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Show Bill BUYS MASSACHUSETTS ..Hi ill Wl H if M A' B Lewis Alitls Anotllcr H I Group to Imperial. .H 1 11 i DVISI0H WITH NEWH0USE Hl I 'Mm M rij Tf Development Work In the Joe Bowers H n ' Makes an Encouraging Showing H J '1 W Wantland Bring! tna Latest ' ' IIcwb From Thunder Mountain I Bit? Shipment of Ore Tiom tht Utah - CM. Holfron Inspectt a Rich i ' Idaho rroperty-The Stock lm- Mj t 1 proeme'nt Contlnuea on tbt Board H H ' A I Lewis who hss been out In H t, r mnt s.vral days came up H v I to i lake veslerdsy morning an'' H )i j(, r ui 1 to camp last night While M "WT f V esterday he received the deed H J 'i 1 m -amuel Newhoine of the Mataa- Hj 1 c j t group for the Imperial com- j i ti pre party consists of slv. elalma B , t of r Hi o In Ixiebor gulch 1 tines past has heen a wnnder- H ' I ' f i r of both quantity and qual- H ' IV rdn a transaction waa u re H i i r i Jivlslon of property held by H , M ' lr and Mr Newhouse In which B k l ti e iit receives the f actus croup In H , c I tn in- ucallty and having th ne B ' 1 i , o claims The Massachusetts iaH ' " t i t IP r and gold proposition and B S t ioj ment Mr Lew In sa)S "III , b t in t enco with a large force of H ( ', 1 Joe Bowera Encouraging H f . , Th nan cement of the Joe Powers Hj i'j n he ceuiagol over the show Hl 1 ,1 lna it at resulting from the work H . I . i of I v ! pmi i thai l ' ' jnirgetle. H j, ' nt i led i ii Th-main haft l down iaHI i ii i ' "' ' ' "here i etitlon has put been iaHI Ml'l Ll 1 rompi ted preinrntnry to drifting to the iHIH flTli W! "" I 0 feet away A hlghlv mlner- iaHl " fV ynit nil I "earn wo encunfred while rut- iailH I mJI ting th ttatluti and xamplea ant by iaHI ' U SV? hupt Jnmea f idghton to l'reldnt l iliaw lit 'lift II I"' rv tcn1a dlsrloiel by the a- iaH A (,' ti ra r: t..t to th extent of a trare nf ilH ' 'e IlitS copp r SI 1 ler r. nt lea I IS 1 otlncen of ilH ' (1 FlKe nnd an rnt In gold I" th ton iaH Vi Ufr A hl no vln hiiI mii'h em an ore iaH 1)14 NIW chute ha tvrn rut there ahowlnga are ilaH i 'H'm r'"ar '' "" fioorilile imll'-atlona of B ,1Mf hlKh (.nide mlnml near h) iHlH sM1 rnoM T1IUNDEII MOUNTAIN. iHH t ill W M Wantland Left the Camp Only H jji ) 1 n Week Ago iHH I ' Jft'lS N M WantUm I arrived In Bait Lake iaH I U ftl l" ' r'l;iy ''onl Tl,under mountain, illlH P Hi,ii whlrh .amp he left lia than a week iaH JiJMlW "EO '"'"KlnK b fur the Inteat nea illai ';i1 'roni that region The Oewej tunnel ilail it!'l 'TS he enM wan driven 171 feet durlnR the ilal iJlJlr tinier monthe with Increaad ehowlnga iaH I i' illnH nK the nork progreueii H I, jij. Work In tin mine mil at Die mill iaH t it 1 haa misp nded on arrnunt of n ohortnge labial ' tllf "' eill llrj and l eerrlt nf lalmreta 1 B?1 There are about (JO people In ininp ho i i j anja whhh number la ke t nltiut hv-ii it 4 t h t. ntlnuoUH nrrhnla and depatturea 1,1 The enmp In underkolng the throw of n Hj 1 1 ' L food fnmlne nnd a consignment of H f' F meat MketaMea and ennned gooila ern H 1 . ) fold while he wnir there for it ll I toil ti 1 M ti' for th collet Hon H V (i ,,r Wantlaml went h wn of rotinrll H ' wj nnd barren ant walked the entire illa- iaHI ,( Jl tance of about Vil, mllea lth coming ilH n "'"' -rlr"r n ,nk 'hit