Show 3 THE OLD FOLKS the afi eff years DJ in he finh ward As announced a grand now years dinner was given in the fifth ward in honor of the old people of the kanj who liaa braved I 1 lio dangers of u new country in assisting to make this valley what it ja though in honor 0 the veterans and families a general invitation to lie members of tho ward was issued by bishop crevens Sr evens alie dinner was a contribution from alie nard and waa a magnificently prepared ineil at the head of cacti table was seen a largo turkey there were turk evs chit kens lain roast beef meats of various kinds ten and coffee cake pio and numerous other eatables making a roost sumptuous dinner the badiea of the relief society assisted bya the ladies of alie Y L JU I 1 A were attendants at the table and they waited with scrupulous care on all w lio eat down to this east about KO people partook of the frails of tho faithful labors of many hands and praised in glon ing terms the kindne ac of die bishop and all who had labored under his guidance la this matter after the dinner was over it waa found that enough as yet untouched had been provided for to feed as many more this was gathered up by loving lianda and distributed among tho needy of alie ward alie ogden brass band having arrived in the meantime some stirring and pleasing music was rendered by them to alie infinite pleasure of the assembled people it nas a reunion of the old people many of whom had spent thirty five ad forty years in ogden they met tuck each other w aridly and fondly by alin liana and and talked over bygone days when they used to meet together and eins the songs today to day brought fond memories to klicin whenever the sound of theao familiar rhymes fell upon their ear soon the conversation developed into a practical reproduction of the old time songs amid the sweet strains of the excellent masic produced by alie band songs and recitations were bung and recited many of the alu timers would sing w ith tears in their by the stirring op of old almost forgotten scenes the reunion brought pleasure to many an aged heart and upon bishop stevens ft ere showered the thanks of the good people of alie ward in the evening a dance was given aeo in honor of the old fulks the best spirit and good hainor prevailed and each sought the happiness in alie pleasures thus offered mew years day of 1889 in bishop stevena ward is a day that mill kocg be remembered by every member of the ward and all who had charge of or assisted in making lie whole aclair the success it was are deserving of praise masic on ivcic years the oden band came out on new years afternoon and enlivened the town with bome fine selections tiona and rousing marches after playing a short time on main street the boya called at the residence of mr thos jones on hill think in that the instruments must leavo been frozen up sir jones suggested that the boys bome in and thaw them out the bine was acted upon and by the time the musicians came out again they began to think eliat new years was not such a cald day after all from there the band genf upon bench and serenaded asa parley and geo morrison and then turned their attention to alie old folks party iu alie fifth ward abere the tables were cleared out and alie boys called in and treated to some luncheon the georgia waltzes rival overture and serenade eventide were played when the company through mr E II 11 nye tendered the band a hearty vote of thanks to which mr harry hill in behalf of the band responded in the evening the boys came out and played for coton bawn at the opera house gathering sew years EK on new years eve the last day of the year the home of sir joseph jackson south main street resound ed with the hearty laugh and general merriment of happy children gathered round the christmas tree laden with all those delicacies necessary to satisfy the childish taste mr wm jack son brollier brot lier of mr joseph jaclson actor as santa blaus his appear ance was so comically comical he created quite a sensation among the liula folks arg keeney and misses carr and dark assisted airs jackson in preparing for the young guests and certainly these ladies debene credit tor their labors aa everything was tasty and n ell arranged air and airs alexander htwa were present and enjoyed themselves very much among the oung folks full of such innocent frolic and fun the host and mr assisted in the time pass pleasantly by each singing an appropriate song at a reasonable hour atie youthful happy company separated refreshed and benefited by the evenings eve ninga entertainment court coart opened yesterday january ail at 10 alie rase 0 J M vs V at 0 biln vea resumed and occupied the whole day being continued until today to day in this case the plaintiff sues te causo defamed plaintiffs character acter by designating him aaa thief la a certain letter written to a ilire party and which waa court alie case baa awakened quite a little interest aa both men are well known in he community among other in monday were the follow in cawi the case 0 T J va kobert F spruce wag at plaintiffs costa on motion of attorney N 0 flygare mho had pleaded guilty to the charge of unlawful 10 habitation to pay abino of COO and costs successful raabe nto leople of the fourtly ward blent a most enjoyable time at new years dance glien in the evening the ft as crowded and each one appeared Lappy one feature of the evenings proceedings proceed ingi was alie of the chair by a member of the Y M AJ I 1 A to anat juliss kato jost aa the happy little lady who bad the lucky number and the announcement to that direct met great n glaube from the the v hole alt air was a signally Big nally pleasant financial success on new years about forty 0 the children and grand children of mra Elizab etli shupe assembled at the residence of J 0 stephens the eldest aon ln law and celebrated tie catu anniversary f that ladya birthday with a line supper and an enjoyable dance mammy as she s called received the congratulations ot glicr many relations ind fedeli eliat there Is at least one lay in this year 1889 that she can ook back to with pleasure plea sore may ellb ive long to enjoy anany such re inloes la the desire ot all who are ac with her |