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Show The l'edler (let Ills Word In. M The pedler or follower of nny trndo 9 which Is liable to bo considered a null- ff. nnce, enp console himself for many ro- "" buffs if lie happens to havo n ko2n sense S of humor. Tho disappointment of not n selling his goods Is soraowhnt ofTsot if he I can direct n joke at the unnpprecintive V Individual, nnd sometimes tho joka effects I a snle nflor all. H Mr. Grant is a hnndsomo man, of I dlgnllled nnd even Imposliig manner. I Not long ngo ho was writing busily at his desk when a tattered persnnngo'witli jn n Inrgo hnsket on his arm entered the- H office. Ho carried tho baskot past tho 9B clerks nnd tho junior partners, rested B it on Mr. Grant's desk, and ejaculated:: H "Won't yer buy aomo of these patent H collar buttons, ten cents aplccuT" m Mr. Grunt did not look up from his- K writing, but wnved his left hand with a- M stately gesture townrd the door. M "Mister, won't yer havo some of these- H patent collar buttons, ten conts apiece. 53 threo for n quarter?" urged tho intruder, Qfi lu n louder tone. iR Again Mr. Grant pointed n dignified WR forclluger toward the door without look- ivj Ing up. Tho collar button merchant K wntched him reflectively, nnd then H shouted at the top of his voice, "Patent H collar buttons (loo article three for H twonty-flvecentsl" jB Mr. Grant pointed Imperiously to tho K door, still with an air of being too busy WS, to look up to see who wns thus inter- am ruptlng him But he was the only per- WL son In tho offlco who did not look up. H Ho of tho basket turned to his nudieueo H and said, sndly: Wt "Poor old gent! he's deaf nnd dumb jR nin't ho?" M |