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Show Getting Trult Trees on tho Fnrm. To man) rarmers and their fanillli s tlio planting of fruits and vines stems a task tint Is attended with murh labor nnd largo expense, and as deslritilo ns nro these luxuries Hie) aro loo iiflin wanting because of this conviction vet If a, few trees or vines aro planted each )ear, add. Ing to thoso already planted and repine-Ing repine-Ing tho ones that aro dead en el) Ing, ono will bo suiprlted how soon an abun lince of Bootlvfrult la nvulluble for family ue, and even affording it surplus thut may bu re llllly tlltficised of Tor e ish There Is in m a fence turner, or place near some nf the, otitltullillngs. where a tree or vine eould bo planted that would hi a few )cnrs bear trult Tin gnrdt n fenco will moke u gnu I trellis fur gnu o vines Then llu poultr) vmd li tho idi il pi ico for Hum trees If tho finest fruit trees are Impnskitile pi Hit pinch pits and rutse seedlings If one has a gitod growth ot )nung trees tin ) m t) ho eusllv knitted or biidiltd with the btet varieties Tho writer well temcinhera the plensmo thero wns when firs" settling on a prnlrle fnrni In planting a row of rnspbt riles which were nhtnlucl from nnilghhnr. The next )car a i,ijnil crop e,f berries waa secured from them. A low of cherry trtes ,1 inled nlong a fence In inter )enrs ylelled one si nsuti twenty bushel, which guve a handsome protlt rrult trees may 1 plautrii where they will fuml-h snnin shadn aa well ns Kite) fruit then clout neglect planting nut. blaring tiers The) will bo nlnilliental Klvo piotctllon frtini senrchlnc, ra)a of Iho sun und soon bear nuts On Iho pral-rlo pral-rlo farm lieforo referred to was plante 1 a walnut tree Iho slim snpUug looked ie long way from walnuts cl w gatherid nuts from Its brandies Iho tree was iih intcd hi IMC, nnd wo left tlio furm In IrM Iet vour lonntnut stilly ho tn plant hi the out-of wa) places fruit or nut trees, grnpei or berry vines If a few treea aro thus t hinted each )ear a farmer will have imro Ihnn ennui,)! fruit for hoinu use, nml ono never misses thu land oicu. pled by them or tho tlmo taken for their planting nnd culture Iho children can be Interested and en-courni,ed en-courni,ed to care for tries b) giving Ihem tho rrult of some aniclal Irets to market for themselves Outiuin a Iturul World Qatnlnp; Tlmo with Tomatoes. When tho pi mts begin to irmd i ich other In the hotbed the) should bo aguln transplanted Bet six inches npirt in tho hotbed, ua fin 3 It will go, or nil tho planlfl may bo set In a cold frame ThU In made by placing two hoirda if an) length tlio light distance apart and la. ing hotbed snsh or straw mats uver tho top If )ou lire without either miko a llfcht fmtno of sticks and cover It with reeling paper or cleth Iho ir, uerlal for this bed should ho well rot ed St lliln piiimirn, with Just a sirlnkllng of no,, I loam lo prevent lining up As soon aa tho plants me, will rooted In Ihla led pinch eft tho ends nf the louts lids will fouo thu growth inln tho stem of tho pi int and make It stranger Itemunber that the largest tomato lints aro not al wa)S Iho lust, hut thnso that havo the strongest stems If ou havo plent) of room In a cold frame, and tlmo 1 1 spare, sit each plant In a bcrr) basket nnd when the thnu conns for tho llnul trins-planllng trins-planllng Into tho Held tho box may ho torn oft und tho roots need not bo dls turbe 1 at all writes a correspondent In iho