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Show FISH OF THE CREAT LAKES What Our Inlitml Ns llelil-A I'robable gublerrnnmri Hirer. This city Is tlio most Important lake fish dlstt Uniting market on the ontlto chain of thu great lakes, r.ijs a Huffalo letter to thoN.Y. Sun, nlthbugh n very small ptopoitlou of tho fish that aro dnllj sent from hero to the enstern cities are taken fioni waters contiguous to HufTnlo. They nto brought from Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Ifuroc. tho near-by waters of hakes Erlo and Ontario furnishing u comparatively small supply of fish for shipment. T.'.o fish nro tianspoitcd in lcfiigerator cars, nnd tho supply is so huge that tho present demand Is not fully supplied, sup-plied, hut there is surplus enough to keep the winter doiniud for hike lish nmply eared for. Tho trade in lnko lish for seaboard mntketshas Ineicased so of late jears that it would now bo ImpONslble to supply it dining the win-tea win-tea season If winter fishing had to bo depended on fortho material. Tho surplus sur-plus of the summer uud fall catches is frozen and stoted in lcfrigciators for the winter trade, so that n vvhltellsh. lako trout, vellow piko. or lake bass served on a Now Yorker's table in midwinter mid-winter may havo been caught tho prc-v prc-v ions July or August. Whether the llavor of tho !lh is froron in with the lish itself so that It will he tho snmo as it is in the lish taken f 10111 the vvutcr is a question. hike Superior Is considcicd tho best of tho lakes for lish. Its vvuter Is more like that of spiings Mian nny others. White lish and tiottt taken from Superior Su-perior command bettor ptlcos than similar fish ty.tin from uuy of tho other oth-er lakes. TIJoy llko deep water, and nro found at their best In water 300 feet deeu. Yellow pll.o como chlully from Lncs Ihiron ami Ontullo. hako Krlo oxcols in bluo plko nnd black bass. Immemso numbers of whltelish nnd lako tiout iro taken from hako Kriu und hako Micnigau, but the best como from the colder, clearer waters of Supciior. Gill nets nro used almost entliely in capturing lako fish for market, mar-ket, although tons of plko und bass nro tnkon with hook and "line. It is a singular sin-gular fact that bluo plko aro rarely if ever found In any of tho lakes except Krio. The fishermen on those hikes follow 11 perilous calling, and mauy lose their lives lu the violent storms that sweet over thu lakes, almost without with-out warning. It has long been noted ns a curious fact that nir the St. Laurence river fishes are found lu nearly nil tho gteit lnke.s with tlio cxceptlon'of hako Krio. This can bo accounted for only by thu theoiy that n subterranean ilvor'con-nects ilvor'con-nects hike Ontario with tlio uppur lakes. The beds of hakes Stipot lor, Hilton. Michigan, nnd Ontario liu ut about thu same depth below tho sea level from 250 to 2G0 feet the upper lakes' beds being tho highest. Thu bed of hako Krio Is 350 feet above tho sea level. The theory is that a river running run-ning beneath hake Krio extends fiom Lake Superior to Lako Ontario, nnd tluit fish from tho St. Liwroneoaud Ontnilo follow thu courso of that liver and lind the wnteis of the upper lakes. |