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Show TIRE FACTORY IS HEADYTO START New Business in Ogden Has Installed Machinery and Receiving Material Another industry which promises much for Ogden la the plant for the manufacture of puncture-proof Inner tires for automobiles. The fact... was induced to locale here due to O.'.-n's superior .railroad facilities, and without with-out delay purchased a fa. torj site with trackage in the railroad district near the Soerrv mills; it has constructed a brick building, with a large basement particularly adapted to storing of large qliantttles of raw rubber; already two shipments Of rubber from Seattle have bocn received. The machinery, which IS very complicated, was expressly manufactured by ihe Allen Machine company at Erie. Pa., and has been Installed. The factory is expected to be in operation within the next ten days. The companv lq the exclusive owner and manufacturer of Aero Cushion Inner In-ner Tires for Nevada, I tah. Idaho. Colorado, NOW Mexico and Arizona under U S Patent 1,193.190 The Aero Cushion Inner Tire is circular In form, moulded In size and shape to fit the outer casing. It Is composed) - of pure para rubber, is highly porous, containing 40 per pent air, and con- H c myriads Of I lr cells resembling a sponge, the Aero Cushion Tires are H resilient as air; they float In water: H they arc declared absolutely puncture H and blowout-proof and at the same time increase the mileage of casings H 75 per cent and more, they are said to H ride as easily as air and will last the H life of an automaiblle. j H When the casing is worn out the , H Aero Cushion Inner Tire, which la In ,H one piece, is transferred to the new pjH . aatng read for renewed use. Ac- iH ,,, r.nng to company officials they are not -in ex peri men I but a proven sue- H ess by three years of SJitlsfuctory ser-ICC ser-ICC Many are in use in Ogden and Salt Lake In California where they H originated, the demand nas grown b H leaps and boundf. The mother fac- H tory at San Jose Is unable to supply H ili. demand; additional factories are H building at Saginaw. Michigan. H and Wingham, Ontario. W. K. Speu- ccr Is the manager of the local plant H and when asked as to how soon it will H be nt operation said; H "We have all the machinery' in- H v tiled B ud are waiting for the moulds H which should come within the next J few days. We expect to have the H transformers in position by next week. H and power will be conveyed io the fac- H tor-, from the l'tah Power & Light JH company. We have already received ft two shipments of rubber from Seat- ft tie. and have a fair supply on hand H to run the factory for some time, al- ft .. ad) orders have been received which jft will keep us busy until spring opens aJH Up w hen we expect to run ''ouble shift ppH and crowd the output. The people of Ofrden have no ides of the 'alue of this new acquisition to their industrial aJH Importance. The first rubber factory H whl. h started In Akron did not have H one-tenth the promising outlook that ft this factory has now Akron i the H recognized tire manufacturing city in pjH the world Let us make another Akron of Ogden." H |