OCR Text |
Show j I took Cold, ' I toolr Siclr, B I TOOK . I SCOTT'S I EMULSION RESULT! I toko My Moals, i I talro My Rest, I AND I AM VICOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKK t ANYT111.NO I CAN LAY MV HANDS ON ; , gelling flit too, for Scott's Emulsion of Puro Cod Livor Oil i , andHypophosphilesofLimeand Soda NOT ONLY CURED MY lliclp- Vl . lent Consumption HUT BUILT II ME UP, AND IS NOW I'UTTlNO II FLESH ON MY BONES fll AT TllE rats op a found a DAY. 1 II TAKK IT JUST AS EASILY AS I DO MILK." SUCH TESTIMONY IS NOTIIINO NEW. Ml SCOTT'S EMIILSIOK IS DOINO WONDERS B 'daily. Take no other. "1 PURIFY YOUR J . I BLOOD. M Bat do not use tbo dangerous alkaline j T1 and mercurial preparations which destroy ylj ' Vf nervous system and ruin tho digestive power of tho stomach. Tho vegetable king- !M om gives us the best and sales! remedial Aj agents. Dr. Sherman devoted Iho greater , part of his llfo to the discovery ol this rella- A, 4 bla and safe remedy, and all Its ingredients tf are vegetable. He gave It the name ol j Prickly Ash Bitters ! " a name every one can remember, and to Ihe prosontdaynothlnghasbeendlscoveredthal Is so beneficial lor Iho BLOOD, (or the LIVER, for tho KIDNEYS and for the " STOMACH. This remedy Is now so well and favorably known by all who have used it that arguments as to Its merits are useless, use-less, and if others who require a correct- v Ivo to Iho system would but give It a trial tho health ol this country would be vastly Improved. Remomber Ihe name PRICKLY x ASH BITTERS. Ask your druggist lor It. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO.. jTK ST. 3LOTJIB. MO. f MOTHERS' FRIEND " HakesGHILD BIRTHJASY 4 Bj IP USED BEPORB CONFINBMBNT. ( M Dooc to "Mothers-1 11 AiLin-raaa. j BKADITIELU It to I LATH It CO- ATLAMTAidA. , hold nr ali. DnDoaim. ! I ' W. W. V. OuinIia-843-47. I 5 i ii Tho Only Shoo Knclr.ry in Omnlin. V. V. Morso it Co.'s Mon'e, Women's Wom-en's nnd Children's medium nnd ftno Ernde8 of shoes, mado in our lnrgo factory fac-tory in Omaha, Nob. AkIc your store-keeper store-keeper for this brand; TI1KY are tlio best. W. V, Morso it Co. htivu tho only shoo factory in Omaha, fco when tho merchant deals with this firm ho knows hols buying from llrst hands, nnd l headquarters. In ono jear, wo hnvo mado so good n reputation for our "Jlorso's School Shoes" that wo havo boon compelled to mako other Important lines. Alcrchnnls If you want shoes that will wcarl Tlint will fit! That will plcnso your customers, Bend your or-dors or-dors to W. V. Morso & Co., Omaha, Nob. Fiktv Dollars in Gold Rbwaiid to any ono finding a pleco of shoddy in any of our own mako of goods. Wo only soil to merchants. W. V. JIottsK & Co., Omaha, Nob. Dyspepsia Is ealil to be unknown In Japan. Co are boarding houses. Swr.nmii Asthma Cciig never falls. Send , vour adilrcta. Trial packago mailed free. Collins Brothers' Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo. j When some men can't hTC anything else, i they havo a hnblt. . Gnrflelit Ti-n aet on blood, renoTiilnf thn fn- tlrarr.umi Lrlnir. tit La ot liraltll Uck to Udod checks. i Jn Texas now they track a liorse-thlc! on boss trail. Inn ijstcm. A Sons TnnoAT on Couon, if snftcrrd to ' progieet, of icn results In an Incurable throat ( or lung trouble. "Brown'a lironcblal Troches'' ghe Instant