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Show MARKET "HALTING ONE Movement of Prices Was Not Uniform. NO ACTIVITY WAS MANIFEST Failure of Conference of Anthracite Miners and Operntora to Agree Upon Up-on Terms Had a Disappointing Effect Ef-fect and Crented a Bad Impression Result Wns Free Selling of Rtsad. Ing In Opening Dealings, Which Affected the Whole Lilt Bond Market Was Moderately Active SILVEK New Vork MHe San Francisco MSc London 3346 I LAD New York exchange . It HH COl'PEP. New lork exchange 111 2SsTU i Silver and Drafts New lork. April 2 -Bar sliver (lic Mexican dollars 41c San l'ranclsco April 2 -Silver bars 61shc lexlean dollars, nominal drafts sight 15e, telegraph 1.4c Money and Exchange New v.oik. April 23-Mone) on call steady nt I4kQ44 per cent eoing bid and asked SifI4 per cent Prime mercantile paper 4j4(, per cent Sterling exchange nrm with actual bu!ni In bankers bills at HV for demanl and 14 Seh for sixty days Posted rates, 4 WHuOHi and !ljHS c-otnmerrlal billn JlU'cfJ New York Metals Jew York Airll 28 - t Ijindonand New ork prices for tin wer onsidera-bl) onsidera-bl) higher, In.loti closed 1 higher for the day at 129 15s for spot and fl 16s for future New ork closed about 3j5 points hUher with sre-t at 32M528 35 t opper was weak and lower at New vork with lake, on spot ot HVil2c electro. IWlc lljifllHic nnd ca tlra lli,8U.c t indard copper on spot nn 1 for June and July deliver) was quoted t l""flll'c London copper close 1 2s ("d I wer at 153 is Cd for spot anl futures L Lead uteady here at Pic and 1indon Is 3d hmher at ill lis W Spelter ruled steadv at 114.', at New ork while Iindnn was -s -lloweraltls The locnl Iron market wae tt.adv and unchanged pig Iron warnnle continued nominal Vo 1 foundrv N rthern lJi Sv tin 2 foundn Northern l-fll'V No 2 foundry, Southern ll miw No 1 foundry Southern soft trontvoi The fngltsh markets were higher, with Glasgow at 61s and Ml Iclleete ro at 4s M San Francisco Mining Stocks San l-rancijeo April 4 The official closing quotation:, for mining stocks today were as follows Mia It Jllstlee. I 0 lleleher . lOMexlein 6ti Hest . lleleher 27 occidental Con IS Bullion . oJOrhlr 175 rah Ionia . .HfHcrmitn . 25 ( hallenge Con . )i Polost . 3H hollar i . .10'Savaae . p Contldence C2. Sierra Neva la M (on Ll tin I oo'silv r Hill 4. Crown Point m I'nlon ion 2 Ooiiid h Carrie .oi.IJtnh (on 'I Hale & Norcross SllYeltnw J i ket . 13 nOSTON' MINING STOt hS Adventure I 21 on Osec la I (H.K14 Vllouea Tv Parr t 2M0 Amal &., Quln 125 0(1 nitlfham 15 1". Santa I e Cop 2 "3 & II S40) lan-arack 1T0 Centennial . I9 60 Trlmcun . ldooi cop llanao 60 n Trltilt) llttl Pom Coal 112.60 C H 21 00 ranklln . lllil ,ftah . . 22 M Isle Hovale 13 v) Victoria 60) Mohswk . Sfifri VUnona 2"i Old Dom lf Itvolierlne 64 U) i NEW OIIK MININO STOCKS A B An IIIHViIeadvllle Con I on preferrel little I hlef 11". A lams Con . 