Oraiu,o Juill rurnu r Whllo i.ruwlng the i Units they should to kept well watcied nnd when tho weather la at all mild tho sush or nuns should ho removed, and tho plants Mien a chance to hardtn If )ou hivo pit my of hotbed room en tan start tho phiuts ln a greenhouse iho wholo process iniy bo enriled on with forced heat mil laiger plants may be obtained h) the lime thu outtldewenllier Isaultnblo for tho growth pf tomatoes Tho market pn)s high prices for the earliest tomatoes, so It Is advls. able for tho farmer tn rnlso the enrllest HlX . indsl kinds and resort to Iho forcing process as uPn? 'iJBammm murh aa possible JftlaBfjl IIbH Tniiiiilnes mo frequentlv una ilnhlo from 15 ,11, ,' BVBI being ilrftirniid This la probubl), next J ft ' -flflH In rotting, tho greatest source of loss. ft JTl' Us Hfllfll 'Iho cause Is gentnillv Insufficient fertl- tll'ra'fil JIbbbI llznllon 'Ihn odor nf the tomato plant "ileKS il AnHsi Is np irently dlsngieeable to beea und IK FwliitViUilBH other Inset is, nnl the pulleu haa to de- ltt'Ii lend ,,ii tin vvlnl foi distribution, ao l.,Pt '!.! X9Hb1 that often ono of two slameiia do not re. PltSHlSt VlliH eelit. a siirriilent amount, so that tho Klin . hMH eleielopment of one nr two sections of tjrlJriJl JlflH ho loiniilo slops Iho difficulty ot nrll. 5 IM V HJ ,flB clnl pnlllnnttoii mnkes ono nf tho chief ML '4JHBl Items nf expense 111 rnlHlng tomatoes In- if ?W i IBbB side 'tho method us, ,1 la to hold a, J l if i!'5 IMBsi nml I spoon under a blossom, nnd hit the At leM 8D!bM blossom with a llttlo sthk Ihe nest LP ' lltiwtr Is smeared with tho pollen of this m WkVWHSmmm one, uud su on. ;p rpiirMKlBMJ Ifoecl Ciops with Small Trults. f Vfjl!l vBLm Aa a ruin It Is th" r tier plan to keep " Vi'O liB tho Binall fruit pi inintlon freo from other llimBl criq a, although If uuo h ia fertilized tho Ji llli ftHJ anil reusonabl) heav , hoed e rops may lm -j fffls3f(I M grown between tlm rows of rnapberry f 'fh 'i'l? VtSmM and blackberry pi mts tlm first season af- I Iji "ilyilMH tor lb,, plains aro sot Holms, polatont ,,1 .nt. If k (Jal or peas miv bo thus hrown In advantage 1 llt&lylaf JBmm but, as sluli.l, onlv when tho soli (?, i ' 'fit 1 nSJ been fertilized so that tho hntd crop will lit li'l CSH ttiS not iiho tho pi int fowl lint should go ir, 4 .RirJ'SSE il sustain tlm small fiult pi nils The plan, W .WOilHtiBl ao cotnmoii In setllona whom theso two I i R! IJIIKmsH small fruits urn grown with tlln greatest il ' k tDWllH prntll, of laughing iho spaeo between tho ,5 u .Wl ! rows of plants Is nu execllent one, pro it r .'iW H'MU vied d tho ploughing Is not Inn tleep "Af. I fir (til lUI TjM tor priuilng tlm hints properl) nnd doing 13 Jjl UbB KlH tho i Inn IiIiib s ikgrsinl If n heavy mulch ') ,' 5 K ' if miiw in null'. Is laced mound tlm t, m Hi VlsB plants the, vie 1 1 will bo Increased und thu f li i, H'? HM berries will 1 , larger. V W i fJBjJ WM Sweet Pea Culture. it if "li' H Sweet pus me very beautiful and J ) J&i vjH dainty, und to my mind theio afe nn J t' if rPf, fflH flowers Hint glvo so much sitlsf action Jt X I ;' 1 91 fnr so llttlo tioublo an 1 expense. To fi h itj WU In successful with them ono must , (SIjMkS fJL plant tho toed very early lit tho spring j Jfi alt sTil In the open giound rrom tho mlddlo IS rEitril JllH of March until early Arrll, or as boon I ' iy,flll!iM ua tho frost Is out ia the most sultabla ) I i'l'WMi'iwU time. 1'tn Into blooming, plant the mid- I . jftfik'iki 'IbH dlo of Jl iy. fH' M MSI H The seed will rermlnnto better If flT H!