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Show BB In tho north succoss Is a r.iro thine; BB in transplanting tho hard wood trcca BB llko tho oak or tho hickory without a BB your or two previous pruning, but in BB tho south all or nearly nil tho oaks H nnd hard woods nro readily trnns- BB planted, as wllnos tho giant livo nnd Bfl wntor oaks nnd hlckorlos in tho cities BB, of Savannah, Mobile, Now Orleans BH and Jacksonville, and Tnmpa, l'lorldn. BH Tho rule thon Hhould bo, spring plunt- Hi, iug for tho north and fall und winter Par planting for tho south, and for tho BB, liurd wood treos north, root pruning BBf ' two yoara previously. |