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Show WHEAT PIT WAS QUIET Trade in Small Grain Only Fairly Active. RAINS FORCE PRICE DOWN Southwest Wns 1 Liberal Seller nnd This Helped Keep Trices Down-Trade Down-Trade In Coin Hinged on Action of the Bull Crowd, July Closliifj lnlrly rlrm Interest In May Oats Believed Be-lieved tho Monoton -Provision Maikct Wns ARiln Minlpulated by Tickers, July Fork Closing Lower. Chicago prll 2 -Trade In wheat todly was onh filrl) icllve th igh Iho fre nurnt .hinge, of Ihe S!-, 'H"' nndo thn tension somrwhnt mirkel At the opening the news of gen.rnl rolni In nil thn irlneltal wleat Sntes excel t "in'1" storied wheat nt a liberal decline from Sntiinlav s closing ilces The Southwist soil lltcrallv anl helred hoi I rices link The sliuntlin for some time seotnel to fnv ir the I nils miles wire Mgher prl mar) Wins weie still lllhi l M rapl 111 decreasing stneks nnd the North west I might we nl cash surf nnl sllli el nn nlvinre lul) rlslnk In Jl'.i.A"r' 01 enlng VVc ,c 'H'; lm,lr' uLrnt of -nte vv hen reports if m m llberni ot fertngs in the Nrorlhwe,t Iv Iho firmer. Hill f rnlns In Kansas nrrlv. 1 etlllni: t " nme genrrnl nn I Juh sten III) de llne.1 to -6c Ihe. close w is wc ik ltUVkO I )wer, "VrnJe In corn hlnge.1 oil the action of the I. edlng bull row I InfUiemlJl I lying ly-ing ir ventil this cereal fn in following he coirs of wheat wlen that muket lr ke Jul) cln.c I Inlrly llrm i.c down "iruXst In Ma nit. relieve 1 the mo nmonv of 1 inlet mitket ml bell el up-hol up-hol 1 Hie other 01 tlons fhere was 11 nts pnsltlon to keep oil of the market until Ihe ins.llllltv of a corner In May whent was t 1st Miv closed llrm '.r up nt 4.c Jul) (new) closed l-c lower nt rThe provision mirket was minlpulated Renin by pad ers to!a fi r higher prices tut on the wine most . f the earl) gllns were lost J ill pork closed JHc lower, lird 2V4C up nnl rlls a shade hither ltANOE Or 111- ILADINO r UTUHE3 Ojen HlRh low Closs. Wheat No 2- , ,, Htw 7f4 751. 73", il Jilir 7644 -8' 5 "8U fcrtember . 78V, 78S 74 7IVi c orn No S- 6 h Ju"y : o.T. 11! "$ September . C3V4 W4 l's Kl's May1 N . 421, 431, 4-'4 ' July told) JJ 4 s '. Jills (new) J S7J, JS 1 Seitemler (oil) Jill 31'5 3, JO Seitemler (new) 12J 32'. S. 8-i. Mess Pork erlr,r f w jut; 17 iv. rim 17 a Se tember 17 12 17 28 17 10 17 12 M,.r.l PerlOO,Oo,.M.,-o7 Jill) 1Kb 10 21 10 rfi 10 10 September 10 .2 10 80 10 .M 10 20 Short rlba per ICO pounds- Ma D -h 0 10 9 25 9 37 Jul) 141 0 65 9 41 180 bei tember J 87 9 08 9 67 9 W) CASH QUOTATIONS Cash quotations were ns Pillows I lo ir, stenli No 1 spring wheit 72fl-6!4c No 2 rul MijxiMV No .).llowiorn uis.c No jnnts IT.t No 2 white IrfilV'.c No I flnxsee I $1 rs N 1 Nnrthwestern $1"9 1 rime tlmnthv see.1 $7 28 Mess I ork per barrel Jli Sfsfils KS lard pi r ioiiounds lioorttini i. Short libs sides (loose) H3MH41 drv suite 1 silo ll lers, $" 7607 S"l. shf rt i leur si les tboxed), H li fflDOfl u'hlsk) basis or hlj.li wines $i 3J Clover contrnct gn le $s 35 IIHI II T8 AND blUPMI-NTS Ilirts bhlpts Hoir birrels . . . ii(i lido Wheat, bushels 410TO 3sn. Corn I usheii p too M.1 ooi Oats busliels POLO J3S ) Use 1 l.hels 2u 1 ') llarle) bushels 26 on 1 OOO Tin: i iidtu ci. i ciiANor On the iroduie . xrhangn toliy thn liutter mnrket w in stead) creams 17 21c Ulrles I70ii t heese sleidy, 1214 013c 1 ggs firm 15i,ejl6Hc Visiblo Ornin Supply. New lork Al ill 2s -The vlall Ic supply of grain April i III conille ly the New lork Irn lure ixeuhlge I. ns follows Whent 4) 411 "O bushel, det reuse 3,ttIW) bushels 1 orn U.WI0IO bushels decrease. 338 Ofi) bushel. Oats 1IIIW) bush. Is lt)e 1 Ms mo Imshels decrease "ono 1 nhels liirley 1 112.(o bushels decrease 200(0 buthels. Coast Onln San 1 ranclsco ri II 3S Wheit weiker Miy 1111 ieemtr $1 1 spot quiet. I ul stesd) nl 11 11'. , J' m-l urge )elinw quiet nt ll37fi HalJev-VVeaker May 88,c III, DcLcm ber i,c 1 1 1 tush iot,c I xr iris from Sun I rantlsto 113 7a ccn l Us hrat tn ( oik |