(J TsH so iked ovir night In tepid water, and 1, MM (IH sown th" net da), In douhlo rows, '; ijl CMlij 'B about four Inches between tho rows. .. iWWfta B1 Tlio soil should he light and loose. f iSjUwi; w (H with a slight udnilxtuio of clay und ' MuJlt il jH well-rotted nuinurc bpade up the rows , f'tSlljJ! ! jf HM ton ot twelve Inches deep an I thor- if l(,lt)tii1 Smm oughly mic togithor, n iilJSjl,' JrU It Is best tu do this vvoik In the fill if f Jwii ?! nnd spade it over utaln 111 the spiing, V ".tll!'t?tilAfflH miking tlio raith fine und mellow he- Jj A cJfliS'H foio plantliiR Make n tiench hie M ffstfXH sf-iSI Indies deep uud scatter the aeed ln ono 'Jt BtfjJl SiwtH or two Inches up ut, and cover to n X IWIsuIkbI depth of thieo Inches at llrst In about f, ull'.?JflBBH two weeks tho ) tiling plunts will np- "i jlrxSSHilitH peui, a. dim 'MtiOH As soon ns they nro up a few Inches J VRhfflbMlmMM bitln to pull tho cuith closo up nbout S 'mH;Ss!Ii9BH them, nlmost covering Ihem, This pin. a fitiiiM'Kmmmm trets tho plants from told, rives them ft KkiSnlHH deep roots, und holds moisture during , (M .HafiFB tho hot diy months nf summei At utYrHUnfll I evu) hoclug theicuftei, tho cuth ( tXmflBaL I should ho pulled up n, llttlo moro M JnltZH Hweit peus require plenty ot water, MlMKJfl nud a good wuy to supply It Is tn die; D awDB) I a siunll tiench close alongside of tho LM HmSCt I I nun and Into this pour tho water so i WpBilll that It will sank Into tho roots. Pour- VsKltilHi I Ing tho wntei directly nnto the plants 'SMHcIkj.JbV I seems to make them turn yellow at tho SHfcftaU! I bottom and not do so well. As plenty WcKifmBi fiMuH H : W th.u.i- u , ix i .. . M, I M -m J if t bl, .rnlnK ill ! tin l lull 1 ' H lifi ajj iv r) two aii)K mil "" sett. I1"" '" H J! ;f owed to Upen n 1 1 for neteaeur) H 5,1 3. cd A Bead iiroiin ut home It best H Ml, I ' li la a Rood plan to lit one row lilos- j J J, !. 1 i ra end to to seed for the next year H j III , if Law-meah poult, y ttlro netting fli. M W K 'I f ct high makes a good trellis for the H fS 6 m i nos It should t put between the H SSr-i l w, and nailed to small posta at eat h H .181 1 ft IF i "1 nnd In the middle to iupport it. HHH I? rJ I ' "ncM c K""t' '" ohl ""' H I lii Hurried Soil Frtpamtlona. H . H,)t M While It In admitted thai one must Alva H f M f c opa IntclllKent cure-know tnounh H j 1, i, out the aoll to reed It proper!) and to M I i 1 1 ,io eropa aulfj to aoll c.lmuio and M 7 , i ral conditions-there la no doubt but B 1 '"t mi"i) of tin failures In fanning H ! 1 . uo almost whull; t the. h irrled prepa- iB ' i itlon of tht aoll or the n edited In M . . lr anxiety to ml th nlounhlng ejoiiu iasasaj ml th aed in mam firm ij plough t i.iu(rhtlel ..ften not plo miring sleep i en.ugh fur the crop that l to be amn, 1 rid, man tlmea, tiV m iHtnt. th seedbed J i irrlclenlly iln . to alto the lUtur piiuita IH J ,1 ' beat iiuaalhl ihuie No u"'...cnn H t 1, ' i II h.thri tin comma feiiaon lll l SH If .inrJi) but it la ill finiflapilted ftcl LfftH mt the fnrrmr who unpins Ida at. d. effaTfaTH da the most th roii.hu nnd Kit a his LfgHI i ropa the culttlrt nr-ir. st li whut th t -fH hould bnvt. rlunda Ibi b. at ill nit of H i iHoeoa, no mutter whut th a- uson may H a I (ma cnuntt afTord to takt (hniuta lfai"fB ,, 1 1 (nrmlnK when, b it Mile fun thought iH Mj td n little tlmi apttit In the nKtiinTng