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Show 'KawHB rHHHnHkan 9H jScoville Paper J Company rnj Ogden . . . . Utah ' ' , A ''' I Si . am is : I THE D. C. DUNBAR COMPANY I Pipe and Waterworks Supplies 325 Walker Bank Building Salt Lake City, Utah I COMPLETE STOCK OF WATER METERS VALVES FIRE HYDRANTS, BRASS GOODS. SERVICE BOXES VALVE BOXES AND MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES CARRIED IN SALT LAKE CITY j THE FUTURE INDEPENDENCE 1 1 and PROSPERITY OF AMERICA I Is Dependent Upon the THRIFT and SAVINGS I H of Every Individual in the Nation Today There is no salary or uicorae so small as will not permit the owner to put aside something;, however small it may be, Every man and woman can become a capitalist some larger larg-er than others, but the small capitalist of today is the large capitalist of tomorrow. Wise investment of savings not only insures your personal independence and future, but also that of your country History His-tory tells us that no great nation has survived whose people have not acquired habits of thrift, saving and conservation. Wise investments cannot be made at random There is a gTeat field of sound interest-paying investments available to those who will consult with reputable bankers or investment specialists. If you think we can be of any assistance in this very important im-portant matter of preparing for your future comfort, you are cordially invited to use our facilities, experience and services. serv-ices. We offer means of partial payment investment. $20.00 Will start you J. A. HOGLE & CO. I 169 Main Street Eccles Building Salt Lake City Utah INVESTMENT SECURITIES Ogden. Utah Tel. Wasatch 77 Telephone 322 j |