lcllclf. The tattooed man Is the man whose neigh-1 bor's boy has a drum. , Hm.VluloTrHooililnaHrriip,forClill. dren Leottiloc, tortcni tho cumB,rodiicos Innamnia- ' tlon. allan pain, cures wind colic SJo.n bottle. The man who runs his boots down at the heel hat n hanl time keeping his toes square with tho world. Hotmnn'a I.Wcr Pmfa, Itolman'l T.lrcr I'ltd euro lAr.AltlA. lloiniAii'n l.lrer I'Hds cure lliLioeaNKSS. Ilolniiin's IJvpr 1'adt curo lNiiioiLTriov. H0UJA.Uvi.JllMDCu,l'.0. ltux21U,2H'.V. Marrlape, unfortunately, eometlmca proves to be au antl-dotc. Focl poisons that accumulate In the blood and rot the machinery of tho system, ate eradicated ard eipcllcd by using Prickly Ash Hitters, a mcdlclno that will not Irritate tho stomach or bowels. It acta In a pontic manner man-ner en these delicate organs, and restores health in every case. Illinois voters mu6t have been happy when they flred Cannon. Trail en unit Occupations. The Youth's Companion for 18D1 will clvo an Instructive and helpful Serious of Papers, each of which describes tbo character charac-ter of some leading Trade for Uoya or Occupation Occu-pation for Girls, i hey give Information as to tho Apprenticeship required to learn each; the Wagea to ho expeciod, the Qualities needed in order to cntir, and the prospects' of Success. 'Jo New Subscribers who send f 1.75 at once the paper will bo sent frco to Jan. , 1801, and for a full year from that date. Address, Tub Youtu's Companion-, Boston, Mass. GOVERNOR OF MARYLAND IT EXECUTIVE CHAMBER. IS Annapolis, TcI., JTutt. C, '90. "JT Iittvc oflcn xiscil ST. JJICOUS OIL, anil find it a good, TAnimcnl." ELIHU E. JACKSON, THE CovorMtl- BEST. t MUSICAL. Thcro seems to bo Httlo going on in musical circles of lato, but tlioro is much talk, among musical people, of tho marvelous euro of Miss B , tho high contralto singer, who has long suffered from a sovero throat Dr bronchial affection, suporinduccd by Catarrh in tho Head, and who has been perfectly cured by tho uso of Dr. Sago's Catarrh licmedy, couplod with tlio uso of Dr. Picrco'a Golden Medical Discovery. For all bronchial, throat and lung affections, affec-tions, and lingering coughs, it is an unoqualcd remedy. When complicated compli-cated vith Chronio Nasal Catarrh, its uso should bo coupled with tho uso of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. Of all druggists. M. II. CAKTO, Itl. !., EYE! hose, ear THROAT! M'UCI.tLlST. nrnilnMo of Hush Mrdleil Collsre, 1S7I. 1111-nolso 1111-nolso Kra and Kar Inrinnorv, lu4. New York I'olrclliilc, IWt. UUties nttcd. ArtlOclal Kjres In Stock. 1104 O Streol, LINCOLN, Mill. A PRESENT. I T OCND m your ad.trcM nt wo wUt mnli ymi at O ptnmt or the Nt Autoiiiitlo WASHINQ' MACHINE In Iho World. No uh-uouVl7r rltt 4, btuir neeood. VowAntToiitothowlttovii,irfrtnil.4, W. .I.o kW. a HANDSOME, WATCH ft" ll .t I.AONI1HV WORKS, R Iwr HI , ,N. V. ;..I. C..r,..4.i.I.i.,..H.i,i 77' . . " ' 'aawBill!gy,WSsaBsB aBasaBasaH JsaH . CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE! JH OMAHA, NEB. H TWO OIti:AX IlAItQAin'H. il Men's Ms $8. Men's Orercoats $10. ,'M fflaaaaafl Wo vill send to any address ft Sack Jt H or Prock Suit nutdo from tlio cole- Jl brnted Victory Cassimcro, in a neat 'aLI brown check, for ll The best wearing fabric for a low priced garment in the market; nnd u- H plain