20 Ontario S27. Alice . M Orhlr . 1ST. Breeie w I hoenlx . . (.. liruns ton 1. Polo.l . 25 Con Tunnel . (V. Sav ikc Oi c Cal ft Va 13. Plcrra Neva In 10 Ilesclwood T "l mall 11 1 pes 4i II rn Silver 110 f-undard . . 3 10 iron Sliver w I Foreign Market New nrk April 2 The Commercial Alverlisers Iondon Hnanrlal cnhlegrnm says Slock market acthlti was reduce re-duce 1 tola) due parti) lo the Jewish hollda) Consols w ri dull nt iPt There was some profit taking In view of tomor row s settlement tm rlcan slocks opened tirm and remained I lie anl dull In tho afternoon, cspedill) Union laclflc and Heading New York Sugar Market. New York April 25 Ml grades of refined sugar have been reduced 5 points b) ihe American Sugar Itelinlng eompan) nnl all other in lei ndent companies Quota lions Sukar-ilaw tirm fair relliilng 2T.c , centrifugal "el degrees test 3c Mo lasses tilkar 2S Itellned atea I) No a. It IS No 7. 110 No a 3M No 1. 1 'si No 10. I3.W, N i 11 m No 12, 13.75, No 13 1275 .No II tl ' stanlirci il M confectioners II i Moul 1 V I 05 cut-loaf cut-loaf 15 211 crushed I. 0 powdered H Vt granulated II 0 rules $195. St. Louis Wool Market. Ft I.nuls, April Wool-Dull, Terrl-tory Terrl-tory and Western mr Hums llhllc tine U'cjlSc, icwrse tl i Hi Stocks nnd Bonds, New Yoik April f-peculative Inter est In stocks shared a cnnaiderahle falling off today and tho full da) s transn lions reached a million Mum for the first time In two weeks The feteilsh aitlilt) which haa chara terlsed ihe recent leadership lead-ership of Ihe mark, t was decidedly lai k Ing If Ihe rather lirge dealings In Ileal Ing be exceple 1 The lime nf the market was halting an 1 nn erialn an I the move ment of pilcea wis not uniform Ihe whole Hat Itself changed ft number of limes during the d n The failure of the mnferenre Of the anthracite an-thracite miners and 'peratora to aareo upon terms hn 1 a dlHappotnilng erfert an 1 created a ba I itnpresulnti The result was free selling of lleadlnr in the opening desllngs which anVitei tho whrle market mar-ket Ihls wraknecs was overcome t) strong silvan" In some of the high Pftced coalers Ihe part la)ejl In Ihe market by the high pilceil stocks of which the oailna iq ply Is ver small was notable nnd their wlJe movements resulted from a slight volume of trans actions As the urwirl tllshl nf Delaware A Hudson and of Niw lersey Cntril nl lied the ltuadings so did the spurt in the Chicsgo i- Nerthwrstern slocks glie some strength lo the gring rsanl I'arluca Kt Paul llfteel two loitits over last night and there wer. i, li - I one to two joints anting the So ithwesterns The gains were not well h II however anl there wero cnnstnnt rrlir? s when the market was lllowed ti l onie iJlet New ork New Haven & Ilintord was nnother of the high grade el n.ks lo move but It saved onlv a point ri Its 7 point advance Among the Inliistiiiis there were wldo advances Ih ltiillinin International Tow er