called fur (in iaH I H'SiD nbundanee nf both pluck an I endur i J ' on-r He la aotletled of the worth of i,! thnt country nn a gold rlu er and j ' ris thai the auirnundlng neighborhood -. , la nleo rich In copper allver and lead j (' lie Ft tea that In plnre along the route H t acl 1 the enow wan ae much na t n H J fit deep nn I tint tie wa In atrewn B ai with il. ml crlpil'd ind half famlehe I ilaH lin hnrKCH broken vehpleH dlxiai led an i ilaH I ail ahnea nnl dlaconrHge.1 iniii who linger iHI i nJ nn ""' coote nnd at up their aupi Ilea iiH I'M He ndtlsea all laitlea who lontemplati iHI ,. IJ making the trip to wait for milder LM i l weather and better roadit j ii SL BINOHAM CONSOLIDATED. B t'ffl- Tresldcnt Wltlte Will Soon Leave B "t fu ' Boston to Visit rioperty. B ,, , f I'rriiiii'Ni: si'icm, i H t'. notion lw prll .t 1'iealdent K M if ' hite of ninghani Canaolldaled H ' J i. Mill lde ehortli for Halt like where H llinUii h rxi l lo be pieaent at the HtiiilliiR B "'I pK f 'he onveiter atom Mu I'rteldrnt H ' I -it? White -ah I think that w. are non H I ilfi v In n 1 1 Mltlnn to operate our ameltei mi H U'l'iLt a mrr'' ,xl 'H' l'iun e have kept B ililHT the (lutMtlon of iHoiimnlcK In mind and H )' iilk t "" ""' nrn ork hna lieen along t j, f economical llnea We bellevi lint with 1 ' ('' i our c i lertera alnrted aliall lie In i 'ii loalln n to do a Mige bueliieaa econoin- Si l:ll ,f j' i .'? i Tho Hockcr Is Qreat. H , j .' : J f Davelcr nnd C V Mlllale te- H I Jr I tiiruofl eatord n from an Inepectli u nf H I the work' if the IK-cker Mining B compmy ml the teiort the mine aa H '. 1 In, in . moat giatlf)lng condition B ' i lliii froiirtv coiihlata of a group nf H (He lalina ululate 1 nine inlha fioin H . y ocis de In I mei county and la H M ii brink dovepip. I under the aujier- H i i liite-n nt j nf Dane) Hirdy a former M , J , s)i 'd uf Salt lake iutint 1o H i. ahiiiH hive hem uuik within the pant H i i few in nth to a depth if alxly nn I H j1!, fortv feet reap itlvel) anl from tluxe H I 'I; 1,1 (hafta numeroua cioeneulu have boi it 1 i J, 1 run 1 1 ar ncroit the vein which la 1 ' , jj fortv feet wide an I the entire dlatani e H I .ill ' hn bei n through what Is believed to H ' ; bt shit ping tie and Hhout h cai- H I I liad of the oie In now in s it ka road j i1, for shlpniert Akiij fiom haul H ' (impliH which hut been taken with t B ,i vbw of obtaining an average of tho B Mln have ileldcd all the way from C I HO to 2 per cent lead t per cent cop- HH i , per and ism.s ounfa of silver to the i Jj ton iljiVfiK j dood Idaho Property Sl?Tlf r Co' H ' irrun of loe Wngham '1 19s if fon ifturn'd jiisttrlu fiom a two t i& wetks trlu Into Idah Ourlng his ab- (nS B"nro fol II iTt jii examined i proiert I ln In thf nelBhbnho 1 .f Ilolae He Is l cnthuslaitk over the pro e is of thnt i' dliiri t The vein iiiing high grade oic he mates whllf n in in are will If It d llneu and ncroini anled In nearl ' liJ't' evirj Instanci l lnrge niuounta of 1 '"li,' milling ore Ntimernui propeitlia there rtB'i and niiung thim Ik the Gold Kag Hi owned by J llurton and other Polt I HA Lakem inn sleldlllg gool returna The ll.' Oold 1 Okie is enlarging Its mill from jjl 'j, foui to ten stamps j f j'Jjt Jfirdshlpb of tho Trail C ) A If Iter received from