Show they insist that alio new cabinet senatorial and other tors of hamson unita itina j adil lie managers anil arn boie FOR ali breitm carh suaan JB altia y it by assod irosa to alb comei and cacs aul I 1 jan 5 the duet interest here today to day centered in the senator Ili acock who arrived from washington at and droe direct to tho residence of the dent elect arriving about 1 just in time to partake of alio v laeal luncheon oer the and guest repaired to the library where they remained closeted together in earnest conversation until quarter past three when the senator took li is leai e no third party was present during the long conference therefore no one is able to atala dively what passed between un lees one or lie other chooses to divulge general II arrison talked reely of the visit to an associated press correspondent this evening but taid nothing not already known the inquisitive correspondents did not succeed in interviewing the senator their efforts in aliis were zealous enough but almost barren of results as the senator whose carriage never left the door during liis long conference broo droo rapidly to he dei armed there he had to pass a bordon of reporters who lay in wait to their numerous inquiries ha simply eaid gentlemen kiy visit was an uneventful one both politically and personally these are tho words three of atie correspondents who were present attribute to him they agree that the gentleman was ap paren lly iu a digi di gi untied state of reind either real or assumed lie boarded hie train or Cl evelind his apparent ill hainor is not chronic nith him when considered in cinie lion the complacent frame 0 nu nil in which tho write discovered general II arrison only art hour or BO later is more than lie words attributed to tho UK senator after a long days conference with several distinguished public aneo it would seem but natural hut general show sini of fatigue and the absence of his urbanity but on the contrary he was without sign of worry or bior A good many of general sous close friends believe alie cabinet is about finished and if these incie dents are of any interest or value aliey to strengthen this view of the situation the day brought another senatorial pilgrim iu the person of preston E plumb of kansas who arrived inor from the west ilia enco with general harrison wag less than an lour and he left at 2 for washington in an interview senator plumb bald he merely stopped over to have a general talk with tho president elect lie was not any name for a cabinet position kan had no he was in favor of an extra session of com areas and beli eed the party and aubi he necessity bould induce president harridon Harri aon to call congress together he was in avor of a iM and early investigation of the colored vote in tho south jie thought would eit at abo head of the new cabinet another visitor of was lion W field of detroit if lie cancu hero with a f wi il hei kept it to himself he talked freely lio never andraid among oilier bilings he had no doubt n but that geo algar would comprise of president ho was eti ully positive in his opinion that alaine would be secretary of slate another waa lion II 11 A II awkins of Tenne gaeo alie lately defeated ita publican candidate for governor of that beato mr went into the bouthern situation at considerable lecich in talking the president and is in favor of au cx of congress and a speedy of what ho terms tho outrage perpetrated upon alio ko voters of and oilier i batea at alio llio lata election ifo babi alie fraudulent counts 0 alie votes of BIX countie maiero be liipa pOP 10 ia largest canid hid lafeat county officers t selecting lie election judged and tho two great parties appointed nono but decio brats what alie ti the cays blaw lins id a national election aw that will lake il and al elc tion machinery entirely out of the lianda of the stale legislatures no will nut detato whit if any eions vions lenera larrison larr json on the subject HIED ibi am lie lorlin ton chicali carh sa 3 for alie lime ho admitted hy bogli to tho to bo led A to eltiy ol licila of the and a committee of nino in an amicable agreement on nearly nil points at issue and tt ia expected that a complete understand icik bo reached tomorrow to morrow biorn ing alie biily hitch in arrangements for ending alio llio strike tho minor demands of the blikh hie oin ciali did not feel in crat with lerin lerina 3 and alio tora of alie in bloston aliey with tho koaton and they have no dolbt eliat full authority arill be to accept any roO Billon of the gliatis air abil reasonable when the coin milleo of nino called at alie general 0 alio this alca stone and arft from ironton anda cLed eliat alio llio conference von ference he belated kulil i in alie afternoon chairman