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Show IH MEMORY OF GRANT Eightieth Birthday Anniversary Anniver-sary Commemorated. BRILLIANT ADDRESSES MADE Amtricus Kepubllcan Club nt Tltta-burg Tltta-burg Olvca Sixteenth Annual Din-Mr Din-Mr Con,,iMiiau Littleficld of Hilne Pa, s n Beautiful Tribute to A, jicmuiy of the Silent Soldier Secrs'ay of the Treasury Shnw Blvni , o the Tost, "Tho Oov-jrciacni Oov-jrciacni Evolution." put, nl -'2- Ihe sixteenth u Hi American ltepub- U in i its. in conitncmora- ,, f I I of Gon I'Isssoh S . t the Hotel llenr , 1 1 io of tho many t i im present, wan one . . Unit of tlie muiy ban- ),,., i ti vv ill known m gnu- '.V 1 i Km Attorns -Goiicuil ', , 1 Mai " ollkl.itul nil ,.,,, nl among thoe nniti.il IV i I, M hluiw !-eoretuis ,', T H C Pulll" Post- . j,t i II out, csmii.hi Charles r j,it Milne ami John r i:i- jj, , I n il of Pcnnsvlvnnla 1 i no PHHSIDnNT. jlr k ' r thanking tho mom-pra mom-pra of ii lull n ml theli guests for ,b,lr I t c ptlon, gnld he wait ir b ' '" sstige fiom President Presi-dent jt lu ttlng Ills in iblllts n bo r ' u 'ho tnist-mustcr a !ufg i i oiling tnist wits drunk , ih- I 'ho President of the Inlti I ". which wan followed by , f i t i ihc Breat General, In romr ' c r whoso bit th the eel-ebut eel-ebut h 1 1 Cow Littlcfleld responded to the I j t lie spoke In part tit II Mil LH 1 1 I'll I D.I AIHHlHsM to In the k fit historical perspective nf a a Im" birn lth the p. mill command great an j r rm ".utpendoua ncliicve- r i tin a vvlll Htaml tow- rl n III Ir fellows, isolated Hi i Ii blc grandeur Ahx- I c i ii, .Sapotion. e. I i Iminorlils Hie latter t n I nth crnturs a hied a I i in us list when the t ittIV KIHIoli IckslniM ami Hi m i nio i a his undslng re- Gr " ' Her of Ike rtopuhlle li l ultiH onil achieved grent il in ii kk cut il enduring f in at Ii the heritage of i ml -nnt people Whllo 1 i ' ' i vctnonts ns h unr- i r lu H for his admin rs i i upon th in It in ij bo I'n, I ' IHI" In Klnr) risls, no i Ii l Idle than In to tliu If r nr ii oklkrB fame Ho l i in If In the cause ho f n i II iiTrl with nn unparalleled il i I anil it digged do-17m do-17m nt 11 voted to the bucccbs 1 r I 1 hi muccsh of our 1 II rl" it anil not hla ov r I e Mill 11 lie aim. ,1 1 ' ' r t bv nnj ait or word I n iro to 1IUtl11tr11l.l1 him. 1 1 1 1 I 11 move im 111 in any 1 1 1 llli selr-effnccinent " It a unprecedented. r II 1 ittractho rainbow M itim of blood." had 110 " " Mr niloii for hlin Modist, t irn not hlmsdr fnltlu I , discharging ri'MMiiml. 1 It in I11. ill) not hi ik, much In rlii fur 1 r. ferment Preferment : Hhlk gr. ilmas In it sense, " , lilm In at tho snmo time ' 1 cr 1 1 The rrrnipiit noliller ' ' " hi iibmo all tlilnK" else, ' 11 of ponce " I 1 pi 1 mlitht be e- hi propuacil to 'nam T" jmr unrki" At ' 1111 nilltlotnl Hiirron- ' ' ' v Itilcrnr-ts he dm lured , 1 r In 'IlKlit It out on 'kll hummer ' All Hint , r 'I hi Klnnior nf his r ' r 1 1 not Infrequently oh- ! I iiiilnnlliiR, cmliirlliB, ' hi ihnrnitrr 1 ian 1( 