Show daiy janun 3 APATHETIC TALE story ol 01 ilia holiday season which has its many pas of well as M ig related by tho boston courier as folio the young man as ho threw lii at I 1 he beet ol 01 alie pretty 1 I love ou and honeil go to alie end brou you could ewt fo to he worlds antl or 1110 james alie world or as it is if round lilo a hall fl at the poles 0 alio blidt leaon in is devo teil to tho of alio llio floto you lugat hao studied it ft hen a boy 0 cilurso I 1 dul but and it is no longer a theory cir have established hie fact 1 I lenow but what I 1 meant was fiat I 1 bould do an to ion all ai inena iou knew the aching mit there h no gucci a tiling as a void james nature abhors a but hint there be ebli a how could the oid you speak of tw a oid i there as an arclie i it 1 I mean to say that my lifa will bo lonely without on that on are dally thoughts nightly dreams I 1 would go any u here to be knitli iou if you wera in australia or at the pole I 1 would aly to jou I 1 fly it le another century before men can fly ft en when tho laws of are overcome there will stilt remain says a late scientific authority the ty of maintaining a balance well at all events exclaimed the youth ive got a fir b lance at tho bank and I 1 want you to bo roy wire therol well james sauce oa iut i ut it in let the curtain fall THE HARVARD lampoon thinks that the curse of mankind is d it |