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Show nionnoo orUnrofltriotol Iiiiiiilgratloo un Moantlmo the tldo shows no signs ol H ebbing. Though fluctuating nt inter- EH vala. It steadily gathers volume with Kto cacli successive decade. If It continues (U to rise, what must bo tho lot of tlio jB laboring classes, whoso walfaro is such wb au object of concern? Alas, for the IS .mischief that has already been wrought! H Dark ouuugli nt best appoara tlio future SB of tlio Amorican working-women, ninny H of whom in largo cities aro already U obliged It scorns, to work for wages B that barely sutlieo to koop bodv nnd H sou! togethor. Wo look upon s'lnvory jfj as a tiling of tho post, hut does not 11 n- restricted forolgn Immlgrntioii mean Bj virtinl slavory to thmtsiniU of our MJ countrymen uud cnuutrj women? As for HQ tho character and intelligcnco of this H swarm of invaders, do thoy nverago H higher than our ownP It might nor- H haps bo somo compensation if wo could H think so. But just at present it is difiicult to tako u sangui no view. To mm bo nblo to do so would bo far from flat- toring to our self-esteem Tho pro- A portion of tho undeslrnblo olomont is Jt too groau So largo an infusion or con- fig tract and pauper labor is not likoly to B rnlse our standard of intolligencu and H moraiity. The Arena. |