brown or black Beaver Over- 1 for H $10.00 s Bend P. O. order and it goods aro H not satisfactory, return tbom nnd wo H will refund the price and pay nil ex- H press charges, or thoy may be sent C. H 0. D. llules for measurement, for H coat, breast mcasuro and length of , H sleevo. Por pants, waist and insiao i J H leg measure H FffEELAND,LQOMIS&CO., ,( H O.IIAIIA. , H Tlio Largest Clothing llouso west of jH tho Mississippi. H r)n ONU TXILLAIl oent ns br roll. ws will H . itollTcr, freoof ollcliamo. tonnr loron Imh H TJnlUHl butci, all the following article! tarefulljr H packed In a noat uoxt 1 One tiro-ounro Dottla of I'lira VanMIno lDcta. ilaaH Onotvro-ounro bottle Vafllllio romado lacle. &aaBaal Onojarof VaaellnoColiI Cream lSotn. tH Onecake ot Vawllne Camphor Ico tOcta. H Onocakeor VaaellnoSoap.unicentod.... lUcU. I fH Onocakoof VafellnoPoap. noenled 23cta. i H Ouo two-ounco bottlo of Wtillo Vowllno Jicln. I H 1.10 vaH Or for 'tamps an? tingle artlHo at tho prim. ','aaeB If yon Iiato occasion to line VaaoHnotnanr form H becaruful Uncrvptonl7KenulnoKoodaputupbrua H In orlalnat pnekneor. A BroatiuanrdructflftAara H trrlnaioorsiiAde burert to lako VAHICl.tNEpul 1 up br them. N'over yield to auchpersuaAlon, aRthi rH artlcio la nn liullntfon without Tnluo.nnd.wlt I not. H 6lToynulhereiultyouiiert. A bottle of lllua "tl oal VacllnoUkoldbynlldriiirKltaattencenta, H CHUfcOUUlUlBTf. C, USUI. !.,. T.rl. H The Pliability bill ! n law, Hiilillrradlable4 '' H inco tlio war ureciillik'd. UIiIuud wlionre de- . H Cendout are Included. Atu I'nrrulM ilepondent .pH t-tlar, whose Aont died from edeclA ufArinr ser- ' saaiiH Tire. If rouwl.li your claim apoedlly and Aucceu- I H fully tottlod, addini H JAMES TANNER, M LatoCommlnftlouerikf TenRlons. m H Wu.hluulou, II. c ; B ENGINES! BOILERS! I HIUIIV CITY :;'. INB1WOKKN. M I.r.rRcst Works west o( the Mississippi. Jt M'rlto Tot ebtltiiatca. SIOUX C1TV, la. H I ItniRQ wrllofortcmi. tISAmplotMrFetfreetfl l-HUICO ,ku. i.owliHchlola&Co-5il tl'way.H.T .tH Fa KFBMmmwWrKKmaMKmm:9FVi0 m Hi5-J tal I Mai ai B mH WrimMM iH BIKKBBVC UUO-ni EI19. CO Warren G W New York. 1'rlco CO -- W Xr 50cl iH f2 a3 Chichester English. Red Cnos3 Vgk Diamond Brand A 1 H & r Ellin rowi. Puiis m m WS . THtorjiaiNataHOOtrlulNt. Tb. only faft. Hare, l nll.il. rill tor .!.. VrW' alB ftJLdlfcM Ilriiirln lr Clo..l.r. ,;!(. liUmind Jlrind In led i. M4 tM.lllt V ., aH OTsvinwMellktlMHMM. Teke n. other kind. Si: Suiuuuti.., .J Imluillm. V P JH p lo.ii o i..t I'wniiu. ..;.,. Chichcstch CHiaiicaL Co., i..iu..iL7rX aH b.ld by all Loal l)ruact.tfc rmi.Alll'.H'IIIAVl'A. 1 H I Christmas Presents FREE m I Our Special i SJBSSbS? Premium Catalogue jH nBff', -PPjKfi Sent Free t al WW 'ito any address, gives H SCHKV ' three ways of securing lM OW ktoaJ! a Sreafc variety of the H jlii ' finest goods in the rf '- V JM -it. . r A sfl y&?S ' Christmas Presents. . tm i st These goods can be had, WITHOUT COST, by earning them in sending ' ; us two or more new subscribers. ,f 2d. They can be had for part work and a small difference in cash. " ' i M & 3d. They can be bought for the lowest prices possible, if you do not care to . M & earn them as Premiums. - ifeil f '11 CURTIS PUBLISHING- COMPANY, Philadelphia, Pa. " Jfl ' ( - J jailw ''MsatAsaBMsWA -,MI- ! t ftMssaslssastissalalalBBBsBssaFsalalalalalalB |