Show death at coith oen wea bachel woodfield daughter 0 lohn woodfield 0 north od n IS oars dim late en ninlin she bad been ailina in for about a veal but on tuesday elie appeared better and than alio liaa ben for bome time a mitten for aier eclie relict il to bed at U pm brig lifer alun she hail done bait ear about II 11 pm khe called to lier syler to fiet 1 a daciuk of llcy inot ber beanna glicr call went into alie room and founie lier Billin ft on her knees in bril stooped over aa K m pain she conr ried tit pain acroix lier body on a lie pit of lier stomach her boblit to raice lier but she no dont loach met I 1 aau daine abid jn fifteen minutes baff was dead tho deceased was a bright oung lady well liked by all her acquaint alucs who mourn birr and early departure their midst llie funeral her vices mill ha bield in the north oden meeting house on friday at am |