Con MrAullff I !' In unJ Iive Jenkins who arn hended for 'iK Thunder inounlnln na the npiesenta (i J tlves of tho Wasthelmer ajnlleate n- ' I t brings news uf tiilr arrival at Sonh f'l fil' rork Ida on April 11 aftir n pilgrim fj. ' uge thnt vvaa fraught with most pel "i I'l" lloiia ndvenltirea nnd keenest suffering f ) t, 'tho gentleineii who weio Inrnierlj with S, j' ' fapt De I.a Alar a forces In Nivaili I l jit me forging tlulr way Into the muun fjii ' I8'1 nt W0'1' n WM ot Warren an J I V M ' The Wftulows Oat of liorso fied, tin j ty? 'J' vvero compelUd to shell out ( a Inl i i consisting of SO pounli for hny, und 1 1 1 then lost ono of their nnlmals ( '( , Uhey claim to be the llrst to reach iVfr M i ih J- i. sir e tie r a 1 r r1 In t i tn tl nli. t . fil-k-d inti Wairm l I I i 1 the man who undertak th trip at thii time must be pre i ir 1 t resign himself to hardships th-it emT-k of those experienced on the trills Into Alaska THE STOCK IMrHOVBMBNT Not Much Improvement In Meat, but Than Were No Sbrlnkagia. The we k on the mining exchange opened t ith a continuation of the Im-proemenl Im-proemenl of prices and Increase of snlex that began on flaturday and yesterday yes-terday a transactions include I the sale of 113 760 shares of stock for which "f"i W wns field None of tho stocks were favored with a maiked Increase rf values but the ihrlnkages were almost absent and the ad ancea a ere quite numerous ailsa was a strong seller and while 'j,er 31000 shares changed handa (he prl.e went from 86 cents to WH n-nta and "loseil at T1U cents Daly West opmed strong at IleeO rose to $45 m an. I closed at 14 40 with sales aggre gating ii shates Mai Das which sold dqn to 3H oe-itu on Saturday developed strength esterday nnd sales to the extent of iVMO ah ires from .104 cent! to 21 cents eic- re ird d South Bwnnseawas rather erratic selling ovei 2(00 shares from 75 cents to "o eents down to "2H cents and closing at ? cents I nele Ham was In strong demand but the his em were full) aa anxloua as the sellers and while M7M shares changed handa the price went from 18 rrnti to M' cents nnd back to 314 cente Joe Bowers also attracted attention at-tention as a strong seller and 24 3SS shares of Its stock went by uncertain changes from 4 cents to B cents with 4i centit paid at the rinse Vankee opened at f" IIV4 advanced to $2 20 and receded to 12 15 at the close The quotations at the close of the calls were I A M ?aTl1rM Calf I Bid I Asked P'd lak"eT AnThoT 1 i io f i I i M 1 1 It iten ' ffj g" I itS 8 Alice ' I 40 Bullion B 1 M I . 2 75 i.h Y,,l H tA I fl CA -Ben B Itler !4l IM 12e 12H rallfornla isi,, (? !t 11 f-enturv , VT , Si r reole I l o 1 ( ( on Mercur I 15 1 1 1 l bal iS ID i 110 DaK West IS SO 4? 7 I 41 WW 20 Ballon I. , Dslton oi sjkll Dester 40 il Bmerald , 05 10 Kagle IBB OH h K M OsTena ! 