Show only hnnry 3 HE IS GETTING READY dayie hill lias boine ideas concerning 11 e presidency ajo wants the tenn oin f gwilli a hut the shall be to a term and in wants an ex aside nt bf lie united stales to be an tx officio member of the senate with a liberal pension or life in aliis inaugural address ho desires to li ave the new korv memorialize congress Con gresa to effect lei c s aeo david 11 hill so it is daiil biad aspirations himself but was overshadowed by alce HA knobs now that no aron lias a mortgage on t the democratic nomination or and hoe anew in his breast he begins early to make the beat as soft as possible rusting that lie may occupy it done term 0 is years is very much better than one term of four years with a doubtful chance of a second terna besides a T sa n ator ship with a life pension is a good soft to fall upon after having ascended to the dizziest dizz iest wot american political life and toppled over mr hill is decidedly artful though luiere is nothing objection alja in his theory regarding hie presidential office aut liis suggestions are in ex trembly trem cly bad taste it is true that he makes alie alleged corruption in ahe last election an excuse for the expression ot his views but his allusion to this matter is in quite as bad taste as the deductions which lie draws if sir hill is anything and of his intellectual activity is no doubt he is a politician an american politician plain and simple and what success he has achieved has been I 1 y the methods ordinarily in vogue in american politics he is much belied even by his own friends be would not ae to take ir i eiery advantage fair or unfair which politics affords Inanc tit speaking of national finances during the present administration bays president cleveland took charge of the govern nie at a most critical mo merit he bad to corfora to hie laws which were the them lie has ha d ts meet new obstacles through the i cumulative effect of evils which these laws entail he lias found it almost ft daily requirement to watch and adjust treasury action so as not to disturb industrial progress and yet he lias brought the country through it all with ih our great blaines bu aines bentres centres constantly increasing bath in the integrity and of management railway age says that the railway mileage of the country waa increased during the year 1888 by miles of main track while this is much less than alie phenomenal increase in the years 1837 1888 1882 and when tho new mileage mas respectively 1300 1150 0 and milea tha decord for the past year exceeds that bof every other year in history with the exception of 1871 when miles ft ere added now track was laid in all but forty seven states and territories ri the exceptions being kyodo island and nevada HAVE been asked by several correspondents to give the totals of the popular voto or president here they are ILir rison cleveland streeter cowdrey united labor cartis american socialist ci alist mrs 3 scattering total vote II 11 MANY letitna are received every day at TUB office from persons v lo 10 have lioard of ogden and her brilliant prospects aud desire detailed information nearly all of chein ask for sample copies of our paper and it is nce lacsa to eay that all such requests aro complied stilli DO things differently the water there at berlin an architect and a contractor through whose negligence or miscalculation ight workmen were killed wee each sentenced to imprisonment or MX months IT ia rumored that there it a project on foot to create a new department ia alie government to be as alio poultry department the head of which shall the of henn eries of conrao fremont ohio would claim this place JACKSO the afra pugilist licked all atio other aruis bruis era arc talking of drawing alie codur line none of them want to get in tho way of that josl y right hand of laif tf trail lance mill lwi iwin announces as a new hat money ia difficult to ret liola of thit fact z gray headed ia thia neighborhood i AN is under ile radon ia alie city of CI evelAnd which requires all contractors for tho city to employ none but american citi zena brithe public works THE KAIL TIME between ogden and chicago is now only two and a half days ahia la pretty good but it will be excelled two years hencel lien the short line la THE SE have a in proverb lie that faill does more aban be that can DONT ir bother you to lee writing 1883 ota eo |