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Show I j . ' ' HOME INDUSTRIES H 1 " The News js a joumnllhatlieliev- J I f08. itrthe j).itr0imgo of home indus. J j .t'rifis iiittl libmo ihctitutioiirt, J j , . It1 cannot Boo the propriety ol J . Bonding . dash thou-miiil of inih.-rt f ! luyayto. give employment to inn J j "jipd.woiiien of whom wo know 110- J i tuing..iindHll'owiii(; our piople m BJ j - jiomo to sulfor from luck ot propur 'laBqf: . J ' ' 'Thero'is no question in our minds H v .thut.muny ofiiiuariieles now im- H por.lcd'could 'with great profit bo H lyifdojU hoiriq. J , .Tliero is no necessity that wi M ' . Rdnd our hard earned dollars wo H. Wriy miles from. home. H It seems to us that thoro would H 'bo bbttur financial ability shown if H BOiuef our leuiHiig lights were to H linu'uRuraid systems uud menus for BJ ' ,:.thp proper direotion nud employ es mentof tho labor of our young men J and women. , Considering for a moment the BA wjulth;thut'.i reprpsontod. in Iron BB , V iiodnty and the' vast amount of wool t" ..shin)d,froiu hem eucli scaton, ane kis led 'to ,the conclui()n that tho niariyfncVurti ot' oiir own wenritig H i ap'jjrtre,! would boa ntyingbrnncli of BJ industry! As tho mnlti-r stuud to H .'tliiy'wo'iiro compelled to send our H . uiQnoy to othu. murtcets upd procure H ihat which we have every facility m to produce right hero. Bl Tliuro, would lie some economy H displayed by providing suitable and BJ vhonorablo employiuenl lor our girls BJ -and bo;' ,- J ' y in co'minunites of this county tho BJ 1 ,nsug generntion is gradtinlly in- BJ j ' creasing, and wo find that many, fur BIS 'too ininy,nf our voung men are I'compojled to Jeavo hsino to Beck UnnplDyment. and not unfrequontly 'd6 they not only find what they uik, but aro returned to the family homo circle moral wrecks. T' Who is to blamo for this: In the "seeming insatiablo greed for the glittering dollar, too often our pros peats of n happy future nre blighted ' through tho neglect wo have shown in providing suitnble litbor (q our tyouth- The establishment of a fnot ory, where tho products of our soil and herds' coulu bo converted into upparel to adorn our persons, would be ouesjlepln thedirectiou towurds tho greitl goal uimed at. '1 BJ . BffH k. ' BBBBBBBBl.-' . |