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Show H MEMORY OF GRANTJ Eightieth Birthday Anniversary Anniver-sary Commemorated. BRILLIANT ADDRESSES MADE aericw Republican Club nt Fltta-T.re Fltta-T.re 0lus Sixteenth Annual Din-rCib" Din-rCib" man Llttlefleld of Maine P Beautiful Tribute to ,to Menu, y of the Silent Soldler-SteteUty Soldler-SteteUty of the Treasury Shaw jKsp.mil:. to the Toast, "Tho dov-tinuicnt dov-tinuicnt tvulutlon." ri I ': The sixteenth I the American Itopub- s tin, In comiiiomora- M,!l I liy of Gen ITIvssos S L,rt 1- M "t the Hotel Henry unit t . b" " f 'h ''"" , ii ri present, was onu ,ff r I III lit of IllC 1111111 bllll- 0 , i' toil well-known orgun-?.,, orgun-?.,, 1 i Ml Altiuiic-Oeiiuriil 'r, i 1 Glutei, ollli Intftt as .Jul r iind nniong those seated .M.t r i I. St Shnw, Secretin! f , T II C IMvne- l'nst- .. i II onu'-psiiiaii Charles 1 . , . i -Malm uml John 1 i:i-'a i:i-'a , n n Ml of Vcnnsilvnnla ' i i TO 1'ltUSIDKNT. Mr K x "" r thanking tho mem-tri mem-tri of 'l lb ami their guests for their 3i ' ' mention, said he was I, b m -ingc from Prosi- tait H " temittlnir his Inability ,a b i ! At the toast-mastcr'a ...re i t tiding tnist wasiltunk , ,h . of the Vicsldent of tbe Inlt i 1 which wns followed by a tl it t t tho ereit flcnerul. In conn ' 1 1 of whose birth tho cel- tfal i h 11 One I.lttlellelil responded to the tea ' r nt ' He spoke In pirt 5! f( lln Mil IllTIl I'll 1,118 ADDIUMM. foln th rreT liWforlcnl perspective nf ih t a Untits, burn with the i, . fulli cnmmniiil great tr 3 trni itupindous nehievc- r I InrtMi ulll stand tnw- i thrlr ft Hows, Isoliteil n t r i It tle grnnile.ur. Alrx- ! l I u -ur, Nupobnii, Wel- i .. " Immortal Tlie latter i rt nth ei ntury neldecl u ! i t i l mill llt when thn t r I Hhil h Vkkshurg and .ii s tu i vul lis undjlng re- 'a? llrr nf the Ilppnbllc, ( , 1 tiles anil uchleei1 great n blessed, eniliirlliB , i I lit Iip the heritage, nf i r I pill nnt people hlle 1 r rt I (I vrnvnfs us u wnr- t - - ' i iibjuis for his neltnlrrrs f n I upnn th in II in ly bo ttas t ) If lllle to Klorj rests, no it v It" n-.Me Ihin be to thn Bt I t ir of ti soldier a f ime Ho i l I ' lit If In the ioiki' bn tf n. '' i rffirt with an unpirnllelt-d tl x r irp and u itni;Bed tie- !Ht nr u (1 otid to Iho miecess cf jr i ii d the suctey nf our "r. c If tllr iin.l tint Ills own tHntt nt nhkll ho nlm-J iiB It I t r t liv any net or nord iflrlliitl t ' di Ire to dlstliik'ulsh him. ' If tti f Intl c 1 a moempnt In any tBl 1 m r UK silf-prfnceinent itv t It ins llnprccedrnted. nWI! r k Hit 'attr-iethe rainbow KBt rl It urri of lilnnd." had no 'tBiw rlr tlr n lion for lllrn Mod) ft, 'Br n i i, nnt him-'If, faith. m " dlsi iinrBliiB resimisU rB it nt h. did nnt spik, mnt h PB1 i uri-rrm'nt l'n ferment n 1 Wlill rcr ntiipss, In a serine, tV '' i rim he at the same time VI t - The Brentest soldier olH'l it i nlinio nil thlnus elsp, P,, tic nf print "'HI11' rihui ne mlsht bo se- lBf I in he proposed to ' move irr ill in your works " At lW i i u uni imlltl mill siirren 'K ' "di riipss he deeliired tW i rti to ' HkIii It nut on lV all Mimiinr " All that lB r i The alamor nf his IB i " nt ti t Inrriiiuently ol- lK IninlnntliiB, cndiirbiB, iV ' i f hi i horncter 1 tan iH r Ii hunts hero and there