1 liiiita here nnd there :'J a 1 hlslur and belter 1 1 ins ro i'kaci: " I .he mil lii a nnl- k lion to priuc that Mil life 1 mil sen ;. , ' P nf 11 filial illnease, 11 ,, hair In his rottiiEo In M nut MillrcBor lie Is , ,. and tin Khaikiw of , " ' 11 ward ulth un ejn of ' il where the focinan II 1 the mimnions neier ,, .' , ami 1 11 or tin. drum ' , ' I fin o Is lilm, laed ... , 1 ncer n In tea or " " k 'rt xariis for all of ,. '; With fiiblt irimbllnit t r ' 11 rlu s his last mes- 1,1 1 11 me on tho oo of 11 new .1, , . ' lo l" urcat hirmony V ' nl and tin ( onrcderale ... . ' J' a lltlnif wIiiiimiIu thn ii, , ,"1 proi'liiij. but 1 feel mi 1, 1 ! ,. ' '" lo 'V " 'lh "l- "'KM IIiik ix,r.mil for 1111 at "" 1 "ii nuipiMcil tint taih ., ' lit sicnicd to mo th .,, n mr tu 'Iai us hat 1 r 1 nh Ihe fenorof a bono. ,i ' ' i Iruus miiKiiaiilmous t r nllh Its glories, trl- . 11 but bkiw.il pnuo v, ,,,, Ii 'iv, the 111.1 J' '!" 11 iulog us leceUpil "nt. 1 on ,! nt )tl) t0. liA Kl,rx Inlioduieil U M. ,, , b of tho lioamn j. hIiobo .'' la he toist 'Iho Hmcrn- i,r u' '" "a" sicctid with up. kiiitm tuiAWb addui:hh. 'iitffJt "v troceel tho ileMlop. "'c urj from colonial Ua)i " 1 "nt time, to bIiov,, as 4 'a 1 lie tu ml of thoUKht , ' iit.l n ipiitinl (,ovem- .. " Ullleil iiiii",,'1 icii.IIiik In tho Hulled 1 11, tt. i 1111 by a Hprtsuitatlvu . , dip mini nt or thin , ,1 1 i.rt 11 lurioralkm 01- ", 01 buiH of 11 certain .. nil holdln and nllni; " 11I itintriilllnM tho t ul- r 1 porlatkin luinpanles 1 of the tnumr. Willi- . i I11I011 na lo tho prob- r nl 11 IIiik to note that 1 . in I ills.ltiles of tho a ...i nniilnln nut of this lie , I trlllclsm lhati that It 1 ,. uiiiiniiKil miller. it. th ' ' ' '' 15VLNTS. f 11 for iiiitluunl leftula- " , ' xprrii iiitnpnnleH. of ' . ii of liisuniiiiii ami nf 1'innn I fur unlformllv 1 r luws Intertst and t ' irind of events and I In Boem to be mill irnr "'"' moio centralized Ai, ""USHAII, i 1 war tho Nation en- 'I 1 , 1 no inlky of Intor- 'nilltB HllbslllllllB SI 'i iliseoiilliiclitnl llnea , J niianenily rontlnulua 1 'litre unit hmlioia, no v. ir v.c utn eir to bo '1 1 "Uly prngreiiBUo pnl- m r im nt N.t us tho 1 nil s Ball It Is nearer I im, rrnnrlson lu .. t 1 ' '"il New 'iurk to tliu 1 ,. i1."110 "uiuhorn o- 1 'i a Blnis or unnil siiird 1 am I'ltliio tu ist, 0110 1 mill 111 J thu ollur lf ' 11 ?. ',l,el of the Bhnio 1 J oik un,. uulnir imbi- V11 . "l.w"iil and Imlh ', ,r '., "'' 'heir desllua- ? h'""" l'Mt thu Ulli- 4 ' 1 k ,v " nuirer from Nuw B ' I , , ,Vl MwiriiRiii than ' ' " l" simo lolnt ill " VI llfllWTMAIUNri z ' 1 r"'i' li.!"u'! "It kireest In ,, k'aiu by oceuil III " laitkm of hiurim tlT",a,T,m f ?' ' "'l of timri I iNn' (!,",",' ,bu: ' f " b m8,r hi " r in r. , , u il u" 1, V,l V," " '" Ulls 1 l.Sai c, "I,"'" Whether lern is linnifit.rt.ii ..... ,Dl Hnaii-Iminrtin Hnaii-Iminrtin ,Vr t,f hlT,L"1,r,d .w,tl "'0 v,..,lth MnoMeSn 'in?., '" rt AV,'r'lV lanal. hkh 1 r wm J i'.hl '"'"ml.ui LSio'f&'fe.io't-rs, - IMnS iff' .ml'lnWit Mhen H C. |