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Show WHOLESALE DEALERS DENIED LIQUOR PERMITS WASHINGTON, Feb. The authority au-thority of the government to issue pel -mlts for the withdrawal of liquor from bonded warehouses Is limited to manufacturers man-ufacturers and wholesale druggists, i Attorney General Palmer ruled in an opinion made publle today by Commissioner Com-missioner of Internal Revenue Williams. Will-iams. Issuance of permits for the disposition disposi-tion of liquor by wholesale, also Is limited lim-ited to manufacturers and wholesale druggists, the attorney general ruled. Commissioner Williams said that while the attorney general's opinion' eliminated the wholesale liquor dealer from the right 'to permits it was not the intention of the bureau to interfere inter-fere with the disposition of their present pres-ent stocks. Mr. Palmer's ruling on the question i of permits for the sab- in wholesale quantities of liquor la limited to alcoholic al-coholic spirits When have not been denat ured oo |