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Show 1 I A Ituiintvnr. , Tn, tmllrm, Mimllnnil rtflloj, cxintcrrJ o(I nno mitninirilii). And with tin in, till mnrlttlnirlr, H'CJ I'mk Hio , Ijiiliy Jluyt () or mi iiiIa mill tnrailmtfi fit nli nittl until, wllh iiiurtilnirilitriijpiiliiiip, Thrj cnlloiv.il Imi- iiwu) limn town, tlieto lioiiits'lrol uihI 'J r ii in '. As on tin i eti in vr hIkIiIk iiihI foiiiiiH did nil Hull- Ihlilllflllll liijrillll'. Till ur) iillU-. mid 'I ml In Tninip, "It'i liiiaiiil nst ii ylilf !' Ami dnippliiK down mi vrlitt ennrd tlit'j In lln Ir liurmpn In), Jior iwrmun u tliouclit lo lur whom 1 1 icy luiil iHirnu unu Hut lull) M) Nils noil (vntcnl,nml midst the liriiKHiiriit And Ifulhcrcil nturr) fluldlcs nhlU, with dliniiled nnifC" Mt, And curln or dHiidillon sums the In licr tii vncsluiiijr. And lollio Hindu thr Kiililon neiillli of blov Minis Bill) tiling, Ilcfrofliol nnd retiil. Trot nnd Trnmp once moro wi lit on lliclrwuy, And Hh tin in, Mill Ixilitked vrltli Hoircrs, nun merry Imli) Mil) : Willi fplrllB ilKh, llu-y k'iHoihiI on 1) rill and inniilnif lirK)k, And In und nut, li) i rooked inllit, their wind- liiK wu) tin) look. Hut rie the noontide hour had com", sfld Tint, In doleful mood, "1 would I could hut lay mo down, 'lis nunolit I rare for fowl " Hnld rrumploTiot. "In nil my llfo I've ne'er wi nenr) Imh.ui l't rhaps lo il imp Inn o done Is souicthlnir of nslilP kunw)illo rclirnod feur mid anxious thought oer Ins of hub) Muy, J'or nomn-oiild ijiicm ilio mmintr struiiKO In which shu went awiiy. Nor oMTilrcnimd llmt poulcs email, like tluy TnunpiiudTmt, Could hear uwii) u little irlrl to such L faioS KJt. Hut while tho sun wns'jit on lilnh, unhnrmed III wi ndid ninth', VVus found uslcep tiy morry loir, u dainty little mnld, And iIuhkIIiik from her stmpcly lnud, with hulr of irnWuii nlnH'n, Were duliles white, und wilted turls of duudo- Hon tirccu, And with no mom tit all to spnra (tho oddest plnrotnchixKc) wcro a"rnt und Tnimp.nll sure and sound.wltli- In tho maiden's shoos. (lend Housekeeping |