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Show 1 1 A DOOTOIVS CONFESSION. 1m "o UoranU Take .Tlurli .IIimIIcIiio nn.l AdvUea Urn llriorlcr .Not To. lU Humbug? Of course It Is. Tho IT so-called Bolcnco of modicinp is n 1ium- II bug and lias licon from tlio tiinu of 11 Ulppocrntca to Uio iircxont. Wliy tlio ffl biggest cranl: In tho Indlim tribes is M fo niudtoliio man." I "Very frank wns tho admission, cs- pccially bo when It camo from ono of tho biggest young physicians of tlio city, ono whoso practice is mining tho thousands, though ho litis been graduated gradu-ated but a fow years," Bays tlio UuiTulo Courier. "Vory cozy wus his olllco too, with its cheerful grato lire, its Queen Anno furniture, und lis many loungos and cosy-chairs. Ho stirred tho flro luzily, lighted a fresh cigar, and went on." Tako tho prescriptions laid down in books and what do you find? Poisons mainly, and nauseating stuft that would mako a healthy man un intalld. Why in tho world scienco should go to poisons for its remedies I cannot tell, nor can I find any ono who can." "How doos 11 doctor know tho effect of his medicine?" ho nsked. "Ho calls, prescribes, and goes away. Tho only way to judgo would bo to stand over tlio bod and wntch tho pationt. This suntiot bo done. So, really, I don't know how ho Is to toll what good or A hurt ho docs. Sometime, ago, you ro il mombor, tho Boston Uloho sunt out a fl roportor with a stated set of symp- n loins. Ho went to cloven prominent "A physicians and brought back cloven j different prescriptions. This just shows I how much Bclenco tlioro is in mcdl- I clno." I Thcro nro local diseases of various 1 characters for which naturo provldos I posltiro romedics. They may not bo included in tho regular physician's list, porhaps, becauso of their simplicity, but 'tho ovldonco of tholr curatlvo powor Is beyond dispute. Kldnoy dls- easo Is cured by Wnrnor's Safo Curo. a strictly herbal remedy. Thousands 'of persons, every year, wrlto as does ill. J. Gardiner, of Pontlac, It. I Au- Cuet r, 1890: I "A fow years ago I suffered moro m than probably over will bo known out- I eido of myself, with kldnoy and livor 'I complaint. It is tho old story I vis- j I itod doctor after doctor, but to no K avail. I was nt Nowport, and Dr. "I ' Blackmun recommended Warnor's Safo B Curo. I commonccd tho uso of. it, and 1 found roliof immediately. Altogether I I took thrco bottles, and I truthfully V ; itato that it cured." |