OCR Text |
Show TELEGRAPH SHORTSTOPS. The dlreeir,, of the Cilumet & ci Mining niTti ,n) h ive declared a dM lenl of 4. 1 ei -har .h,..n!"",! .i"l,rl' ' n-elhreeht las been .,1.' . ' '"'. '" " n,"l' "retch or Ihe, ge ai, usual 11 ar Snake Hill N I Iho 5LhL n'r 'tr hliu for a littender whom thev s isiari rf the murder m',s.Ie'l,'r'ielVLi,hl ."'.",".' S,"lr rni Hie n?i, . ii"'hr ' " ''. Ih' bead of 1 il.i. . ""a-l'la school alia he I to 1 lark inlversitv In Woreesi.r over whlih Ir,it 1, Kt,n y 11,11 presides Ne,.le'r. ' u'r . I lalmif In on. of iho Noithirn He .irltifsi suit, who was nop iViie u " " I ",wl l 1 ill) Hi has Stmi,ho'Lm,orl!',"" "i'l I'lelfllel been fotltid lo Ik. a eltlsen or New nrk city be r "un,,,,",1 , ni .T'T"1 "" ,nnl "" SS;'1 r',.,f!e,,.h5,T,!,l;'el1!," Sam. nurserv t r tvio sailors ' llsy'v'dh. ' ,'h "" t? '""I'eeKirong and Prancls II 1 wer'"',''0'1 w"" "' '-r ' thu a rn axal on In eliurcl, i.ei. 11V. wiubl work .0 ,.' rt'.nWn, to '.' inu "I r II luiew 11 "l",'"'1 a, 1 l - ot w!r nil. ' ""'" uf I'm old |