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Show Los Angeles to Have a New Depot. As ono or tit results of President Ilnr rlniun s vblt the rcat1e depot or Iji Angeles An-geles Is in 1, enlarged at an expense of a quarter if 1 million dnllirs so as to constitute a t mmndlous bend m irters building f r Hi rimithtrn Pucllln ssatem In tie gtmihwiKt Tha romp ins has n tlillrril irmiriv on laith shies of 1'lrth street 11ml 1 intial avriiiio lo the line of the Areuib tb put site in enlarging tho An idtt mntl 11 liriivlslon I 10 be miltle fnrontc.n fur ih lompins s tr illk tltpart-ment tltpart-ment Tlikft likes will continue to Ihi maintain, tl in 1 mitral loeutlin tin litvn, but the hen luu irirra of Assistant tlene rsl Freight and Pussenger Agent Perkins will lai remnveil tn nilurged heudquarlera ut tll foot of Hfih street. The pnp 1,1 structure will cost abi ut at fnurth r 11 million dnllirs r,n, will be if brick gnu I ranclico C'hiiiiikk |