aaaaaaaan1 -I'i'W rftheaeuaon ihty uui put Hietnacltes In H nil ' poaltlon to Ih th gnlner, even In aea- H I na ihut nre mt normal rhreo data ud. 1 I t IMonal apent In the urpu ration of the B 4 t tdbed will be mort thun mnde good In j tj t in mora thrifty growth of the plunta. H A Handy Tarm Oatc. , , A heaty gnte that la opmid u numlMT H ,1 nf tlmea dully la opt to aiig In a shirt B J j- tlm If not wall broerd. An rgmiltnt B ' I ttny of otercamlng tlila fault l ahown In , ,' , tl Illustration The poata lire longer - ( ,, 1) an thoae ordinarily uaetl, and uro ait a i f 1. ot deeper In the ground than fence B j I piata generally. Ilenvv Hut aumea arc f il iced about Uio.b'Hom or tin iot to ' tt iilch tho gate I hung nnd tin at annua I ( I hid braced an elthr aide bi eiuiit uuk L, t i j alikea Theae atnkea are drltiii ao thui rjiil'i x the topa are iu4t below tbu aurfAte of .I'irJ l'' the ground Three atrrmg hlngea are Ft' l i used tp hang Ilia gate and u atnmg rial or l r ,f inn u faatened tn the uprlKbt of Hie I '', k te .and to tint tap Imr riila htlpa 1 j gr-utly In keepInK the KiHn flom wurii- 1 I .ill ihtt or 'racking nut ut the Jolnta Tno I i i I latti faatenltig, though atmple la ffTei. H 1 ( tile, A alnl fa cut through tho rront up- aHflflH EU I 1 1 rlht of tho gate and tht tongue of thi VA I lutth run through It A aim la inortlaul H TJMi.1 i ln he pott aa shown In Iho llluatrutlnn gaflgaJ nl nl ,,mt the tongue run In. tthleh gttea a at. gcafKSJ iilti wV curo raatenflig flic Intoh or longilt la gSBKBO .1!F IH hung rrom tho lair or tin. gnte by tninna gBKBH i'JvfJ'l of to la of h itil amutith woa.1 ' li'U bnltetl together, with tht tongue be. gBBBH 'I lii A tueen tho lower enda The bolt yihlih gggggaJI , I ti'n r"na Ihrotlgh the l.nr of the gate la lonae it.V ;,ji enough to ptnnlt the tnugiiK to be puahtd ' k't(t,i'l luckwartl ami fortvnrd when the gjli la H f'JVf llij to P'nd anu eloatwl B ' ''i Census Iteport on Cerenls. BIBIgaBI ti '!i1 if ' rr'l",rt liy tho censua bureau, lamed flolHI ! tlliri recently, toiitulnliiK atntiatUa of the agaH ? il; i 1 ,no"t '"iPnttit'it reienla, aliovta that 2- H ,1'i ( 08381! farina In the United Btntea dur- B j (!;,! In? the tnnatia ear 190) luoduted Knh- H ini'll ral 262 liuahels of tthent of a farm H i Vl'ij Allllle nt 1360 945 320 Thla ttlnat una (vti lalatd on Ht.SSliTl acrta Oftliea'Ti. H j Id ''' fnrms ln the nntlou STJ'iU rulaed I R ill) 41 barlej, culllMllliiK 4 t:i .'.'S nirea upon H i'lJ which ttere luodaieil U16JJ8J7 liuahela H ll 'iH "f n farm tnlin- of J 1 1 030 SIC. joo 460 H L,:i,li45 fnrma iiiltU.ltjil 8071W mtea of limk- H "'r!ii2n tthent 1 inducing 11237 005 liushtla of I i. I Hi it furin Milne of IS T4 371 4 W7 71J furma M f" l'1' euliltnteil iini6s.(l mua of torn, iro H .' .!);! during :rM438 7ri liuahela nf n fin in H I H'l I ,uluo "' 'i'w -f'"."2B. 2 1U Ul farina cul- Laaaaaai "i ll tltatetl 2) 53tl 5'J7 n"n of iinta. ,i,h1ik- ) ) ! ,jy' ,nK thciefrom 0H3ST,37'. Inislula, or a V (III fnn" initio of 3I7 09S Rt, .1)5 10S furins B , 1 ' "I tiiltltntttl JC4 2Sl mrea uf re. pin B fi lUlclns lliortfloni :5lh4 2t,0 litishela of D U.i n fnrni tulue of J12 ill .8 The buieati B It isllninteH that the tolnl tthrut ixiorltd It, ' kept for aeotl mil ground In Hour mill 1)1 I Kilst Inill.t iiKhreuiKetl M'l, Uil.lll Imsli- H ' J. B ftfi ' An Object Lesson Jn Hnrlcctlnr;. H If ' Tho t rid r la nciiinlnleil tilth n qulck- I Mi ttllted lilialllnK lommlaalnti man III