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Show . - ' 1 4 I T . ' ' ATOST people depend on Bayer Aspirin to make short work of headaches, but did you know it's just as effective in the worse pains from neuralgia or neuritis? Rheumatic Rheu-matic pains, too. Don't suffer when Bayer Aspirin can bring complete comfort without delay, and without harm; it does not affect the heart. In every package of genuine Bayer Aspirin are proven directions witH which everyone should be familiar, for they can spare much needless suffering. (f ASPIRIN Aspirin la the trae marV of Barer Mtnofaetars For Galled Horses Hanford's Balsam cf Myrrh AH dttltn arc authorized to refand yaox Boaer far first bottk ii not inited. Headackf An rR NATURE'S REMEDY i'V Tablet trill promptly start tho 3 needed bowel action, clear LYk waste and poison from your g system, and brin? welcome xri LTruT relief at once. The mild. IU !lljnl safe, all-yegetable laia- ' TO-MOKROW tive. Try it 2Sc 0 ALRIGHT For SaJe at AU DmgjiiU . f-w f and 5 0 7:? of earning. J D7 Write for circular. Q We have no aaleamen. M Bank reference. THE PEXEL CO. Food Products 119 N. 4th St., Camden, N. J. What Will do: I : ... J.- '. i. V v V When your Children Ciy for It There Is hardly a household that hasn't hoard of Castorla I At least flv million homes are never without It. If there nro children In your family, there's almost dally need of Its comfort.' com-fort.' And any nl:ht may find yon very thankful there's n bottle In the house. Just a few drops, and that ooltc or constipation Is relieved; or diarrhea checked. A vegetable product: a baby remedy meant for youni: folks. Oistorla Is about tho only thins you have ever . beard doctors adxlso civlnc to Infants. V Slrono'r medicines are danr.erous to a tiny baby, however harmless they may be to crown lips. Good old Costorlal Ueineniber the name, and remember to buy It. It may spare you a sleep- less, aiiNloiis nii;ht. It Is always ready, always safe to use; In eiucri:encle, or for everyday ailments. Any hour of th day or nli:ht that l'ahy becomes fretful, fret-ful, or restless. I'alorlii was never more popular with mothers than It Ii today, i:ery drupiNt has It. |