3 Grand Cen t (Vi , 2 7 J 5 r Fagle I ajt, Horn Silver 115 I M 1 to ISO Ingot M M OH, OSS Joe Howera Wj JP Olfi MTl I Ittle l Met 1 , im V Mammoth I (1 I n , 1 IH 1 la Reine US,, ll . Mammoth I Ml 1 Ml I IS IK Manhattan I I 0114 M Dav lOV, m, Utt ST Mar W a-h 07 I Nor Llirht 01 Ha (XV, Ontario 7t9(n 140 0 I'etro I0H U nithmond A ffl 10 Hnnshlne 20 I XI, Swansea I 40 1 rJTi I 1 in. in. J Pwanaea 7T, tl I 71 7Vi 8acrament to S ' 22 Rllver King I Mot Htsr ran 1SW, liAs1 li 16 Bhowers 11 , Mllver Rhlel I (Ml, m 1 IMS. 071j rtrn 5 24 , 9 Tunra W M ' i'i in Hunbeam ' ' 'I 41 1 nrle Ram tU MS . j 1 tah 5 I M ... so aleo 11 11 j U Mclnr In It , VV 1 r.lnry HU OK "OVt u Whlto Hoiks 1 U , tankew Con 2 to I 21112 li'i 1 7()7lll hu.im Albion lo at 40c VJax ttfat4Jc lontcme saistWie, 1 I'" at 4fc t arlaa 2" at Stc li at KJHc l'o at . tsv m at S7c lo at gJSko 4i"i at T7Hc at 37V !" at c So at ,e. ('o at 2ekl Paly West 2atIVS0 (lit! Him Mat JVM May Dai 4late,.c Mm m W,e TWO at V, MA at mike .i it A,c i"l at ,, va i 3141 .eller It) iliyi ro at V. mller jii .live Hoiilh Swansea. Ml at 7c, IM nt ;ic. t lit "ivjc 101 it 7ft4t If" at Sc 1 m le H.i 111 2201 ui le. do nt 35c. seller ftl diis tn at Ux, seller 10 dais 1. at SHc W". nt ii .eller 10 ilays 1 nt Tie, . ldil III I l.e MO at 36e, if" UI Wc tot at r . inner n dais ll al 3SV ro at W.t i nt MSc 1 I'shfc.rnla lso at lsc ivn at 17c Bft) nt 11-. luui at K'.i !" at l.Vt,c, ltVu at tv; KUji foe 11 were Ko at 4c 100 at 4'Jc yl al !Hr 10.1 at tc I ittiii 1 h(r 2to at Oc 1 a Heine Al at 1JK' teller 10 days Martha Wnshlngtnn 0 nt 7c Yankee jr.. at 12 IM al ) M at I2.1 ion ut .'.; Ko at H Ko at 1121 v nt . "a wo at tsi" seller ! days l'o at I seller 30 dav ion at 12 seller in dajs 110 at III", Ko at 1210 IM at Kit eellertadiDH ICin al 13.15 100at21 seller H dais Ol'fcS IHIAHD I til lea am a IMtr tiuer TO days I min Him boo at 3ti l' at Mic, !') nt ( Vntiin sew ai 54c Jc- llunere Jul il 4'c "" at 4!le, PiO at 4V AI-ll.ltSOO-4 BAI IM Paris i oii at 3sc 1700 at 87V ll"o at J7V . Ifti at 37V u it J7',c, 33n at it, , lu',iW Sin at a4.. Iitivrr days Dal) West 71 al K if .5 at Hi ' K at 345 30 Wal II 25 al It' W 21 at 345. 24 laiwrr Mammoth an at ll Miy ll,lIW,r Wail 3fdc, 300 at 31c So al Siv-c i ai He selUr id davs, SUM at aivc loo at 31Hi Ko nt 3ln. II 1 al IIV Hatrminiiln l'o at 2le South Hwanaen "i nt 77c inn at 7le eellir diva lwi at 7J feller 30 Ja.)S lol at 'ji , 3t al 73c Inn at 7ilttc. M at 74c JOB it 1H,r -W al 71-c I i I Him llmnt u l' it l,i Mat .-'.' 1410 a l 34V, KM) tt 34SC lVi at 15c. Iiiiirjoilaia Ito at an,c 100 a I IVHc , rnin al X.,- Jrtiif at Wc 1 o at atVsc, WO al M'.c, lOu al 31V siller Cu da)s I t ih ! at . talll. i nl Uiri HO, an at Kc i cut in 40a at 5K loo at MWc Dio at ri im at MJi seller 10 dn)s l at 55c, irvi at tfcVii ion ai Ml-c Joe llnwirs iui al 4Vsc 3oO at So, 10.M ai 1".. Tetrn WO at 21c Vanki ion luo at 12 ll'i seller 00 ,a l ii t.:, loo at feis inI ti ti buyer 3n iiais no al 1217 seller n dm Jftlat $- ll"v sellir 00 dii)H .no at I. 10 Keller 10 ilu, 100 al 12 II luo at ' 10 110 at 32 U OPLS noHD farlsa, lfc at SSH; Dal s S est, So at HV so lat7W40 la hemi llui at Sh wo at ISWc. seller 80 dii) ut IH,c Martha Wnahlnatt n MO at 7o. Oie nnd Bullion Settlements. "lestcnlay ore and bullion settle, tnenla leached u. total of M7 200, and vera diil led us follows aid oi Bklc .1 -u-MIer anl lead area 112 200 National Hank ot the Republic .old bars 12600 1 It Jones & Co -Oie, 13(500. 