iV lu higher and better iK "'.v to I'UArn, ,sBW ' he itnl be ns anl- iM 'in itlnn to )Huie that IH "' ' hl h' '"" i'o ,tH ' l of u fatal illsease, rsm' ' 'hiilr In his tottaao In M unit McllriKor lie Is tK mid the shallow of ( firuiir.l ullh mi co nf nH t ! uhere the focmati IH r the summons mir tH . r ' nniirt or the drum" Hr ' rrimnl fno Is Illumined :iH i itiir was lu stii or lK ' i h tin sriirns fnr all of iH With fiilili trcmbllm; lH- l y urltta his last me iH' t ' ' nrr on the eve nf u new B , t r Is lo he Rrent Inrmony LV. : i ' rilnnd the Oonftfilerate lH. ' ,' . l ii llilnB wltnesa to tho i.K'1'1 I '111 Plnpht.y, but I ftel 'fkH " r ' it I to hi so 'the unl- , ' llnir expr.sipil for me nt lH "I i nun euppostd that each H " i I iM sitniPd lo mo tho K" i wer to '1-t us hao IfH1' " with Iho frror of a beno- -slkH , 4 ht Irons, tniiKnaiilinous UH' t r with Its Blnrles, Irl- JB tit", but blesHPd jieuco 'vt. i1, he i tw the tnd '5 I'' U it euloicy una icccUcd ,TBi r"'' nt Ion nnil at Its ion- iK, "lr Knot Introiluieil L. M. ,B, f ' of the Irensuty, hoo ffKm J't'l ' 'he tnist "Tbe Ooveni ',B,, ' un was Sleeted with up JiHj'K.H.TM.', silAWd ADDItKSS. ' "' It traced tha develop. H ' uury from colonial days iIHu,ll in sht time, to shuvv, as iiB,.', tho tieud of thoUBht B,J 1 ' ivvniil u Lenttul ijovern- W " 11 mlllllid "JiKE " i ppiidhiK In tho United JHt1, iieKiiii by n representative m lf 1 ,. ikpartnient of this , , an a Knat loriioiatlon, nt- ',' tin. Inns of u cirtalu Jm ', ' dm- holillnir nnd otlns CH 'i K uml iiintrollliiK thu poN PH iiiiii-portatlon lompnnlea m iL. '' -i n nt the niuiitry. Willi- ItBi . n opinion ua to the piob- fM' ' ' Inn nstltiK to note that wB , , ' iiiiiid disciples nf thu t-m a , , ' inniiilalii not nf this ae- "B,". ' t ) crltlelfm than that It -"', i, ." n inmintiucd duller, fK " i" t'kHNnt. ii. " ""'1-V1.N18. ,,iB: , ,. , ' iiuii'l for iMtlonul reiiula- .VtH IKr f rxpiisa tnmpaulis. nf r , ties, of Insurance ami of . .H liinnml fur unlformlly ' iiB i ' I irie ivvs, Interest and " Bi , ' Up trrnd nt events and ,jH via i l aiaht spent to bo still '.rjrT' tr r ' r an'' lm'ru ccntrallted 'S'ln. hips smi -H I ' II vvnr Him Nation en- d'mm ' " Ive pollcv of Inter- IlirntH, suluIilllIllB o itfB'i ,. truiincoiiilnoutiil lines .k'H) : iiriiuuncntly inntlnuInK d , t rlvrrs ami birbois, u B i vvtii wo npiipiir to bq i0 or , ! mall) progressiva pol- ' tniiuoviinint ut us lhi .iB i hh a sail. It Is iiiarrr ;,'; I " I'itii IVunilbco via Jl a limn New Vorlc Hi Ilia JSV i ' J a' trnmo southeni px- .vBMj f " o ships nf nimil speed Yt'BJsy " n r.ulile const, ono ,S,'W1 nt I mid tho other by UoSX , 'vi ) v sipls of tha rninm MtBX ,,i"i' "no IfolnB wist. , '' r i Htvviiril, and Imtli ', ' will r jrlt thpir distlna. .A1 1 mr if nun I'm thu l.th- I a i n ' H Isiniirtr from Now iiB i ''.'', V1 Meiraauu than (-'f ' ' "le saiiiu point vU H, -In v, Ml KfliANTMAltlNIJ : t lv mimi lnvn thn Inriirst ' iVX "' " v-atllcia of hrtcriim tlaniil commrree mint be ,n( r n rt I cm rnaurii in n, n ,,,,,,,. . "v Mum in .i,, ,, it, ' . i Ir. ,tr th';rPM,"'; b"1'1. u " "" ' v i canul vvhl h vi, vim'i f i'."1 ("lh"H'in Klv'bM 1'nvi.n i.n,,.ar, 'iW-'nlilht when H C. las tie, l'ostniaster-lloneral arose to speak on 'The .Men of Our Time,.'' |