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Show BEAUTIFUL COUBTCOl Tlio gow n worn by Mrs. Ctot first court held by KlnrEJit vvhlrh took place the ether c eonsldercd one of the not I cnatlona" present Itwu: W orth (vv ho made tnostoltbit the occuslon. In spite of Ifxc t ilk ubniit patronlzlnc Bru which HUB tho English W ilnjtt) nnd was of pink nun, d Ilounced with beautiful lace. I vet nuaturtlums sparkllnfi monda nestled umld thUti dice, while over the Unite) dropped trails of pink roni 'I ho Queen maids of honore imld of honor, being to n beautiful glrla. the MIim V Doris Vivian (twin litiUfti ornament nny court Tlitjr born damsela, but as pooru pretty. They wore picture I white nnd silver. Thedalntj: hllver.spangled chiffon ten from one ehoulder end iM ' vvnlst, In a new and orlituj" v om over cow ns of soil fw festooned nt the sides ill' rintln atudded with dUmon dice exquisitely draped andeU tooncd with the be-dlamt drawn lip In front under If nueteif nntural-lookingrimp which triilla fell onto th wreath of little banliU tho shoulder held up the DotJ York f oinmcrcla! Advertim. (Troin tho rortiir" lieu y ms heart Is, hiavfti Tull of soft foldlnfi of mcnla . ,. c, And the outer fold of rag" Anil tho next aoft fold ll W Ami the next, liner and Ami wSrc'ihey unwound WBJ Morn folda nnd mors W" foltla would unroll Of love always love. And inltn nt the last . Deep In the neit. in lh W Onu llat fold, turned W11 " VniilltlTo heart of m '!"., lull there so warm ", ot knowing where T"- or why sour nest Is J Nor bow sour nct 1 'P, ?ou. Illtlohtnrtnf myh'"-' V. nu Ilo in my heart. , 1 Warm alio und soft w " souis, . .rV, LB Hero In ms arm sndiuc"" frum mv breast . J ho stn m,lh sou will J wltliunoof IhwjJj'liJE |