n H U tilth hut Inland rlt Oin il.iv I ml ),. n I' ' cember Ihla miiu reitltetl a itiiiaigiiinent PpH f' of iiotutoea from a rarnnr who ceriulnly knew hott In grim imtatnca but tthojiKt H , t na certain!) ilhl not knon hou to n Hirt ggH i ,i llietn for tho market The tnluMs ttin IBBH !' lurK0 4inl tine, but une thUklj nnnnl iH I (iff lth bhirk aoll In uhlth th. ttr Laffaffal iH frown. Juat aa th,j tten lalng unlnnd.,1 IBIB 'ft 'rom the truck the alruurd of n lioti I HH .1. I ltiied up nnd lmrKulmtl for tlirtr Imr Hn VI; I, "la of the potnioea, tthlth wen sold to I ' : V"1 '" " r"lr lrt liiini, ii iitejj iirtir )sHHMI I! ft liij sale Iho tommlaalon mini mil to the 1 ail writer "lluito potntita mt ttorlh in iro t iyr. mnie than 1 recelttti for the turn bur- t, mi J'a. nnd ttnuld bring more If tint tttro . ! Hi In the proper conillilmi Aftir u mo IH ! xm mem a thmiKht, lie loncludetl I II tiv laiB ? I Pf em. nnd he imineillatelt ordered hU BUB b men to tiiko the run lining ttultt bur. gaga ' ' i itls Inln it bark room an I it an 1 ttlm iH . ' ftco tuber, ami htn. Irs to piuK Hum lllgl Ir'i, lurk lii the IwrnU A mouili liitrr uhen i ! In Jh; aame tltj I t.illt-,1 on mj frl, ,, I IBB! i i l H lind brought up this tltle.llon or the f 1 t J wiialliiliaitaliiia 111 refirretl tiihlalaioka f lltTaiJI nnd ahnited 1115 h n In hud aoll the I H r li wualiid lubtra for iih half moir n barrel ll Ihati ttna nail f. r th. thr.. barrel, tlrat gaaB ;. I 4 0,ll and the aale ttus mmle within threu fH .) i 1 ) ')n after the llrat. Hid this nirim lH 1 1 Dl i K" tn "" grontri Not all nf it bt uni H ! it, ; means fur Iho etunmlasl oi man deducted LofaoB i "if I n round i.rlt.o for the lab, r ami hi,,, ma i-H ' 'fi; f jommlMlon Tlila ttoa fair but jiiii i"? iH h1 I l"iBi.nil,Kh "."'r ,lw i," niladt have. Lfaoi I i !, w.'''i',,lT'11 ircpured the H i) a t-rop bforo alilpplng" H n! ! Trnnsferrliiu Dees Into Trnmo Hives. I&H I' I I During earl aprlng Is the proper time I 1,1 ' tn transfer lieea from hltea of old piitl.rn I ,1 J nr bnt it into frame bltea of the H I latest Impruted make In aprlng In fore 1 !i!ni.ic?'""y'..W" atrong and the lomtn lB I nlletl up ttlth lion.) . u aoo.l job of trium. 1 i jtrrlng tun l dont The toniba unit nil H , '"'-" l of th old lilv.a and . ut nnd I ' lllled In the framea of tin. ncu hlto mid an thua tte hiitii n gool ttorklng hlvo that H , '; tun bo linndletl aa uell ua any, and di 1 ! I ! Just oa ttcll In fitting It up tn obtain a H H I t-ni'l trojinf honet aata A II Duff n 1 ;. 1 arm I'lcld and 1 Inaidtv m , , " . th" beat lliuo to iipiruto with the beea 1 '. In iraiisrmrtng them la uUiut Iht time j 'I'll i ,h(,f uie Blithering Iheli tlrat horns In 1 ' I ' ' aprlng ..thla la uauitlly uhen fruit fnea Hl I li I nre In bloom nml during warm ttiather j I I Vhau the du la IliU und ttuita uml tin K I J I! " ea bua atwork. trunsrerrlng la in it li Kl t ," lollurdiiiK than at ans other liiiie Iho f I ' , tlns.ahouid la tturm ami lint Inn fltlng H free)) und oa nuir the middle of tho dus W ' aa toaalbla ia the Uat lime to optrnte B ttlth them All thu Uat noinlia -thoae Hl .i that are atralght mid not too thltk mas B i be cut and lltlrd In until the frume la full, H I tvhan It alio ild be wiapiHd ttlth haiti H , , twlno or tttrtd to hnhl tin tomb 1 1 pime K . i Home usa httli atkks of wood tacked at m I i ;aih end on the eldta of tho fiumea, to aB ' '(11 h ild tbe uoinb lii i Inn i iif-fiwr lll.u l6! .!", rtudily