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Show PARADE ON 19TII TO RIVAL CIRCUS GREAT NUMBER OF FLOATS AND STUNTS WILL BE ENTERED The array of parade a 1 1 racl inns for Forty-Niners Day on the l'.lth, Is so extensive that even the Legion members mem-bers are surprised at the high Interest Inter-est shown, and Ted Kronholm. as marshal of the parade, has as much business as u one-armed liremiui at a hose coupling contest. The parade will follow an hour's concert by the High School Hand at Ilubbcll's corner at 3 o'clock. Vocal numbers will be Interspersed with the band selections. At four o'clock, the parade will assemble as-semble at the concession tent and move around to IlubbeH's corner to fall in the line of march. Headed by the band, the parade will be composed compos-ed of two sections, one being u miscellaneous mis-cellaneous array of floats, the other being strictly of a Forty-Nincr character. chara-cter. There will be floats by the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars; the Lions will be represented; re-presented; the Legion Auxiliary and Hoy Scouts will have conspicuous parts; and there will be cow punch-ers, punch-ers, clowns, Indians, rough riders, pack burros, and a stage coach. There will also be an exhibition of fumy riding. Prizes will be given for thf- best characterizations. The Gordon Jewelry Jew-elry company has ofTered a prize this week of an alarm clock or fountain pen, which with the other prizes, will be used to increase interest in the parade. Hoys Wanted Kronholm wants about ten boys to report to him next week for parts In the parade. They will be on horse-! horse-! back as rough riders and will compete com-pete for prizes. |