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Show BIG ENOUGH TO VOTE. Bnnifitlitiis About Delta Droit, the 10-Yeur.Olil 10-Yeur.Olil (llrl Who Welulii S I'auniln. A rcrllablo moimtnln of rollicking, rollinp floli Is goud-nnltircd, plc.is.iut-fncctl plc.is.iut-fncctl Delia Hack, tlio largest Rlrl In tlio world. Dalln U 10 years of nip nnd alio lli(i Iho bcnui nt exactly 450 pntimli. Blio In tliu il nil.; liter of tcsicctalilo but pour ptreuU; her fntlicr U n coal-miner In tlio Westmoreland regions, nnd licr homo U nt Cokovllle, tlint rnunty, nenr the Itidlniia county lino. Her parent') nro both of ordinary alzo nnd nono of her brothers or sisters show aluim of exceeding ex-ceeding the nvcrnge limits In points of physical development. At tho ngn of ft years onu sister renched tho weight of 145 pouuds, utii she died at tlint period. Tho Timet correspondent visited Dclln's homo nnd found hor to bo a suf-llclently suf-llclently comoly American girl, strong nnd healthy, and of fair intelligence. In fncl. sho Is rather pretty, considering her enormous proportions. She wns nulled to tell something nujut how sho came to bo so stout, hut tho question staggered her: sho could not toll. In this connection, however, tlio writer drew from her tho most rcmiirkablu fnnturo of her existence. "What do ymi cnlT" she was nsltcd. "! much." wns tho nstonlshlng ro-P'y ro-P'y 'a. ' cm surprised, nnd I don't Mm it for doubling what I have Just told jwii, but nevertheless It is gospel truth. I nover had much ofnn appetite." "Hut how did you get so fat?" : "I cau not tell. You would like to : know wlint I eat? I will toll you; it will not toko long. In tho first plncu.for my breakfast I usually tnko a cup of coffee and ono or two hot cakes or a slice of toast, nothi'pg more; for dinner I cut n sllco and n halt of bakers' bread nnd a ve,ry,8innll ploco of stquk or some potatoes pota-toes and calMingo. Sly supper consist of about tbo samo amount with, of course, an occasional cbangu of tltor. Ilenlty, t tell you tho truth a meal reran ordlimrv person will last me two ineills and 1 will Unvo all I want loo." J) - JI.-j. Hack vcrillcd heri daughter's sliilcmciil nnd added tlint they were somo'tlnica alarmed lest tbelr child's health should fail from a lack of proper nourishment. "Have you never tried to rcduco your wcluhl?" asked the writer of Miss Deck. "No, sir I never have," sba replied. "Why should If I nm happy, nnd never know whst It is to bo ill. I experience ex-perience no difficulty In walking, but I puff n lilllo when I go up-slnlrs." When Delia wns Q years of ngo she weighed 140 pounds, nnd alio hns been gainlnc stouillly over since. Sho ling increased in-creased in weight ul tbo rntu of ono pound per month for tho last few years, mid is still gaining. In height sho is 0 feet 4 inches. Sho measures Gl inches nrouud tho waist. 12 inches around tho neck, nnd 31 inches nrouud tbs llcsby part of tho arm. Her feat arc not long but nro abnormally broad, so that it is Impossible to procure any ordinary pair of wo mill's shoes to fit her. Tho samo difficulty is cxpcrleuced in lilting her with hose. Iter mother explained that to meet the embarrassment which this causes she buys two pairs of lioso and makes them Into one. Dolla's chair is a curious pleco of furniture, especially made for hcr.and Is a scttco largo ouougli for two persons. Her bed is furnished with extra supports. Compared with famous fat women of history Delia Heck outshines, or rather out-wolglu, them nil when her ngo is taken Into account. Hannah Dattcrsby, tho fattest woman that ever lived, did not acquire her enormous proportions until after sho wns 40, nud Illg Winnie, tho colored heavy-weight, was 30 boforo sho mado a record, Delia and her parents hnvo at last decided to accept tbo offer of a local museum intnager, and tho girl will appear for tho first timo In public next week. She will continue con-tinue on the road and will mauugo herself. |