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Show WRONG IMPRESSIONS Editoh Ikon CotiNxy News: In your issuo cf U10 20 th ult. I read that a gontleman from Salt Lako City was tuken out to Iron town by Mr Andrew Corry, und1 that cnnttnl.nlniitv n( i! in nwnillnrr ... f F1- j . .. . ..Hlva(l& his report on tho condition of things in unit around Iron City, Aro you not mistaken; Androw Corry does not own Iron City nor anything in it, nor any of the mines thereabouts. And yet tliero is not a mino that is worth having but what is owned by someone, and has cost tho owners own-ers at least $25 nn aero. Then Mr. Corry Iiiib not obtained tho right from me to report the sale of Iron City, nor anything in it.and I am the ownor of Iron Cily.Irnn Co. Utah, and of everything in it and I own the only mines that are worth working in thut neighbor hood both for quantity and quality of ore. i Tliero is much of tho iron of Iron Vounty thot bus so much copper, t itnnium, apatite, phosphorous und sulphur in that it will neither make good iron nor steel. Now hundreds of thousands of dollars have been expended to get iiiv property in tho shape that it is in, and to obtain title thereto; in order that I could got Capitalists to como hero and deveiopo these great resources I have traveled thousands of miles mid spent thousands of dollars, to set forth our advantages for the investment of Capital; huve written articles and they have boon published in Eactern papers 11? well ob California, alto in tho Utah papers. I hovo succeeded in getting persons to como here with a view to invddt. Persons who do own an iron initio and who notcr spent a dollar in gotting them hero, have sought them and said, oh, thero is such an ubundanco of iron and coul hore that you need not purchase, pur-chase, hire me to take vou around, I will show you claims that you can jump. ThuB men have boen turned from thnirpurposo of buying, and caused to spend thousands in fruit' less labor and litigation, indeed they spend moro than would havo perohuscd tfj.'J cjaiiujis thoy desired and then they did not got them but left Iron County in diBgust This lust HummiT partios whom the writer induced to como to this country, on arrival, wero met by this clans of men, taken around, shown tho bt ct iron claims in the county, iisMind by theso follows that they eiuild looato them, did so,plncing Inciition Notices on thorn paying for nmrding them, but when they g' t 10 iho Land Offico found that tiny had been hold by United Slates Patents for tho last Hf von yen rs.thy did not stop to build iron works butlcft in disgust. What would theso parlies say of me if I iM-iti to engago for tho sako 01 milking a fnv dollars to take speculators nrou id.and show them bauds of horsch, horde of stock, flocks of sheep, ranches or farms, and tell said strangers howl thought they could got possession without purqliutio as contrary to the wishes ofthoownors; I have bought and paid for nil I claim in Iron 1 0. and I am not do-drfiirnut do-drfiirnut of any one's aid in disposing dis-posing of it. What you have Baid in your pnpembotit holding our resources before tho eye of tho capitalist, is all right an fur us, itgooa, but thero is danger of sayiug too much; what wo niiuht nil join in, that would iimel assuredly bonofit us all, would bo tho building of railroads through tho ounty, and connecting us with die outsido world, a committee com-mittee might bo appointed aa olso-whoro olso-whoro tD see what could bo dono. Thomas Taylor. |