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Show PPPPPJ Invkntiox appears to havo begun at BBBA tho wrong and. Our mowers und BBBB i-onpors and othor dovlcos for gnthor- BfBMV, iug crops havo boon porfoeted. whllo PPW machlnory tor getting tho ground in Bfl order for tho crops has been compar- BB'' ntlvoly noglectod. Ingenuity, ospeulul- BB' ly that of our countrymen, acorns to BB have almost oxpondod its resources In BBm t,1 Invention of hurvestors, but thero PPPJ! Is llltlo mora to bo Itnrvoslod por aero BP v l,ow l',un tlero was before, Onr pro- BK duollon litis not kept pace with tho ea- Bin paclty to garnor it, and lognrding Bb ngrlcultiirnl maohlnory us n wholo, wo BB enjoy but half tho advantage it is B apablo of bestowing. When as much BU uliall havo been dono for tlllugo, us Bj has boon done for roaplng, tho orpiUl- M$ brltim will bo restored, and thon, and BK not tll thon, will agriculture gain tho BH full rouard for tho labor liar Invont- BK ora havo expondod upon tho rauchln- Bmw -ory nlroady at hor command. I Ik. BPAWIPWMMfc " hjW' ",.nn.si - I li I llll |