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Show A WOOLGROWERS WAITING. Delay In Settlement of Patronngo Question in Case of Commissioner of Uintah Toicst Reserve. (Sundjj s Dully ) Members of tho Utah Woolgrow ers' nssoclntlon 010 Imputlently waiting for tho settlement of u Congressional row which will determine who Is to bo commissioner com-missioner of the I'lnlah foiest resolve Daniel S Marsh ill of Hlch county was appointed on the rpcommendatlon of Congressmun butlioiland to succeed Commissioner (lecirgo r. liuchor on Apill 15th. Mr. Marshall Is at Kania.i whole tho headquarters uio to bo, but ho has not set tnkoti lho ofllce It Is underwtood that tho Depirtmcnt of the Interior has countermanded tho order appointing Mirshall The reason ror this Is supposed lo be the luiluenoo of Congiessnun Hltt of Illinois, upon whoso recommendation Ilucher was up-pointed, up-pointed, The woolgreiwcra aro not v Halls Interested In tho duel for tho control of pationige but they nio anxious anx-ious to have the matter settled so that the cun confer with tho Conimlrslonei lelatlvo lo the apportionment of sheep throughout lho reserve. |