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Show fogden's Development During 1920 Includes Building of I I Great Flour Mills, Starting of Arsenal I I I . .mere'- "Uinr.fr 19-" and In ID fir: E E MfiUr. ' . . ,,1 : industrial K I H " ; i Vj 1 LB1 Rhllir I Ir K B; r -w ' B E-- f-: L"--r: L K B "; i .telca with th( chai iber I , ' '.. h TtT.... lh;oI ti' in fact. Bf ,t,r.re'3t..' to .! welfare and de-V de-V B. . . ,mk Hard UV ind city Bu" of Inn. on L'Uildl.lg VE . . .Bt : of way Ol.lir.V KSF.NAL ft- Miter ol I IB , ; Bi-1' ' 11 1 ' ' Btbe Ogri' Bj.'vjrc I -. I "'ill la BEijcf the 'tr-" n Kefer-1 Bii - B..':rr.. r BBsitrour sjrvey of i'Ui", v hi.-h. Btwl: n ii through the BB of the hambf Bjt is r.-. Br8j (! I'.i - ; tj ." , opt I... , i : n BBW',"f itnowinp t.h-tm-r the ai -Bl WO'Jld ' i i I im i Bertm.: Bt' ' i.' .i.l- fcfl"t U..A: ,,.- Bstr iKiine BBt Tin -i B"--" :' Bt 0GDi: i . m 1 1 ; BBth the , ir.t-' ol Commi BPE; have i P1 for Bor, BT- lrmor-v ''" i' z w p ML " ' 'J' BFr nashlngtr, ,a'" '"' B E )ldru. ... - 'WJnumuj of I , Structures Being Built For Ogden Arsenal r i - t-,-i , y'i . J industries scr;in-d by t'r.'f'cri '.urlng 1 1 10 years l-.as bCn unprecedented- L5csld tbose above mentioned and many others ot great Imjiortance. the Pa- l'le ifruVt ESxpresa company layerect-lug layerect-lug on w-st Xwenty-Beventb stn i I ery extensive n:e manufacturing plant, puffJc-ifint In capacity to refrigerate refrig-erate the thousands of fruit cars east bound from California, besides caring for local shipments. Factories loo numerous to mention liuvf In oa c itl i ii:.;. ,. -.1. r L ii'in -ly reullt; for example, manufacturers of iheit metal products, having out-grown out-grown thcii former quarters, pur-chascd pur-chascd the Washington avenue property prop-erty of the street railway company, formerly used n.- a powerhouse and car barns, and have converted the same into nn extensive factory. The Sperry Flour company. Globe Grain & Milling company and the Utah Packing corporation have completed com-pleted tiulr great plants commenced ir 11(19 Qgdeil has for torn" time been the canning center the packing house center and livestock center of th Intermourilam country. Due to the i nt ran e of the Spe.rry and Globe Com inles into thls field ogden is now undisputedby the chief grain milling mill-ing ind er.-.i i handling renter for this region. The Chamber of commerce has been 10 in in Initiating now movements, such as the building f an .iddltior.ul hospital, furmbng a rating bureau, pro-vding pro-vding a new hoiel, etc. Strong financial finan-cial interests have recently undertaken in earnest to give Ogden a modern hotel of Sufficient capacity to rare for conventions, etc. IKFOJt! 11 Io BUREAI 1 Upon return of the railroads to j private owm rship the chamber obtained ob-tained permission to re-establish an information in-formation bureau ai the Union station, placing the same in charge Of I'roT. J. A. Smith, who'ls a good talker and ONE OF THE THIRTY-FIVE MAGAZINES BEING BUILT Jfor machine shops ! possr s'i d of a fund of information I, concerning Ogden and northern Utah. His duties are to interest as many as possible of the tourists delayed be-I be-I tweert trains in Ogden, and to judi-: judi-: ciously iIace our advertising matter ! !n the hands of those who express a desire for further Information. A i common practice In the ease of an int. rested party who has a half-hour layover is to advise a walk onto the ' viaduct and a view of ogden's I'.u - tories Mr. Smith believes thai a ; tower at tne station of sufficient height to afford the same view as do the viaduct would e a good ad-I ad-I vertlslng Investment. ADVER1 IM i No direct advertising in newspapers or magazines has been undertaken, but .the chamber maintains a Supply of folders and purchase.- hundreds ol cop-lies cop-lies of newspapers and magazines conr rtnlnlng articles and pictures of og-1 og-1 den. A bundle containing about twen- l.ty inserts of this literature is sent to such parties as write for Information. This prmted matter is only given out upon request, nevertheless, it has been necessary to have printed -10,000 copies of' one folder during the year. One thousand letters setting forth the advantages ad-vantages of Ogden as a residential city have been, sent to stockmen of the ad-Joinljig ad-Joinljig states. 1 JNTj it I v i MUNI' or VISITORS. .Many distinguished guests, railroad Officials and delegations have been ntertained Banquets have been given giv-en to Governor Hrough, Senator Smoot, Governor Bamberger, railway officials, District Forester Kutledge and others. This has incurred no great expense, .since' the chamber paid for the outside out-side guests only. These entertainments and banijuets have resulted In several decisions favorable to Ogden. ROADS. 