American I si reus and 1'ressnd Hto.1 tar preferred Iteports of ralliiid earnings receive! during ilin day wen generall) fuvonvhla and IncUded net e rnlngs for March of a number of s) stems t olorado ! uel ind Tennessee Coal were bid up lale In the diy us the locil ttaetloia had been ear lier but relarsel 1 sain without much ef feci on the ener il market Tho varvlng movement in Hie K'aln market was re Heeled from time t time In the stock mirket but 11 tt in i leclslvu wav lie usuillv nctlie Industrials were plllu gfneiall) n in Tho red ictlon In the Calumet A He. hi dlvldind depinssel Amalgamated 1 'i 1 1 Hui.ar was arferi-ed arferi-ed I) lower prl e for the reflncsl I'llltcsl Blales Hteel sseuii I tn redact illl pr iwil of Ihe tsuid Isanes anl Unltiil Hlnlea Liuther was affe t 1 h) realising Ihe nrmneas of foreign exchange reawakened discussion of 1 rol able gold exports tint the money market was unaffected The market close 1 il til and ens) rlie bond mark t wis mulirately active and strong lotal sales, 31 O15,oy United . .t jt. i.'vfi ' " v v-it. F NP W t P ret r '1 t ,8 - I S ief . U 1 "."lO 1 ' . t s teg ion D R O J s I I 3e 01 1IS Nor Pae 4 1 - I S ,w 4S reg IX jpJc.,, F I o ? "7 U fnlon'V.c .. , , t I old 44, 1 5 ng t P conv 4. n s ie res c CLOJNO STOCKS Sales. Mlrt Low Clef- vtehleon J2 IT 81 S.4 aP'' JS f T '5 sriE8,' -gigif ,an Rthern M p,; LpfefeArred g , CI L J J1 u' preferred ffi I? 1 Zt -;1' S SrefJrrSl W J ft e'er t l lg W l i 1.0I0 (Southern S.W 8 H Js 1st preferrel B li- 'J. A D!r4rH,,S13n llg P. & irs Rlprrerre Ig TOij Ot Northern' pfd 1 M t 14 iff Hocking vail") Jj H t preferred . g WH Wji fiv, Mhnos Ccrtral 500 llf ltsj 1JJ lews Central 3.100 Jgi 4 4j, preferred 4 . BJi L t tt Western M0 gi, "t preferred 1 M lg I- ' . Sffi Ik (ffij S5 Manhattan L 9 R IIP jj g Met St Hi jigo WU IW Mex Cntrsl J.05J S Mex Nsttonsl 1400 JfS 1H Minn 4 St L i lUVi IMS "'s Mo PaUflc ! laS J ' preferred ) ST M 661, NPJ ( emfvl 3.I09 J lg 4 NYC niral 40 SB MP, 1 lg Norfolk . W o g'. MV ', preferred 1 tgt Ontario AW 6 J 3H, .Ijg H Pennsihanla 53 400 i3h 1&, 16- Reading M 400 Svi 4 fV, I lstirf-rrei 4 300 17 M4 to1! . 2nd preferred 13 "M 7. Hl J ! St I. .- F 70070 (B 1st preferred . vai .nd prefer-ed 20 7JH 7 1 1 St L 6 w . Jno H'4 SMi I;'. preferred . ri 02 (JO, H Bt Paul 44 W0 MIS lB's nH preferred 5W 1321, 193 1' So Pacific lf 7H 7 80 Rallwa) U0 3H 37 3" preferred rl 400 t- tt)i Texas 4 Pacific 91 44 Uv 43a T St L A W 300 '. 23 preferred 1100 4l, 40K 43S. Inlon Pacific . 20.500 IMS 104f. 10' preferred . . n u, ?, ' Wabash 1X0 X H 24 preferred O'V 4JU SS V ,. 1. E 300 211, Jlis 21V. 2nd t referred ... 000 31' Mi 34j ls Central S,7-t 2P. 26 W; preferred . 43V6 41 40 Express Companies-Adams Companies-Adams . 205 American SuO 2J4' 2341, 230 United Slates ... 120 Wells largo 210 Mlsetllaneoui- Amalram Copper . 19 ) ', 6 Am Car . r 4 30 Jo1!. 