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Show I111 K'0TJ1E ABOLISHED. Ina"'n Aeencj,, to Do Cfln. hi r" '" Nl sprnAi.i if , '"" '- Henntor Du. I h (i ha ihe pioposltlon to u.h ti, U,t"" r ot Illllan ugcncles N . !, t nno of which was )l in , 0''"K lms fnlltd. Tho k'I1l und V "" '"'"an ulTalrs has u"u f ' ssmo and bus pri). vlded It. the Indian bill In conference f. rth,e p.'ly of BKcnt as heretofore ,SS concur in the opinion of the Indian unite In th Is regard Hits . Sf'i'n '..".'i1 '" n?Ne " attained ". .m ,.",' tl!?'0UK' consideration of the subject It was thought thit the Fuperlntedents of sthoSls nrs " ot all to maintain discipline among the In- 2natnorrCoPM,1?ng?.l,e UnJ" tha """" |