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Show Loan Association Grow Total assets of building and loan associations as-sociations in this country now approximate approx-imate ST.lTP.OOO.iHH), nn Increase of SSSI.-WUHK) over 1927. according to the United States League of Local Building and Loan iissoclatbuis. Pennsylvania is the leading state In total association nssels with n figure of $I.2IC..0(iO.iH)0. Ohio Is second with $l,O:;.0lHI.0OO, New Jersey third with JSSii.iMKi.OiKl, mid Massachusetts fourth with ,f l7ti.0tKi.00i). Tho assels of building and lean associations as-sociations In Illinois total $.';:'.S, OOO.OtHi, and New York ?:',."iO,OO0.OOO. In Indiana Indi-ana they are S27I.OOO.OHO; In California, Califor-nia, $212,000,000; In Wisconsin, $2 IS,. OOO.tHKI, and In Maryland. S210.iHKi,000. |