patch up suih Lfal I, Tfrn3! r,n,u" '1,ll In, "' vatnek In tho aH ' I 4 fit friinus und In a alurt time tint will huva H I ilJw tompletelt t, mini.. I th pltrea of comb 1 'j-i logttlivr lilto one uolld ahe.t t r uite tomb H ' , i In iweli frjun In two ui tint, data after m I J the rnaunluga mat bo u mutt J awuy H I , " I fiom tho frninia or tomb uni thua tho H ,3 Job la toiniileit Iho fimuuiiiKa mist be 1 M lemoted aoou ihermftti to lusiiro a good H If,. J"1' , B'ry hlv of bus nhmild have a ! i good going ovtr In apiing thua and all j t. " frames of tiinib put In KO 1 1 i I r for ',h tontenlenl liundllng iliuln. the folinttlnir .. "'' ataaon, aa gotal mnnlpiilatlon iliiunla Hi "B it r.' n the condition or tht frnnna und Insldo m I Vj of hite In this purtlt liar M 's, H ;', Bees Ask lav Tlteir Food. B jtj y Wilting on tho maimer In which ttnrk H I jflfh er beaa supply food to the unitus mil 1 j nl gl drones. Arthur C Miller aata In num. H ' i Inga lli.it, except tht i kti Is- . tili.l.uiu H still "mother Instinct" In fttdlug huwu i M j , 51!' t orker.litai netcr tuluiuurllt t"ltm i . I H !i 1 11 I tn any otliei bet, Hither iut.en, di i i H I " ' vi i' tturkar rood ulwusa has to b i; i H I i l l fit 1or aometlines appstentlt tuk u bt f r H V' i' Under audi londlllona, tthat I iiie l is u H Ik i'i tuirod queeti of getting iieudid i urn Isii I aS I it , I mentf l It' ' rilw has to ilepant upon the than t r i H l , pioptrly suppllttl norl.ei toinlnit vtiiM aV .T-5:i' asking dlatuniv and thin rlak (letting I H Px, i. to give up aume of litr aunpls If i i aV t 'Sh'i i i ago Is neni unsealed brood tno niun l i il 'i beet are niimeroua but If ahe U In an n H fi I i per atory, do tou wonder that alio suftti ' H 'r , I I , for want if nitrogenous fml B liil i, I A le tt ulliih loid otlm tbinhniii B K i V or whin liiyl-.it . j ilbl , Hilda H fi , ui' ull lonitra unlll one la found with a J H L if 1 I II II , uitin. i . t il - I n K ti ill) i urttt ii I i ii ma I i i"i muih aa If t) sling ahleh Is prohiii j nectseary t i enable It to disgorge the food whan the. stomach la not full rn turtlng of tht abdomen Is not altta)S done Tho longut of the giving lite during dur-ing tho operation la curved buck under htr chin" nearly aa tloas aa It la normally nor-mally tarried tthen not In ua. The abdoim-n of the Inking bee palpitates palpi-tates Juat na Mien taking nectar from tht flowtrs or honey fiom a cell I hit to often aeon a drone at li the orkor bv the "chetka tip up tho workefa face to a tonrenlenl nor. and hang on until Other It hail ni Hire tn glvi, or he had gotten hla I The and leu show of tongues when a nuet n or nthir bee l get. ting rood thus Is purcl) a taai of trying to got dnlntlea and la not mi offering of food to tlielr rojal moihtr or distressed sister. Successful Swine II resiling. I have known farmers to aril their best anlmala betnuae thev would bring tho most mom 'I hey kept their poor stock for hretdlng purpoaea Thla cart result in onls one thing, the deUilnra-tlon deUilnra-tlon of tho htrd writes C. l'ervler In the New York I'lirnar A long, narrow hog ini'im a. poor ft edd A short t hunk) hog menns a. gotir fetder hut ia not nm that will give the most talunble iiircaaa I'tga that ionic In Mny will mako b'tter growth than thost that come In Mnnli and April foi In Murtli nnd April there are many cold days during which the little plow will not grow at all A farm animal should not be allowed to atop grow ing 1 