Show A delell A young man from anne killed while at afoa in colorado A few days ago telegraphic dispatches gave the sad information that fohir men had been killed by alio caving in ot a trench at denver one of the men was jena peter boa of christian hjort of ayune he had been working in colorado fr f r three years and particularly in denver since last april he was employed by the denver gas company and at the timo of his death was engaged in dik boj a trench under tho denver tramway alien by some means the sides caved in killing hidu and his three companions the body was prepared aad shipped on the ill fated flyer which was due here at 11 45 evening ant did not arrive until es at to a wreck near echo the legains were la charge 0 air john W rink of I 1 iener and upon reu liin here were taken care of by the nea of alio deceased the remains of the deceased will be interred in ogden cemetery today to day deceased was 25 ears ol 01 age lorains lo ecsi in Sf tion colo jan 2 tle ee assembly of the state of colo rido convened at noon today to day lion H II 11 eddy was chosen speaker of the house and M IS carpenter president pro tern of the senate isotti houses adjourned kulil 1 tomorrow the republican members are holdin a senatorial caucus tonight to night to decide who will be the next united states senator to succeed senator tom bow en the caucus adjourned at 9 30 the first ballot resulted as follows E W wolcott 45 alios M honen 1511 A W tabor 1 the nomination of wolcott was then made unanimous the legislature will meet in joint session to formally choose the bena toron the instant the nomination of mr wolcott ia considered a great triumph for alie young of the state as be is but forty years of age lie was fought bitterly by a combination composed of ex senator tabor ex governor evans senator boaen congressman ond others in the tight however sir wolcott had the friendship of senator henry M teller th iii a s SAN FRANCISCO jan 1 from a suit brought here it appears that charles F merle president of the california bon emeal fertilizer comi pany and local agent for fairbanks co chicago who disappeared last week had caused an of two hundred and fifty shares of alio fertilizer companas comp anys stock frederick tilliman Til linan jr holds certificates for a hundred and ten shares of aliis for which lie claims to hivo advanced 2500 to merle tillman lias brought suit to recover his money from the company the remainder of the is cot accounted for but fifty shares are understood der stood to be held by brebt welch of the american sugar refinery the directors 0 the bon emeal company have heij a meeting and according to the boots it appeared eliat luicir lia i bili ties were but 1400 A committee of three was appointed to investigate the alfurs of the company aud report as soon as possible one of the oali cere of the company gave it as his opinion that merle commit ted suicide to avoid exposure lew sew NEW YOUK JAO 1 at 12 today to day the new mayor hugh grant was iad to his in the city hall by lion abram 8 heairt for more than an hour previous the city hall mil filled by a to witness alie ceremony of the incoming mayors induction to odice air hewitt daiil accordia Ac cordin to law tho hour of twelve alna day airings my official duties to an end and yours as mayor begin I 1 can only say that i you have half the in taking tip these that I 1 have in laying them down ou must betl a very happy man I 1 wish you every happiness c in your floii alen turning to the annem blikre mayor blewitt conti gentlemen I 1 introduce mayor of alia city of new york and then walked out of tho building kin title pa jan 2 A horrible accident occurred yesterday ano miles froin this county two young men named erb and employed at il illera dynamite factory were at work in creek ne ir alio factory tAc tory tho of lie dynamite it is supposed in dixius tho alio proper proportions acro not placed ai a result an ex ensued tho men to pieces and fragments 0 lei scattered 01 cr B vide area hona of tho factory were In jurod though iho chork WAS felt in two miles from the deceno flidr badiei ocr louis schmidt fan inmate ot tho soldiers eol diers biome and 5 jears of aee sta blied a fellows ot eran named W V ruder this afternoon canning instant death the wo men had quarrel lal in a ion over their war records while drinking a a P von |