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Show J.C.PENNEYCa MILFORD, UTAH "Penco" Fine Bedwear Is An Improved Quality "PENCO," our exclusive brand, r Zft 1 combines quality that you can be proud rTY fjf of and a price you can afford. A few f .... ,j outstanding values : 17.'.."" ttlX" I 94 'bleached or 104 unbleached ... Jb sheeting, yard 53c ' PEWC0 Ij Ul Tubing, 42 inch, yard 35c r Wnc ; I Sizes Before Hemmed L!Hj!J y 61x90 sheets, each 139 "j;-; : " ih" i 61x99 sheets, each. . . ..?7. ,. . . .1.59 L'l j Two Big Towel Values Because of an Immense purchase of rurldsh towels for over one thousand stores, you can buy 1 these splendid double thread terry towels plain white or white with a colored border at these two amazing sayings. Sie 18 x 3d Size 22 x 44 15c 25c Try the New Store in Town And get acquainted with the new manager MR. ALTMAN PROGRESSIVE CLOTHES SHOP (HI Tehphom SI i SERVICE EXTENSIONS AT LESS COST Rural Sections and Urban Subscribers Both Benefit Continuing 13 aim to provide the most . -; telephone service and the host . at the least :" j j 'T coat to the puhlic. this company recently t i -V ' announced an increase in the amount J y'T'X; allowed for the extension of telephone I---'V service to subscribers located in sparsely Llll:.,.-r 1 $ settled sections and for the installation of ?- fcvj !5 private branch exchange systems most "'"v Lj. commonly provided for larger telephone V " " users in cities and towns. Previously, this company In furnishing service to out-l;.ring out-l;.ring subscribers had paid at least J35.00 of tho cost of construction for extending a new line from an Isolated ranch or farm to the nearest existing telephone pole line. Under the new practice now effective, the company will pay $75.00 and in sonio cases more, when conditions warrant. This Is simply another affirmation of this company's continuing effort to provide a service that will enable anyone anywhero to talk by telephone with anyone else anywhere else. In connection with the Installation of ?" private branch exchange equipment, em- fcFv"-'lv ployed by large telephone users, this com- l; pany's former allowance to the subscriber i4 '?.fl was J5.00 for each telephone connected. V This limitation has now been removed entirely en-tirely arjd these types of private branch exchange systems will bo provided without payment 'of any Installation charges. The new practices, therefore, will benefit new subscribers In remote sections and also subscribers In cities and towns. A CONTINUALLY IMPROVING SKRVICIO ODrjihntm SATURDAY APP.il, I.! AVENGING RIDER With Wally Wallace "Miiictce Will Out" "Taran" TUESDAY-WED. APRIL 18 AND 1!) j ON TRIAL with Pauline l'reiliick, licit I.ytell anil Lois Wilson Xcws anil ('oincily SUNDAY-MONDAY, APRIL HI AND 17 KING COWBOY feat tiring TOM MIX "Campus Vamp" THURSDAY-FRIDAY APRIL 1 I AM) 1,- THE SPEILER j "Miiki ys Hie; Oaine Hunt" "News" : : : : : : : useikars :j Ford Coupe .f.O down. : Ford Touring ?3" down. Star TourinK $05 down. Olilsmoliile Touring: .?i'") clown. ' Star Touring, make i;ood truck $f0 cash, if taken this j ' week. ' Get your orders in now for '' ' your new Whippet or Knight be fore the used car market is : filled up. : A. E. smith : Milford. I'tah : : : : DR. E. E. MEYER, D. C . ClllHOPK ACTOP. Ot.i.e in Htitilxll A; ts. Hours 1 to (I P. M. : : ' I orrrrrn in, mi nnr-cn.-n j A Few Extra c jj Saving Prices EOR 2 Is FRIDAY AND SATURDAY S. o fl BACON-Sujrar cured, per lb 29C i HAM Mild Sugar Cured Skinned Ham. lb... 33C n ! J FLOUR-Husler's HiKh Grade, per 100 lb $3.00 J I 2 SOAP Crystal While Laundry. 10 bars 39C ; HAND SOAP-Kirk's Olive, live 10c bars 25C y PORK & BEANS-No. 2 size. 10 cans for 99C j jO MATCHES' oxcs Economy Matches for 19C O j U CATSUP IIl'i,lz Tomato. 