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Show .AAKY OBWM BOWSER. THE ELVES' RIDE Tim 101 ves vlilsici-c(l lo llio Snow Fluid's nil Ihn iliiccs (hey wiinlcd lo vlKlt mid (In; Snow Flakes Iji-jjiiii tnk-iiif; tnk-iiif; tlicin lililicr iind 1 1 1 1 1 1 r. 'i'licy ficainpiTi'd nhoiit, kIiowUik (lie lOlvcs wlmt WNinliTliil nil- linntM (hey inmlo, nml liow (hey could aldin iilonj; (lie Ki'oniiil, (no. Soiiii'lliiics Hicy would slop for n fi'W ndmiti'H on llio ciii'lh (o gi-( lliclr 1 ml'- And then (hoy would dunce off ngitln. J low llio IOIvch did enjoy K. "We're linvlng a ri'ulur pnriy," tlicy Enid. "We'll tiiko you wherever you want to ko," said (he Snow Flukes. After a hit It seemed as though (hey were Rolnc so quickly and in mirli ! f-feieut f-feieut dlrecllons, (lrs( one and then another, that It made the Fives a little lit-tle puzzled and a little nervous. Strangely enough when they spoke to the Snow Flukes the Snow Flakes didn't seem to hear (hem. "Iid you hear us, Know Klalies?" whispered (he Fives. Still (he Snow Flukes didn't pay any attention, and now they seemed to he golnj; more quickly than ever before. First they scampered one way, then nnother. The Fives thought It was becoming dangerous. "I'erliaps we had better go back to our home In the woods," they fcuy-gested. fcuy-gested. "We've had n lovely ride, many lovely love-ly rides, and perhaps now you're tired. We have so enjoyed our trips." "Oh. no. oh, no," said the Snow 'itaMiW- How the Elves Did Enjoy It. Flakes at last. "We're not "tired of yon. We don't want to see you po." And (hey appeared very unhappy as they spoke. "l'ou see," they continued, "we didn't tell Mr. Wind about this riding party, and now lie's nnj:ry. "lie just does as he wants with us. "We have no say at all when he's arou nd. "He didn't like the way we were coins co-ins and so we were turned the other way, and when we were turned the other way he changed our route nsain. "lie loves to boss, that's what he loves to do. "Now he'll be cross as he'll hear us telling you this." "Indeed I am anpry." said the Wind, "I'll blow the Snow Flakes the way I wish. "Impudent little things to call themselves them-selves and their way of traveling Air r.oats!" "Hut they were givins ns a good time and a glorious ride," said the Elves. "They were making us very happy." "Well, why did you leave me out of It, and not Invite me?" asked the Wind. "Can't I have a good time, too? I'm sure I'm entitled to it I have so much work to do, and am such a busy old soul." "Yes," agreed the Elves, "you do rush about a great deal." "Well," persisted the Wind, "if you don't invite me to this party I'll come anyway." "Then we might as well invite you," said the Elves. And the Snow Flakes seemed to agree that the Wind might just as well he invited. As a guest then Mr. Wind joined the air-trips, and a fine time of it they all had Elves, Snowflakes and Mr. Wind as the invited guest at last. |