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Show I FIVE MILLION I j IS ON DEPOSIT I III OGDEN STATE' Bank Is One of the Sound and Thriving Institutions of Western States OFFICIALS ASSIST IN PROGRESS FOR OGDEN Faith Placed in Business Integrity Integ-rity and Sagacity of Bank Heads Deposits of the Option Slate bank; B reached the Immense sum of 15,409,- 023.47 on December 19, 1920. or near-ly near-ly a million dollars more than one ear previous, for on December II, 1919, the deposits sere tdightly more than $4,563,000- A1 the snme date 1920, the bank hud resources of 5,809. 82?.. 90. with a fund of surplus iml undivided profits amounting to S29S.300.48. The total oastl resources were $1,171,114.70. These amunis U are truly indicative of the fuiih pieced an the business tntcgrtiy and sagacity of the officials heading th large Ogrli n institution. Hl P." boarii f director Jius in its H jtiemberb-hlp men who ere known in' H this section of the state as buslm-ss H leaders, and in v, horn the depositors H placo the utmost faith. For cars this fl institution has followed the trend of H progress In business matters and h H always sought to place nu n at the, H dead with -mi .M!sh .i character for, H conservative action in money matters. H This bank has maintained a policy H that held it in the community as a H servant of the public, and matters of H public concern have always been treated with a public spirit Its ln-H ln-H fiuence has gone out in the city and H county for constructive good and for H the upbuilding of commercial lndus- try and the stimulation of commer- H W hen matters pertaining to the H general welfare have been called up H for dlscuHslon and the bonks were H failed upon for representation in H i-uch meetings, this institution has al- H ways fostered, through Its repress nta- ( H 'Ives, a patriotic spirit, a spirit that H considered its own interests as joined H to thoso of the community. And In H aiding to upt'inM the industrial and H mmercial life of this city and count) H It.- own resources have been measur- H ably Increased. H The growth of the institution has H been moderately slow, but none the H less flattering to thos- who have con- H ducted its affairs. The support gl-n H by the citizens of the city and county H by the large deposits spells business H Integrity in largu letters. H hen Uie government was calling H for purchasers of Liberty bonds this H bank cam" forward md encouraged H the purchase In every possible man- H r even at the cost of lis own auv- H ings department, for many buyers of the smaller denominations of the H lionds were compelled to withdraw H their savings to make the payreenUi 1 ICvery convenience for the accommo- H dallon of the go'ernment was at- H tended to, the bond buyers and the H bank did Its fair share in helping the H advertising and carrying out the H actual work of putting the state of Q Utah In the front rank in doing its H share of national responsibilities. H Hut this phase of patriotic aid has 1 been apparent in many other things 1 beside war-time endeavors. The of- H flchil of the bank have realized that H the upbuilding of Ogden and the west H ere essentials for progress and they H have aided In every possible way to H bring about tho constant growth of H the community. They arc Identified With many of the greater Industrie or the west- Their confidence In the H livestock and farming development of H tbo intermountaln states has been shown by their personal Internet in both c.f these industries and their Investments In-vestments in them. For thirty years this bank has been und'-r one Continuous management, h I led by H C I'.lgHow as president and A 1' I'.IkcIow iix cashier. John M. Browning Is vice president of the bank; K. L. Van Meter and D. E. Davl.s are the assistant cashiers. I The directors are H. C, Blgelow. J. M. Browning, O L. Becker, E. L. Van Meter, J N Spargo, O. A. Parmley, J. K. Slers, II. M. Hown and A. P. Blgelow |