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Show ITHIHD ANNUAL OG DEM LIVESTOCK SHOW IS BUNG PUNNED TO BE ! GREATEST EVER HELD IN WEST Healthy Growth Shown by Two Events Brings Promise of Greater Display Next January, Dates Having Been Selected and Officers Named for Exhibition Work; Patriotism and Progresiveness of Citizens Are Much Assistance in Carrying Carry-ing Through Great Plans for Future. I With two successful stock shows tq her credit. In years not especially conducive to good stock shows, igden has proven herself the logical point for the establishment of a western stock center and. In the opinion of stock experts, is already reaping the benefit o( progress iven ess by increased bull; n4ss at the local stock yards. Plans are under vrv now for the third Show fq open January 3. IP'.'-, and continue for five days Officers S h v. ill dl" rct the event hove already been " -leMed. With the opening of Ut f. it ogden og-den annual livestock shot In January, litO, practically the entire buelnosej and Industrial Interests of the on ... operated In making the show a- big as possible. ;The show was declared to bo nn.r. ilian a normal lUCCeM and the en-inuslasm en-inuslasm of the Initial undertaking did not diminish. 1 sea m snoxi I VRG1 n 'This year the slunv demonstrated a! healthy growth over I he f i - at-tempt. at-tempt. There were im.r. entriCI I "I clhscf. Competition was creator and., while there was ample room for further fur-ther development visiting, experts de-j ctared that Ogden'a second aniusJ j In stock show was bigger and better tlian the first shows staffed a; Denver add other market points, who now have established r- pu'at i.nn ,i lie-: itock markets Bxperts on dli t .1 that ' Ogden, with unrivalled railroad ra lll-l ties which converge tn this city from' the cast, west, northwest and south-j west, will develop more quit kl and to a greater extent than livt Slot .. pen-ters pen-ters usually develop. The patriotism of the city and the spirit 61 proa slon shown by practically every on in the city and county is a factor Which win go far towards the develop of Ogden and the lnsurinK of great! r livestock shows in the future, It Is claimed. Dally market reports from the stock ards Indicate that ogden is at pres- ent boing taken advantage of livestock market by western coust firms. GETS Hit. Ill R PRH I A few days no a lcnvcr man ar- rived in ogden from Penvcr with 1 Inrge consignment of stock, comprls- Inc seveml carloads of beef cattle. He came to Ogden with his stock. It was reported, because the local market quotations were, from a cent to a cent ' and a half higher on nil classes of I livestock than the quotations of tho I Denver market. Although a cent or Is i-ent and a half per pound does not sound like enormous profit, this stockman stock-man could pay hlKh freight rates on I his atock In shipping from Denver to I Ogden. and could even Ihen realize a I heal profit. l selling on the ogden I market. Reports from the stock yards tha trnlnloads of cattlb, sheep and hogs pnrehosed at the local market by i"alifornla and Nevada firms ure received re-ceived several times each week Consignments Con-signments of entire ralnloeds of -:ok. consisting of from SO to 3f carloads, arc not at all uncommon. Representatives from no less than twenty California packing firms and meat Companies are now stationed permanently In Ogden and are buying consistent from the local market. DIRJ 1 III M UT i.r -ll x This development can be looked upon up-on as a Ircct result of the Igden annual an-nual livestock shows, it js cleamed. The shows have attracted attention. Through the publicity Riven the show-: and the Information dessl initiated throughout the liitermountuln country coun-try by exhibitors at the shows. Ogden h., hrrnnn' th. focal point for eyes pf irrtermountain stockmen. With the- western buyers competing for cattle shipments at the local market, mar-ket, reaction on the part of the cattlemen cattle-men In Utah, Wyoming. Idaho, Nevada. Ne-vada. .Montana and eve nas far east as Nebraska, is noticeable. Consignments o: cattle from all parts of the west and from some portions por-tions of the middle west, which have been shipped to be sold at the Ogden market, arc arriving in the i It y dally. The livestock lndustr. so far as ogder. Is concerned, is rapidly regain-; Ing Its feet. The effect Is far reaching reach-ing and la assisting in stabilizing the 1 Industry through Intermountain regions, re-gions, experts declare. And the entire .success, the rapid growth, and the excellent prospect for the future can be attributed directly di-rectly to tho ogden livestock shows. I |