think a dam should In kept ft; jriKi.l tondltlon It la a mistake mis-take to nllirt In r to bimme thin after Inrrotting as la done in many laae Feed will und keep up the llesh. ?Vb soon na my plga begin to eat, they reielve aomo aonked torn In milk 'lhla la fed tn thun In plana where the old hogs runm t get tn tt -V large number of pigs are killed every year by being ftd on sour slop 1 have known men to lose all their pigs by feeding them slop that hits stood for ttto or thrio das In the hot wetithtr of summer I find that feeding the plga twice n dn and then not more than will be tit nned up, will keep the I'lgs in good ct uditlon 1'orti alone la not a good feed for growing animals An aliundnnt-c of gnen grass Is the clicaiiest and beat fond that ran be used tu lailance tho toin iJtat winter I fid iloter liay to my hogs, and It ttna a surprise to see lintv the hogs would line up tn tho racks In which that hay was put dally. I long ngn itbandoned the old prac lice of keeping hogs through the aet nnd seuson to be fattened and ntarkited at sixteen to eighteen months of nge The farmers' Hog. Tt la the runner that rnlsea the mnjorlty of hogs that auppls the greut marktts ami to In stieceaaful In thla as well na In nt i himself a fair profit ror hla tlmo ami ulltlii) nf labor hi luliat use the tery best of breeding stink In fin t there la no hog too good for tht. farmer The farnur that ru!ae& hairs that ttltl not respond tn thi care anil feed glten tin in Is wasting time and fettl for tthen wo fte, our uruln wn wnnt to gt t all we pohslbl) tun ror It In leturu, and In order tn do thu wt must liatti th' hog thut wilt make the mnKt pntiiida of tbu test ment and that top meat, writes A 1 Hhttttlrlc In the I rulrit I iiriuer A good wide luck and wt II sprung ribs with deep ttldt hums make Hit. high rlct d mint, nnl the mora of thla we hut. tin bttter Note tho tllf-feriutt tllf-feriutt biltteen tht prltes of the scrub hog un I tin i ue that tola the market lltk nut a gontl n tiler for sour bioil sow un in ill. r If she be a llttln long In the neck lit) Imlleitra that she It 11 good inllktr ir ton win stli-itlng a mllih tow nu wool I not pltk one that hid a short. Iieeft ut. k t sow wttiihlliK 1 I olllidn ut maturlt) Is large tnnugll for a good broml sow Tlu iMiur should Im n little mon com pan with a ahiirtir neik und a good whit must tilltu heitii Uo should look na ton enput hla i rugi uy to look Ho not pun base a bun with a buck that Is uar-low uar-low nnd an lit 1 .n Instead of up, and si e that he Is not t it luituintd Willi I ing thin hoofs niitl than not wilk on hla dm-tliws dm-tliws nu will lose money If sou mako Kiitli n pun has Mnnt tonsl kr the prhe more thun Iht) tin tin brittl 'I lies tin not sit m to n illxt tint n poor hour Is iliur ut an) irln Tin Imar Is lnlf Iho Inr.l and In hiiilng a gnml one sou an on the winning Insteuil of the losing kI le I know of two into that lite mar to rath other, one of whom has n Inr.l and tuiirketiil fn in sittj 1 1 no head of lings ler jnir rir sumo tiara and h ia In-i In-i r used hU Imi ut ri farm to one of M inns tho hog dnlim his share toward this Inrrinse wblli tht othir man did not ut times butt b. hog on hla farm, but aold Ida grain ami still opt ran a his ! airo farm Will it pas'' la ii question o'lfll nskid bt the Amirfinii riirmn Ut lit ink hlni If he ettr iiitsiil ami sill n bunili of hoga sikIi ua 1 butt dmirlbtil and not iniile a goad prollt To rait, a good bunch