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Show " COMMUNITY PROGRESS f a community is worth living' in, it is worth tnulinir in. Money spent away from homo never returns to make your homo more prosperous. The business men and merchants are counted upon to keep the town in a progressive condition. Help them by trading witli them. THE-. -;y Milford State Bank MILFORD, UTAH One-Way P?Vii Excursions im and other points in California from UTAH POINTS . on L. A. & S. L. Railroad DAILY-TO APRIL 30 Plan now to take advantage of this unusually unus-ually low bargain fare. For $17."0 you can travel in a comfortable I'nion Pacific 3ETfflJw Coach or Chair Car to any of these points " -"- - T V7 Vif with convenient station Cafe Meal Service fljj 11' li En Route. fYSyXi BARSTOW RIVERSIDE Vl IVlW LOS ANGELES POMON A V-IM7 PASADENA SAN BERNARDINO Proportionately low fares to other California points. For further information consult TICKET AGENT "The Overland Route" Jm If You Are Looking For a Bargain You Can Make Money Here! Several nice homes terms to suit at bargain prices. We have listed in our office approximately 200 choice tracts of farm lands, improved and unimproved. Some of these listings are real bargains with terms to suit. HOME FOR SALE Nothing down, $25 a month, includes in-cludes principal and interest. Two blocks from business section. 65 ACRES on main highway, with 45 shares of gravity water. Three miles from town on Beaver highway. Noth ing down and one-half the crops until paid for. If you are interested in getting a new home and have it built the way you would like a home, we would like to figure with you. It can be paid for like rent and we will furnish the lot. We are Arranging for 10 New Homes on Sunset Subdivision Now This is the place to sell your bargains! For quick action list your property with us. Phone 66 or 133. KIRK REALTY" COMPANY MILFORD, UTAH : bread : from THE MILFORD BAKERY is a favorite with all and especially recommended for the youngsters. Only the best ingredients are used in the mixing and it is baked in modern, clean ovens. That accounts for the con- sistent high grade quality of all our bakery products. i MILFORD BAKERY : Milford, Utah i for Economical Trantporlolion " before om huy your next automobile - - learn wiiij over 3(0 ,D0 The COACH lVC $cqc chosen the New f Chevrolet Six ROADSTER .... Jhaeton . . . .'525 Since January first, over 300,000 people have chosen Jo'upe .'595 the Chevrolet Six. And every day sees an increase in UAN .'675 this tremendous public acceptance tAuiuuLET . . .'695 fQT new Chevrolet not only brings the enjoyment 7m,' landau . .'725 0f gix-cylinder performance within the reach pf every- tw..r, . .'595 body everywhere, but gives the Chevrolet buyer a Tht Li.hr 4no ereater dollar value than any other low-priced car. LMivcrv Ctuuia . TV-1 Tvro-chu . 545 Just consider what you get in the Chevrolet Six! The hHi?-..k Cb .'650 smoothness, flexibility and power of a six-cylinder aii p'ricto. b.uorT. engine which delivers better than twenty miles to the Fimi. Mkk ' " gallon. The beauty and luxury of bodies by Fisher with adjustable driver's seat. The effortless control of big, quiet, non-locking 4-wheel brakes and ball bearing COMPARE steering. Then consider Chevrolet prices! And you will tlt""'". discover that this fine quality Six can actually be MUTJrii'Ji:"-bought in the price range'ofthe four'. .Come in. Let us u.:"" ifc.T prove that anyone who can afford any car can afford I a Chevrolet Six! MILFORD MOTOR SALES MILFORD, UTAH i - P(C$$ From Monday On O Lf 2 You will have an opportunity to buy The Hoover on y terms that are quite unusual and most advantageous V to you. A special low down-payment hzs been ar ranged for a limited time. Don't fail to take advRn-ns advRn-ns li m vl taSe t1's occas'on which enables you to own the JiiLi finestofallelectriccleanersonremarkablyeasyterms! A C1 I -J ''le 'ow down-payment prevailing for a limited vL JlX t'me applies not only to the famous Modl 700 M y& Hoover, but to the new popular-priced model aj wll if w.jtsf$ ftfaoWg the latter costing no more th.ui rrdinary ttvuum faMair cleaner. Both of these mo'dels have the cxcluaiye Mb ffSM cleaning principle"Positive Agitation" which give (Sl&p to The Hoover its ability demonstrated in repeated , . tests to remove more dirt per minute thr u any other Comotete with . r Dusiine Tools V cleaner. Balance Monthly v J This ofixr ii for v Tikphont now and have a Hoover id aiiJi for you. limited ti:i;c only vOv Liberal alh'xance for your old cleantr. Telluride Power Company |