restriction |