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Show 1 News Notes j 2 lt' a Privilege to Liu in 2 Utah j UTAH l.'tah poultry growers expect ex-pect more, than 3,000,000 chickens will , bo produced tills year, double the nam- her marketed la VJ2H. j OCDEN iiprlng plowin;; Is under way In part of Weber county, according accord-ing to (,'ouiily Agent A. L. Christiansen, Chris-tiansen, mill other land, loo vet at present, pre-sent, Is drying oat, so that it can ho broken within u few days. Potato I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 f-T has started in boiiih parts of the county. UTAH Tim production of eges for tin) Hist throe laonihs of V.I2'J was j tier cent more than In the, corresponding corres-ponding period of l'jlii. SALT LAKE An lncn asa of 4000 acres in Utah's oat crop is predicted for Wl'i. Tanners Intend to plant Dll.onu Keren this year as compared to 65,'JUU la l'J'-i. TO" tamo hay acreage al io shows an e.siiujatc-d increase of about 2 la r c at. HYLUM Whether or not a muni-clpfl muni-clpfl electric plant will be constructed In Idacksniilh Fork canyon by Uyrum city w ill he detei mined at a bond election elec-tion calh d by Mayor II. I!. Niolson for Kaiurilay, April 2T. The proposed plant will ho constructed about thlr-toi.n thlr-toi.n miles up I!laek:,mith Fork canyon at a cost approaching ITO.OuO, and will liavo a generative capacity of COO hoi :'e-power. LOCK SPRINCS State hi.-hv.ay departno at reports the Lincoln hich-way hich-way Is open clear through Wyoming. Fonie had spots remain near Lyman, Spring Valb-y and along the Led des-t-.'t. The road west of Kvanbion, for 12 miles, In V.'eh'T canyon. Is deep With mud, and chains and shovels should be carried, officials say. Light rain recently did no damage, and the road Is drying rapidly. LOGAN Ilids for a new engine and electric generator for Logan City will be asked from various companies on April 23 by If. C. Maughan, super-plant. super-plant. Tho installation of the new unit will cost approximately JC0.000, and will be used to supplement tho present unit and the hydroelectric plant In Logan canyon. The wew en-pine en-pine will have from 1000 to 1200 horsepower horse-power and will generate between 750 end 1000 kilowatt hours, nearly double the capacity of the present unit. COALVILLE Tho Coalville city council at Its regular April meeting deferred action on the proposed new city park until an analysis can be made of the hot water spring on the rark ground to determine the best type of walls to be constructed for the proposed swimming pool. Plans havo been received for the landscaping landscap-ing of the new park and as soon as plans carr be prepared for the swimming swim-ming pools and other features, the work will be advertised and construction construc-tion started. SALT LAKE More than 55.000 licenses li-censes for hunting, fishing and trapping trap-ping were issued by the state fish and game department in 102S, It is shown by statistics compiled by A. G. Cran-ney, Cran-ney, accountant ln the office of J. Arthur Ar-thur Mecham, state fish and game commissioner. It is shown by those figures that 1S.S55 combination fishing fish-ing and hunting licenses were sold at 3 each. There also were 14,208 straight fishing licenses and 13.4S1 straight game hunting licenses issued by the department at 2 each. Some S456 licenses were issued to women, and boys between the ages of 12 and 16, at $1 each. SALT LAKE Data compiled by tte local office of the United States weather weath-er bureau Indicates the winter just passed was a "hard-one". The monthly meterorological summary indicates the average weather was 1.5 degrees below be-low normal for March and 3.5 degrees below normal for January. The mean temperature for the month we 40.2 degrees. Snow-fall during the month was virtually normal. ' A total fall ot 10.3 inches was reported and the total water content, including rainfall, measured 1.96 inches. During the month 197 hours of sunshine were recorded including nine clear days, fifteen cloudy days and eleven stormy days. LOGAN According to the monthly report of Professor George D. Clyde of the Utah Agricultural college experiment ex-periment station, prospects for a favorable fav-orable water supply in Cache valley I during the summer are good. Professor Profes-sor Clyde's survey, made March 2S, revealed a heavy snow cover extending extend-ing to low elevations, with nearly four inches of water accumulating during the month, bringing a new high record lor the last five years. There is an equivalent depth of water of 17.3 inches in-ches at 7000 feet; 2S.S inches at S000 feet, and 35 inches at 9000 feet elevation. ele-vation. There is more snow at low elevations this year than there has been since 1923, the survey showed. FARMINGTON The last car of Davis county's $350,000 crop of onions for 192S has just been shipped from Davis county by Leo'nard 'Winegar ot Woods Cross. Up to the first of the year, as reported by H. P. Math-ewrs, Math-ewrs, county agricultural inspector, there was a total of 4S9 cars of onions shipped from the county under federal inspection. Thirty-eight ot this number num-ber were 1927 stock. Since the first of the year 45 cars were shipped, making mak-ing a total of 496 cars of the 192S crop. In addition to this several carloads car-loads were shipped to Salt Lake for Storage, |