19-0 has witnessed th completion of cement highways from Ogden outh I to Salf Lake City and beyond, north to Brlgham City, and the contracts let ! for paving Ogden canyon, j Our auto, camping grounds have ! ben considerably improved and ' ept i in i xcelleht condition with the co-op-eraiion of the city commissioners. I who have loyally supported this actlv-I actlv-I numbers and commend US highly for I tourists have taken advantage of the accommodations afforded'. .Motorists call at the office of the Chamber of Commerce and at the camp grounds during the touring season in great ity. A greatly Increased number of I the Information we are able to give J them, as well as for the at commud l- lions at the camping grounds j An open forum has been e.st.ih- lllshed. io which the entire membership member-ship of the Chamber of Commerce is I called once u month, the object being (to give every member an opportunity I to express his opinion on the needs of 'the citv. and what should be done to 1 BBflBfll meet the requirements. The subject ! for discussion is .announced with the BBBI call for tho meeting, and nothing els-. fl can bo discussed: but oilier new mat- lVBBBl tcr-t arc referred to the next meeting ij j tu .'of the forum. i BBBBBBBBBbI j The forum meetings are in charge. 1 ffH of a committee no one of whom can riBBl he a member of th hoard of directors. IiBBBBbI A new chairman, a id one .new mem- il ffH elected at each flU The Weber dub dinlne rooms which IiBBBBbI can be thrown together will set scarce- i(rBBB lv 1511. So long ns the attendance of VbBBB j the forum does not greatly exceed BBBB i that number, the meetings of the for- BBBBfl I um will bo held at an Inexpensive din- V BBBJ the j KBBN The so-called Wener Club Industrial BBB j Fund Is possessed of two parcels of BBB land, an industrial site In Sail Lake UbBB City valued at $15,000 and thirty-four flll lots on Thirtieth street in Ogden of 11 BBi doubtful value', owing to the heavy sp. 1 BBBJ clal taxes against them. 'Whenever BBBi these- tracts can be sold, a refund of -Bfll about 50 per cent can be made. I , H i um LUSION. The Chamber of Commerce and the j BBBJ Weber club have functioned, as was BBBbI intended, practically as one organlza- BBBJ tion. The two bodies, in order to bo BBBJ successful, must continue this close co- i . operation. Bach needs the support of i BBJ the other Bearing this in mind, ana BBBJ I also the fact that the president and BBBJ 'the vice president of the club, ma i BBBJ be president and vice president of the ' BBBi hamber. it would appear that serious ll 'consideration should bS. (riven tho plan 1 BBBBI of combining the two into one corpor- 1 BBB a lion without, however, disturbing In BBB I the least the present arrangement ! BBBBI whereby the club operates the rooms, JBBfl n.i entertainment I'e.nun - IB land ih" chamber conducts the depart- BBfl i ment of civic and Industrial develop- H 'rtiiBBBBl ii is to oe unuersioou ir.ai in is re- port can mention only a very limited BBB number of the things accomplished BBBBJ and of the activities in which your of- H fleers, particularly the secretary, have BBfta engaged. The desire for Information BBBH on all manners of subjects is tonllnu- BJBVJ ous and the information is promptly BABBJ f urnlshedfrom day to day. being sent BBBJ to all corners of our country. We are convinced that this systematic and per- ! 'BBVBs slstenl attention to detail Is ot tho rBBB highest importance. Very often the (BBI thing Ut was apparently small has BBVBi led to the greatest results. BABBJ We reel that attention should bo BAB called to the special measures taken jBBBB and the work of the secretary to in- HBVB I teres! our own people In our own com- BBVH I munitj This applies particulnrly to j BABBJ ; the work with the schools. Through pBVJ luibln-lnil urtloUn and personal effort cj pBVH i he secretary has giv en a trend to the ' ii j work in the Schools that must give pu- r BBH ; pils an Intimate knowledge of tho geogv H , raphy, geology, topography and com- BABBJ I menial resources not only of Ogden. ( MBi I but of the entire intermountain conn- , JHhB try. ft has just come to our knowledge r that a i' geology, soon lo be HHH ! published, is to contain the picture of ''IbBI j the Narrows in Ogden canyon togcth- ! fl I r with lull description of its location ' jH i amf its meaning from a scientific I j: iH standpoint. This picture and its de- biBBfl sen pi ion was furnished by tho Ogdei , IH Chamber of Commerce and is Lo be BBH ' given the place of honor in the book. H whli ii vill go before millions of school M lB children in the next decade. jH In conclusion, we wish to slate that !BBB all SlgnS point to a period of import- iBBJ ant industrial development for this (B)Bb1 community The location here of the JAB I big flour milling plants and the gov- , flBBB I eminent storage depot, after most ex- IbVbWi haustive-in vestlgatlonhas fixed beyond (BBi I question the fact that this is the most lBBi j convenient assembly for distribution jBAVJ I of the things essential for supplying a (BJ country. Imnirie t ' are coming from all sources and are ' BJ iBBBJ ! of such varied nature as to establish MBBBb beyond doubt that ogden is a most im- IBBBJ portant center for continual growth BbI We congratulate the Chamber of QBBbI Commerce and tin Wefier club on the tH important work they have done in iifVaVJ bringing about this condition and we tBBH urge that they persist in their efforts fl to the end that the splendid work al- read; accomplished shall continue. iBBbI O. J. ST1LWEL.L. Secretary, JBBB WARREN L. WATTIS, President, '' H |