3s p. preferred vt) 9Pt s, 91 Am I lnsee.1 Oil 9iV.) 251, 25 -f, preferred . 51 Am 8 &. n . 2f0 41', 43Uj 41', preferred . SOI Vj S; l Ana Mining Co i m j 112 JrookDn It 1 1) 72'. t, 71 Col I uel . Iron 2,-i no!, 1 74 lovu Con Oas 6jvi 219 227 227 font Tobacco pfd 2.o 124 124 )u '."n J. leitrlc 13 101 JJtiv, 32H SOVi Hocking Coal . . 10) 21 21 jf Internl Paper m, preferred , , , -j Intern! lower S (rt) im, l3 191 Laclede Oas , , , g Nation il lllseult , el 50 (0 Nat ona lenel .. 4.10 ijtj 19 National Halt " ie I referred . J, I'aelflo Mall ' '.J Peoples Oas ISO) MP), jevj pa. preferrel jr., k III. hu, Pullrnan Pal Car 1 uoi 2lt 2ttVt "15 "SreVVrrVT"1. . . SI SJJjT"-f leffco., j. , Jii m y4 "-& upfrivo.-. " m V 8 Leather 29tjft) uii 11,. ,. preferred . . g - U 4 Jf ' JJJj U s Ituhber . . 2t 11 ?! vV .preferred . J " " hS II S Ste-1 .,, a- ,. m preferrel jjjo, j, JLJ W eslern 1 nlon 1 no 92.I S2 Zfc Am locomotive W7il fcil ti? 2 ' K (Southern -ivi jci, i' referred . . w f, jj J, ' Live Stock. H ,, CHICAOO (vo sfff i.1r'.' cF''le-necelpts IS iiiWir"lr"1 today jno-o tomorrow 'mi'I 'an'd "hchef; ,& &, choieoheav) - 35J7 41 rouih heavv fa S M16. light. KToaei'oo. bulk c f satSsViowj 8hep-necypl in vt binVt i.mh- hSP 'J'es'lcrnT.'rliVs fcSfc eS"P' "' ur.,vrit Denver Colo, Apill 24 Catile-.ne celpts 2T.0 stead), beef ! steers ll'mMm covys 3VI5(0 stockers and leSieci .lig,i"e,P'" 'tl &.I'rr' H bull. .. "Ot34 to Hogs Iteretpta 3,1 higher llaht nacV era Hi.fc-11 mixed and he"?), ? KVNPAS CITV 6 2j n unci cow, and heifer. UftV;, OM5k'carv1s'ffafr,W-5 bul" " bur.W' ,Aim,,;eakv'; 8;7 is?s packers p s57 medium 7ii4,7? Jy,1",, '"i. yorkers, if lofl-s,' 7,g; Sheep-Hecelpts 23 IA) market sleili muttons IsohBee.! lambs k"cV,.; ram. wethers 15850380, awe. f 1,1 grass Itxans, Unejiij ' " OMAHA. n.1"hi.. r ob 1 April 2ft Cjitien, ff Pif,,11 m-,riet steady native sleers IJH17ki cows and heifers mM."! Western steee 31 7F4 JJ, rei ,ui,, 1115(10. car rs 11 f6nl75 steek.f, Jn I feelers W (' 25, calves 14 tm 7 (n H. slags elc I275J530 " w "un" llogs-liecelpts, 4iHi maikit 5flt0c Idah Sheep-llecelpis 52O0, market steady and !?oir4,'crt muttons, fcirtno, Westerns H2Vi6t ewos, JtUflOW common anl stockers. IS 254,1 "r, iamb. $$?, ftnl SI JOHPPIf bt, Joseph April 28 -Cattle- llecelnls "i Plead) 10 pV lower NaUvei fSsw Shep-necl is Mm 8adv t, strong Butter nnd i-ggs New 'Vork Alrll "(j liuller Ilreelrte '' pnekages ilrm fitnte ilniri l'.aW, creamer) Mate "tj23c creamery ,niTi tlon 1MY3IC farter) nflwe ""' 1 ggs-lier-rlpta, H4lpa kate. ,t,di htoie and IJenniylvanla 17tl v,, v,, em nt mark- 10imic l riein Butter Market I leln HI April 2S -nmter took a ,te elded drop on ike Uoard if Trad d.rii,. Ing frem 27 rents te 22 icnts An cfVeVin cf HO pounds was sold ai .'ii enl. ,,f the ci intitlnn committee made th, , P' ket firm at 23 cents Thi. i. i; ,"' ',rn than It was two week, aso Ihe nut?,,, of the wiek was Mf (.., pound. Ul' '" |