9 larjrc bottles 79C J S JAM-lrry. select '2-Ral. for 69C J ORANGES doZ. 19c oranKo for 35C g CANDY-I'ard Mixed, per lb 15C fi I 4 ' 2 WE HAVEtlREEN VECETARLES OE ALL O j y KINDS AT REASONABLE PRICES " j o J fllioEi Bash SierGoj U WATCH OUR WINDOWS j O TOR RAR(i.INS O J P South Main Milford. Utah J ooczzoy ipaoi rocno j 1 piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii j Atkin Hotel and Cafe With Southern Utah hospitality makes the visitor plad he came to The Atkin the center of Mill'ord's E business and social act ivity. M. WE TRY HARD AND MEET EVERY REQUIREMENT 1 1 Meals Served Continuously in Cafe ilillilllllHIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllH , , j I WANT ADS I : j : Til l; MOWS will bo sciil free for j : one year lo nnv new Iv married couple, i 4 : Send us your mime ami address. q I - I FOR SAl.K Three houses In Mil- ! : ford. One funiisliecl. Will lie all j mcidc'tnicd and painted. Impure A. J : Carand al Frisco, r wrile llov .'IS. cj I .Milford. .'! I.VtS pd j I.KIIAId.V corrcc'l Mlnitiir l.oi'alion i : Notices for :ale al Ihe NVcv; offu-e. 4 : fiOc per doen. ci Fur icale: Kli'eiet S I Potatoes. 1 : I'.rowil rrolil Cet'tlllccl Meed polatoes. J : Jl.t.O per bunilred, lloiace I'almc-r. 2 'I'lll'l c- lire Tl ce I heal l'l t i. Uel c Ml J : Ihe New Illc c. for .1, II. lliadley 4 SAVE $1555 I I 1 T, A Chicago Kahn A Genuine Made-to-Measure Gossamer Suit Worth Raincoat Worth 0g 5b and1 J "V?if.S. '7 Tour choioce of any Jnpt the thin for S t'-'r . $ Chieaso Kahn all- your car. A genuine If ffip f y U. wool. inaf!-to-mpasuro Gossamer raiDCO&t. f f""i"i"-T sun. Tauor-) to your Slip It Into a wde 8? z4 -!"; Jl exa'-t nif-apure 200 pocket and you'll find I B tVi Mt-.J PATTERNS OF FA- It one ol tha handiest la f j fig K rf s vl JJUIC3 to select from t'ninga you ever put I ti VI E f rour choice of 40 there. Litfht euoueh Ui fi ii I- A of the wason'B newest to carry In rour coal fr 3 a,ld choicest iiylea. pochet. strong enough V I f-EtT.I A euil you'll be proud to stand the heaviest j C3ij' of we feel that we shower. Put ODe In mx3 aro modi to nama your golf bag- or fiih- M S-35.00 aa the value In? kit. at fltUng' of eucb clothes. and stylleh. ORDER Both NOW One ot the nratfst T h r3in7 e"on ls clolhlnc? burs ever ol- HEKE. Riehl now is red in any town! If T fl'V the ume lo eet wel' you want lo save money I J f mje raincoat. Here u ad al the nmc tlmo ral money eavini li-l cIoit,e ot GUAR- onpontmiry lo gel that ANTEED VALCE. take f S coal lnJProve Jour alvMCut! ol tta bale ?fr3 M 1 aspearanoe wllh a aty- AT ONCE The ume V tT ash made to measure li limlM-d. MV ult- i 1 j ' CLIME'S MILFORD, UTAH J'. 1 - ii 1 i .- . On Saturday we ar? c;;llins: a Prime Beef, from Ranch Wasscpah (Dr. Ihbz-c Rnnch ) This beef is well seasoned and vill be a cfep.uiiie treat to the per- : - , ! sons who appreciate j:ood meat . Larue Roastin? Hens, extra ood 32c lb j NOW OX THE I a VERY COMPLETE MARKET- LINE OF : Green Peas Flower and New Pol; iocs Garden Seed y-urd- i " Linoioum Rugs Green Onions harden Rakes ,r . and Hoes rmatoes Forks, Shovels Carrots. Turnips Garden Hose Lettuce Cooking Utensils Spinach Dishes " Strawbei-ries Alabastine THE WHITE MARKET Phone Your Order Deliver riiiilli1i" IVIERCAI1TILE CUMPAtJY ! C.S v- New (General Electric ; : "09 - ! : U Lu.:, :.v Keingerators ! H ffe&-' :::r': durability I r-m iiti'V'l EFFICIENCY ! H ECONOMY . sy BEAUTY j; (ONGOLEUM Model G. 10. Ail-Steel Vi 1) J T C I'fi'igerator. We wil' !! M KUij-b install a (uMieral Eloo- ; For tM-:,tv. ,l,;,iMiitv. J(,ul tric Kofri.corator for o . ! , all "I'lnincl hatisiarin.il. mi week's free trial. A It i tillirr low -pric'rd fcsx-i... n , i H ,i,., ii,. . ,'," small pavniont down ; I t i Illicit -i ciM'i inj; i-ciials J 11 . ; j ntiin, Cciipiii-iiiu Kuj'.s. and eie.'hteen monthly J! j 'lliat's why t- sell litem. payments makes Flee- o ! ' trie refrigeration with- ;! ' XV. SELL in tho reach of every II ; GENUINF, small familv. ; ALASKA ICE ! ; KKFKKJF.UATOKS r:::r:r:::r.zzzzzzzz ;; JEFFERSON MERC. CO. P |