cavener readily consented to and at the hour named lie and ln s returned and acre they were in from lollock loi lock until twenty minutes when they an ph stacle in tho raisina oa gwint litchi the people had and were not prepared to meet witha oat further advises advices from eastern licad quarters it was then decided to adjourn until 1030 a in to the facea of the committee of alie liar linKton were wreathed alian parted for the night the vats will bay i it h understood that by the ermi of the agreement the old Q engineers will 16 placed avaiu epou a square footing instead of belos black by nearly all the railroads in ana country the linclon lin flon will set the example by giving tho linkers employment in preference to others whenever vacancies occur and by burying completely out of sight the WAS don up months ai 0 o vice beono and chairman cavener declined to ive any of llie details meeting or ilia natura of t he conclusions i pa x rn i maura jan 5 the celebration of the first of a century of emancipation from began here this afternoon many of those present u ere of the arceil race and they listened intently to llev R F I ceef president of wilbar sity and now editor of alio and kev dr 11 J alien of alio edmena Fre isoard of the presbyterian assembly ho spoke at length lion fred douglasb Dou glasa objected to call southern question a asro problem because it was untrue inis and biad a tendency to obstruct ha path of daty and anih tho tiu estiOn was not the negro but the nation whether the american people in the light of the nineteenth century tava girtue enough in chein to the action of the nation to the fundamental principle of the declaration of independence and hie constitution of the united geates he said slavery continued to exist in alie south works on plantations for S a month and is in orders on kept in almost every instance by the same man alie nero for and the prices charged are double what they should be the laborer scarcely ever reel a dolt ir of real money what hie south wanted and must have was to be made to un ler that there ans a p in alio country to coaka all sections of it comply mith the demands of alie constitution ution of the united south amotai Mat thoua struggle ST PAUL jan 3 A special to the pioneer bitis from mackton Yack ton dak saya alie statehood executive committee lias dauel a all for a delegate convention of alie counties in southern dakota january ag for tho of lakind steps to further statehood otate hood for south dakota alie committee believes south dakotas chances ul washington are waning and many fear three 3 ears will before admission 13 achieved achie it is ared that action be taken b the present s and in casa such is not done the tru auro xa mil bo to bear td secure nn extra session tor the purpose of ad witting the state rii the tor jan 3 A warrant n as issued this afternoon fur hie arrest of mrs Seh roop difo of jacob Sch roop alie murderer 0 antoino Pl illing the warrant was issued on the strength of the sworn statement of the lug titer of bya marriage in eho declared that lier stepmother had frequently urged her lather to kill Schilli uy so they could ret pos of his money ilas 8 now in the hospital undergoing treatment fur cancer alit bile meet jan 3 parson davies gaid morn iut that lie biad keen matter of kil gaiu raiu jackson ho colored kilrain to meet sullivaa Sul livau first and alter he mil jackson should with Stil nau foh through lie vill nieca any vay kilimn wads it understood ion tl aini tliatha isa ill meet alio llio winner of any highl la his tlapa n of color hodai SAN DE via jan a djin joia lw coata kica va the arece on december and of herioux earth at Alj juula eight persons were killed and anany injured hui klinga in the considerable dun age abo encamped out for to dyg no further shocks bavo been felt A boognl ST louis jan 3 A city fi baa george il ren ived official gotico of ilia removal llila rom tho dent and beneral dickan gon kansas caty as tir two torrins and lias daluraya been prominent in abo bocal as a practical politic iiii atil vi ar ship yew YORK jan 8 information fl 13 received at garden today to day of alio recently of a new by ali italian alia vessel is called lie Uin herto and lier H 1 ja tom tor ejna anoro ahn the and nile aar ves sela 1 isaia ST loam ann 3 in cf the vent into hatt january ast 1st rao war lias been inaugurated alio llma bund road this on alm report that alie had sold from city to eh er and lorAdo at a rut rate inedea cut of 15 krtil being sold at 1315 to denver liter thu union acibo received ordera to ctet tho cut and atio missouri and kotlier inc fal kowol suit A cut is nn titipA tomorrow to morrow oil evening ho officers 0 alia J ko 3 of the A 0 U Y 4 few aan installed in their moerai |