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Show IFORESTS USED FOR LIVESTOCK State Has More Cattle and Sheep Permits Than Any Other Is Official Report. CtaJi farmers and livestock raisers have , received 7qi permits during the paal year for tlie grarlnn of eatti. . horses and 1 swine on the United States forests, the management of which la directed from iha Ogden forestry of rices. The report for the year shows that more grazing permits per-mits .were Issued for Utah livestock rorji than in any other states where there are forest. Throughout the nation there were 31.000 permits for Brazing cattle 1 "tnli also led In he grazing permits j 16f0 in number. With 1000 for Idaho. From tbi offloea In Ogden located In j a luri;.- i.iiit.iing at Twenty-fourth street Lincoln a-enue. are directed the af- mm fairs of forests not only In Utah but I 1 also in Idaho, Wyoming! Wevada and Arl-I Arl-I zona. Tho permits received by Utah farmers ' provided f..r the 1 izmi; ,, I,,n 0f 163.000 head of cattle, B800 horse and 147 j swine. The number 1 1! Hhs a fori ranges was not listed. While the Stl I leads in ihc number ot permits otl 1 states exceeded I'tah in actual am of stock placed on the various ranges This Indicates however, that a greater number of Individual farmers are benefiting bene-fiting by tho national gruilng Lands than in some of the other states, where a lesser number of tockgrowera with larger M- holdings li.ti r re. . i .1 pr:ii;int prl -: I The report also shows that Utab leads in the mileage of improved roada through natlnonl forests within it.v boundaries. In Utah there are B02 miles of improved roadway " through fort reeervei California Cali-fornia Is second with : total milcng. of 44.'. The ned of greater ire "n Die p of summer auto Lou ind othi ing on forest landi In building inlr campflres is pointed out In fore I fir. I statistics for the year 1920. Out of a I total of 6800 fires in tho various forests of the United Ktstes. 18 per cent resulted fro mvlaltors falling to put out their campftrc-s. On three-fourths t.f the land affected, va'unhl timber v..i burned, An Increased ilom.ni'l on national for- 1 ests for timber during 1920 Indloatei B depletion ..f privateh owned wood lands. Receipts for timber sales '..n the foreal amounted to J496.000. a big Increase over previous years. Tho not area of forest reserves In the United States Is now 156.000 000 acres, an Increase of ,t, 000, 000 nrrrs ovef '.10. due to r.-eent additions. Porcat revenue .1,- taituni through timber sales, use of v. i.r power and graslng prlvib'ges' aniounti.ti to a total ! 14.7! mi In. rcare ol Q $415,000 over 111 r, 1 isis s inn 1 usjipui asjlii 1 ij.UJi . ! j 1 |