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Show Helen Jltiut'M Grave. i Wending our way throimli that grand fisRiiro Iu tlio roc (is, called Choyouno Canon nud nscundiiig tho niuu (lights of stairs to tho top of tlio "Sovou Falls," a gtiido board diicctcit our path nnd after soma steep climbing, wo , stood besldo tho grave of that no bio i woman. It was hero that sho used to come to think nnd to wrilu, hero sho spent i many of tier Sabbaths. I "This spot is my church," she said to a friend, 'and it is hero that I wisli I to bo laid." And ho on tliu summit of Chuveiiuu Mountain, huueatli slimmer sun "ami ulutiir siiouh. sho lies nlonc. No monument marks tho spot, but tho grnvu is heaped high with small stones which visitors liau laid upon it. For each Mono taken, for souvenirs, ouo or moro is replaced hy tho person who takes it. Hundreds of tluvi havo their name or sniuo admiring sentiment senti-ment of tlio giver wiittun upon tliuui. I hnvu heard (hut can not vouch for tho truth of.it) that when sho ictiucsteii to lie buried Ilium hIiu also made tho rcqiiuxt that tlioso who visited her grave should lay a stono upon il. It I was an odd whim, I think, hut ouo thai ! lias been faithfully humored. j It is a lovely spot and tho surrounding surround-ing scenery is solemnly grand, und still that isolated gravu, iu its lonli- i iicss, seemed crv sad to me, and I , turned uith a sigh and slowly und 1 thoughtfully retraced my stops by tlio 'eamo path which sho so often had ttod. I for. U'omun't Tribune. |