wt want the earl) mutuilng Tirted an that wt tan aell Hi, in otr belwttii the annual tlallaof tht asstsaor fur tht f irmtr pnsa mnri 111 III hla share of tin taxis It tosts mint to put on tho last twent) lite I'liumla on a VMMiund hog thun It tinea to I ut on the llrnt si tt nt) lite so we should trt and Imjirntt the lnel b) using bti. t.r blood Thla will Iw more aallsf.iit.iry ua well aa more prolltoble, for It la the inarktt topntra that bring the most mniif) UhiV iiiiifuliy to the btiterniint . r tour htrd In iter) r.emt nnd )ou will latum I aullall.il belletir In the grentist wealth piodiKlng animal ou tartli-the furmtra hog It oil p. Itnup la it tontiigloua catnrrhal dla. ease of pnultrt of stuh eoniinon oo-till oo-till rem e that ulmnat ever) bleeder nnd fancier luis ii n It or lutd expcilcilt ttlth It It ia the tause or mole Inaa thun ptobabl) ettr tesultml finm thut now nlinost evtlmt tllscuac ilioUrit, ttiltes l'rof 11 A Craig of tho In-iltuim In-iltuim epiiiiutnt statitu lloup la a iiintugltiua cnturrli unit not a hud case of tominon tnlil It btglua ttlth nun li tin aame sjmptouis ua told dullmas itiughiutHt ftnthtrs ttatiry dlst harge fiom the nnrtilla nnd ahoitly Intuiting the t)ca Aa the dlaeuso piognsata the parts ulTettiit begin to awtll the ills, hitvm Lti.iiiiit thkker, uf u allik, slimy i ham let so that tho blrj shnkta Ua html from Kilt to aide to get rltl of It The odor becomes pffenslte und Is ihniuitirlHtlt The MttvUlug In the mialrll teuusia ttheexlng ut etery bn nil t'umihtt stoppage nf tho ua-sages ua-sages ina m i ur und the mouth he held upin to ptrnilt tin piaaugo of air Tho I Ids tnitj be swollen ahut, and It the t tudale III, ds U ilgment behind the bull thi oyo inn be tuned fiom Its socket 'ilia sight nm) bt tlcstinyed 1')' the lib t ration of iln lorittn or the dls-Itilgmeiit dls-Itilgmeiit of th. ball Within the mtiutli mu b piulua of u thick white oi i In. a) meiiibuines, leseni-bllng leseni-bllng tllphtli i la In mini, mses Illrds in auih ujtuuttd at igi a uf the dlaeusa liisti.l u miiHi dl euiliiK uppeainnii Hiutp Is nintiikloiis ind spreads nip-Idly nip-Idly In a Hoik It lesembleg oold an iloaely In Hit enrly atugts thut many breeders i out. ml thut the disease l nnl) an aggi ttatttl told ami coutrart- i In the saiuo in iiiiui I) .tughts, -loeure anil txttaslte moisture, eti , will produce lolda but not tuup Theae Hutuo condlt una will In fatorable td sitero tasea und to lapid development, but that la all ihltka kept uudei the moat sunltnrt itiruiigemenla, It ex-poaed ex-poaed tn a Olsons, d t hit k teturned from it show, will commit the disease 'the treatniei t nf toup Is acoam- I llsheil li (luapltutiuu u Jrjlllg ii hurnliu' In the muJutUj of tgses litis will lie the cheupetit uml moat satisfactory sat-isfactory method Drug treaunuiH Is iiiauilsfai loi) und only udWsuble u liurn It is possible to t omplutely aep-uiile aep-uiile tho lilida un 1 whom the otttiti un gtte inui li uttentlili Irfn.nl nppll- itlona of iieolln of one part to forty of water nuie ktioeene, or four purta it kornsiile font iiaitt of uottnn-seetl nil nnd one pan of tutpentlne ure tec-KiiUed tec-KiiUed an bilug the bist, A puttdtr iiiposed of tiiuul parts, li weight, f boiailc ik Id at lanltle and ululii"! I piled by means nf un liiaei t blower Is i ibubl) tin miiai ifflilent pottdn i ftiinlguiliig U mt li ft tv Inbl II II. t ill hiudtllll i I ti ti . li Hill l. tilkUtit a j thu mo i t-aiiiy upplltd. |