1ml-llon 1ml-llon 117 wM On the met-il market silver ruled at 5H, c. tils an ounce Lasting copper at II rente a i ouml anl lead at W 50 per 1G0 pounds BIr Shipments Troiii the Utnh A shipment of 04 COO pounds of ore (run the Utah nt I'ish Springs jejter-daj jejter-daj arrived on the track from Ousla Ihla conslgiuneiU bilnga .he shipment for Vprll to the siillsfactori total uf "50 20i) cun Is oi nemly 116 Ions ihese on a haie ylelled on an nvirag- oier 'rt otin i a of allver to the Ion I est tea small values In gold and m?il 5 per cent lea I Boston Mnrkct Irtc(;ular. 1 1 ami m, Hi'iK iai i Ilnitnn Mass, April 28 The cutting tit thn I nluniet dlvlden I tn 5'. for the fil.irtii cxertid mi unfav enable Inllii en e in opj er shnres and prlcea sui, Red sninewhit hill tiadliih was llinlt. 1 und the dtriincs wero (r.vuional vxiipt ' i h f I d n pe nts I i I rr I n ih h V JS I n 1 1 t l nlte 1 c opp r (Ih Hen inatloni n t me on the rut I. at . lo Jj Market closed Irregn lar Hornblower Weeks hrokers 1 State utreet Boston and 10 Wall street New ork, furnish the following quotations quo-tations Salts High fiw Close Amalgamate! 1 372 V 75 - M5 "5 Blngh-im l V) 35 50 ri, DsK W est 4V CO 44 50 I tah 32 23 -tl ti 00 23 00 I niter) State 9)3 21 52'i 21 bl 21 50 Here ir 2 (tn 1 74 j H 1 '4 Mohawk 27 37 Sn 17 00 37 50 Curb-Boston I37'e124 ( Mlnlnj Notes. The Boston Tlntlc shipped a car of ore to eatrdav a market The ronklln sampler reixrted two ears of no from Tlntlc vesterda) two cars of Lower Mammoth ore r ached the sampler es(erda The Neptune nf Bingham was a shipper )csterday to the extent of three cars The MaxtVetd st Big r.,ttonwcod shipped a car of ore to the sampler 4s-terda) 4s-terda) ' ' vMllard F Snyder and Walter riler will visit the Honerlne property at Stockton Stock-ton today The Hlghlind Bo veaterdai sent a fj icW-pound cnnalanment of pig copper to he Esstern refinery Andrew p Mavberrr superintendent of the t nlted States mine at Bingham, was a Salt Lake visitor veaierdsv The Taylor Brtmton sampler yesterday yester-day revelled nine cars of ore from Ophlr one car rrom Tlntlc one car front Big c ottonwood end three cars from Blng ham The Ophlr HIII Senator Hark a prop-ert) prop-ert) In Tooele count) reported on the market yesterda) with nine cars of concentrates con-centrates R iperlntendeitt P M Mrfrea of the Yankee Con spent )esterdai In the city He reports tin work at the mine pro greiislng nlrelv and the property looking unusually well Joseph II Hjtchlnsnn ex Lieutenant-Governor Lieutenant-Governor of Iciaho who Is Interested In varlotn mining propositions in that State Is making one of his occasional business stops in salt Lake E Itlv a nnd It 1 tllvea of Mllfard who are Interested 1 1 various mining impositions in Heaver count) ore spend Ina the week in Belt lake (Tie) brought with them samples or oil bearing sand rock obtained in Oarfleld countv J J Burke nf the mtll contracting firm of Dcderlchs ft Burke has returned from a three weeva t tislness trip to Plttsbrrg and Chicago, whither he went to com- flete arrans ments for mat rials Mr lurke states that at rittsburg Investors look with deride 1 favor on lull Indus trie Frank K AV llon has returned from a hutrleil trip to his rrldav group of gold hearing claims near Haker nty Or to confer with Bait lake assoclaten who will assist him In binding a mill on the property The eonstnetlon of a comb! nation stamp mill and concentrator with a rapacity of ctom twent) nve to nrty tone dall) Is trnmlrsd tn the near future |