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Show NORWEpiAN CELEBRATION. Anniversary of Norway's Indep.nd ence to Be Observed (Sunday h Dally i Norwcgi,,,, w1, elehrale ,. ,,,h,y ,,, " "Iim" A" "l"ndenr of orwav L 't1'1 ' 'Tirl.t.nsens Vail ' w o, p ,".hnt 71 n iHhori.e , n ' ?oJ v'eTbrre'1- hl "'.'.!' night The programme will consist of a numbet of musl il selections by the N'crvvcglan qnattitte also a. number of solos and speeches h) the following Rev I: I- Mork pistor of the Scin-dlnavlan Scin-dlnavlan Methodist church will speik on the 'Independence of Noma),' Judge C M Nielsen will follow with a speech nn The rnthcrland,' Dr P A. II Frnnklln has chosen for his subject The Norwegian Parliament, nnd Hon M i hnstophersen will conclude with 'The Norweglins In Amerlci lter tho entertainment nnl before the dime there will be un election of the ' May Queen ' who will bo chosen out of five )oung ladles nominated hy the committee on nnangements The queen will oindite during the dime. |